I would like to change this code by supposing that the server contain a small database.
So how can I proceed ? Is there an example?
I don't know why but I can not see the stored procedures appear when I connect the database to Tableau (I use MariaDB). I can only see the data tables.
Anyone has the same problems with me? I am a newbie so I am not sure if my description is clear or not.
Use the stored procedures.
I found that Tableau does not connect to stored processes and that one way around this is that when you connect to your server, you should use the initial query function. Once you log in, grab Custom SQL and for that script simply use
select * from #nameoftemptable
and Execute.
I want to know what exactly will happen when I query data(using php devkit or qbsdk) from quickbooks while bookkeepers are working on it.
The question looks pretty simple but I'm really concerning about the company file to be corrupted or not in this case.
Any opinions?
From your bookkeepers perspective - nothing will happen. They won't even know you're querying it.
From your perspective - you'll get some data back.
QuickBooks is a database just like any other database. You can query data from it, and it won't corrupt that data. It will just query it.
Say one is in need to create Ruby On Rails application using third party's database without the possibility to see/get the database credentials.
Above may seem pretty crazy, but I am in this exact situation right now. The application will run on my server (only I have physical/remote access), the database will be theirs (third party company) and I cannot have access to it.
Any way of encrypting the database.yml file is pointless since I can do the following:
config = Rails.configuration.database_configuration
username = config[Rails.env]["username"]
password = config[Rails.env]["password"]
I desperately need a way to achieve given goals, and I hope it is possible. Any idea will be greatly appreciated.
Well you can always run a rails console and do whatever you want on their database :/ I don't really see the point in this.
They can create a new user on the database and give you it's credentials and then limit what you can see and do on database level. You can read how to do it for PostgreSQL here.
Good morning: I've recently moved offices and I was assigned a new userID and profile. My dilemma is that when logging into SSMS the stored procedures I've created under my old userID are no longer in the list.
How/where would I be able to retrieve those? I'll need to have server admins allow me access to my old login, if that's what I need to do? And then how do I bring them over to my new userID?
I meant to add that I first noticed this when I went to call a stored procedure from when refreshing a data table in Excel and it spit out an error.
Thanks in advance for all the suggestions/ input!
the server admins got back to me, and it was a matter of updating my permissions and creating a new login with dbo on the database with my new userID and ADLogon. After they performed that change, I was able to see all objects and run commands. Life is good!
I have created a graph database from a pile of 30k xml files. I want to reuse this graph database for querying it. Currently, I create the graph database every time I have to query something from it. Since the data set is huge, the database creation takes approx. 40 min. I am not aware of the way of reusing the existing database instead of creating it every time. I would appreciate your help if you could tell me how to do this.
(Java language, IDE-> IntelliJ, Redhat Linux).
I am new in this, but I saw there is a Delete database method in several code. Perhaps this is your case. Try commenting out the delete database method o delete ir, and only use start and shutdown.
I am trying to know how use a database without start and shutdown each time Java code run, perhaps with api REST. I have no answer yet, but I am still searching.
First you should make sure your import logic and your query logic are not on the same code, and you can call on without the other.
The database you create is stored in a directory.
If you're on server mode, it is specified on the config file : neo4j-server.properties (look for org.neo4j.server.database.location).
If you're on embedded mode, you declare the path of the database to the graph factory:
graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase( PATH/TO/NEO.DB );
What do you mean by reusing? If you want to use the database from more than one client at the same time, use Neo4j Server and REST, see http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/snapshot/rest-api.html and point the server to your database directory in conf/neo4j-server.properties.
Also, you can point a new instance of Neo4j to the same database directory and that way open the database you created (exclusively), see https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/blob/master/community/embedded-examples/src/main/java/org/neo4j/examples/EmbeddedNeo4j.java#L35
Is that covering your usecase?
I just had the same problem, which resulted from sloppy copy pasting of the code snippets from the Neo4j documentation. Each time I ran the code, all previously created nodes were deleted.
Apart from deleting the removeData-method (as mentioned by Jose) you should also remove the following line in the createDb()-method to prevent this:
FileUtils.deleteRecursively( new File( DB_PATH ) );
Maybe this still helps anyone, even though the topic is old.