Linux search string in a file with space - grep

Im trying to figure out how to search a string in Linux i hope someone can help me out.
grep "Test\|Account" test.txt
The above command works if i only want to search for one word.
But when i try to search "Create Test 'account'" not sure how to use grep since im a newbie in Linux.

With a GNU grep, you can use
grep "Create Test 'account'\|Create Test \`account\`" test.txt
Here, the backticks are escaped since they are used inside a double quoted string where they are evaluated. The | regex alternation operator is escaped because it is considered a literal pipe char otherwise.
Create Test 'account' - a literal text
\| - or
Create Test `account` - a literal text


Escaping regex in a Ruby awk system command

The following works directly in my Mac OS X terminal, creating a file with a few lines:
awk '!/^1499\||^1598\||^1599\||^1999\||^2298\||^2299\||^2403\|/' "#{working_path}" > "#{filtered_file_path}"
However, when I attempt to use it in Ruby on Rails using backticks, the resulting file is empty:
`awk '!/^1499\||^1598\||^1599\||^1999\||^2298\||^2299\||^2403\|/' "#{working_path}" > "#{filtered_file_path}"`
An awk with a simple regex works. For example:
`awk '!/SMITH/' "#{working_path}" > "#{filtered_file_path}"`
So, the issue appears to be with the escaped pipe characters.
Some background I should have provided:
The file I am processing is pipe-delimited. I am filtering out lines with certain codes that are in the first value on the line. So, the regex I am using is something like ^2298\|.
The other pipes in the expression in single quotes are regex OR operators.
"working_path" and "filtered_file_path" are Ruby variables.
I just figured it out. The backslash that is escaping the pipe characters also needs to be escaped. Not sure why there is a difference between the regular Terminal and Ruby, but there it is. The working version:
`awk '!/^1499\\||^1598\\||^1599\\||^1999\\||^2298\\||^2299\\||^2403\\|/' "#{working_path}" > "#{filtered_file_path}"`
After challenging my assumption that the problem was Ruby on Rails, the accepted answer here is what explained it:
Pipe symbol | in AWK field delimiter

Find a string between two characters with grep

I have found on this answer the regex to find a string between two characters. In my case I want to find every pattern between ‘ and ’. Here's the regex :
Indeed, it works when I try it on
The thing is I want to use it with grep but it doesn't work :
grep -E '(?<=‘)(.*?)(?=’)' file
Is there anything missing ?
Those are positive look-ahead and look behind assertions. You need to enable it using PCRE(Perl Compatible Regex) and perhaps its better to get only matching part using -o option in GNU grep:
grep -oP '(?<=‘)(.*?)(?=’)' file

How to use grep to search for an exact word match in TextWrangler

There is a possibility to search using grep in TextWrangler
I want to find and replace the following word: bauvol, but not bauvolumen.
I tried typing ^bauvol$ into the search field but that didn't do the trick, it didn't find anything, although the word is clearly there.
I think it's because, in grep, the ^and $signify start and end of line, not a word?!
You want to use \b as word boundaries, as #gromi08 said:
If you want to copy any portion of this word (so you can replace it, modify it, change the case, etc.) it is usually best to wrap it in ( and ) braces so you can reference them in the Replace box:
Did you have anything specific you were trying to do with the result once you found it (cut it, duplicate it, etc.)?
Use the -w option of grep (see grep man-page.
This option searches for the expression as a word.
Therefore the command will be:
cat file.txt | grep -w bauvol
And yes, ^ and $ are for start and end of line.

why to use singlequotes and \ in the patterens in grep command?

In some book I have seen a grep command example as
$grep '^no(fork\|group)' /etc/group
I need explanation for "why to use single quotes for the patteren and \ before the characters ( | )".
The advantage of using single quotes with grep, is that you do not need to escape double quotes when you need to grep for them. For example, if you wanted to search for "findthis" (including searching for the quotes) with grep, using single quotes, it would look like this:
grep '"findthis"' yourfile.txt
If you were using double quotes you would need to escape the quotes with a \, so it would look like this:
grep "\"findthis\"" yourfile.txt
The reason a backslash is needed to search for certain characters is that grep assumes that those characters have special meanings. For example grep uses " to find out the beginning and end of what you are searching for (among other things). But that means that you cannot ever search for " unless there is some way around this. The solution is to place a \ before the " like so: \". If you do that, then grep knows that you actually want to search for " rather than end the string.
quoting arguments for a command is always recommended. single quote won't expand variable. in your example, it makes no different to use single/double quotes.
take an example:
kent$ cat f
without quote:
kent$ grep foo|bar f
zsh: correct 'bar' to 'bzr' [nyae]? n
zsh: command not found: bar
you see, my zsh thought you want to pipe output to a command "bar"
now why escape |:
Assume your grep is not an alias. grep use BRE by default, in BRE you need to escape some char to give them special meaning, | is one of them.
You can however let grep work in ERE or PCRE mode, with -E, -P option. then you don't need escape those char any longer:
kent$ grep -E 'foo|bar' f
in ERE or PCRE, you escape some char, to take the special meaning away.

How to grep to find all instances of a Java method call using a reference?

I am trying the following query, but without success
grep -nr "[[:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+\(\)" .
So, according to my logic, a method call would be one or more alphanumeric characters
followed by a dot
followed by one or more alphanumeric characters
followed by paranthesis (for void return type only)
But this query isn't working. How to write such a query?
grep provides several types of regex syntax.
Your pattern is written is the extended syntax and works with -E
extended-regexp has an easier/better syntax, and perl-regexp is, well, quite powerful.
-E, --extended-regexp
-F, --fixed-strings
-G, --basic-regexp (the default)
-P, --perl-regexp
grep -nrE "[[:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+\(\)" .
You need to use "\+" instead of "+" otherwise it'll directly match the character "+".
