eBuildfire: IOS issue for buildfire.navigation.openWindow parameter encoded - ios

Buildfire suppor team, I'm trying to open up a new link using buildfire.navigation.openWindow and I noticed an issue on IOS with the URL parameters, as the = (equal sign) gets URL encoded. Please see my example below and the attached screenshot.
is transformed to
app code screenshot

Example URL works fine:
buildfire.navigation.openWindow("https://example.com/something?id=1654161096657Felix", "_system")
And when inspecting the new window on device I'm getting this:
I would check the server (the real URL) you are using and see if it is redirecting the url to something else.


Nativescript with Googlemap static api - issue on iOS

I am trying to add an image of a map generated by the google map static api in my Nativescript application (I'm using Nativescript with Vue).
I am able to make it work on Android but I have some issues on iOS.
I simply have an Image component like that <Image :src="map_source" />
And in my vue data, I have map_source: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?&markers=48.2,2.1&path=color:red|weight:5|fillcolor:red|48.2,2.1|48.3,2.13|48.4,2.12&zoom=10&size=460x200&key=MY_API_KEY"
When I use this URL in my browser, I get the desired map.
When I use this URL in my app on Android, it displays the map correctly.
But when I use the same URL in my app on an iOS device, the map is not displayed at all.
Note: if I remove the path (e.g map_source: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?&markers=48.2,2.1&zoom=10&size=460x200&key=MY_API_KEY", the image is correctly displayed on both Android and iOS. The error only appens when I add the path.
Is this an iOS issue or am I doing something wrong ?
I was able to find the issue thanks to #Manoj. On iOS devices, the URL was unsupported because of the "|" character. So I had to encode it like so:
let imageSourceModule = require("tns-core-modules/image-source");
let url = encodeURI("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?&markers=48.2,2.1&zoom=10&size=460x200&key=MY_API_KEY")
imageSourceModule.fromUrl(url).then(res => {
this.map_source = res;

Swift 4 app crashes when open file from icloud

I have a problem that my app crashes when it is opening a file from iCloud. If I open this file from my app with a Document Picker, everything is fine. But if I try to open from outside my app, for example from iCloud or safari download it crashes. If I open it from local storage "my iphone" it is also working. It is interesting because it was good one week ago :)
So in AppDelegate, I've implemented the following method:
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {}
According to the logs the crash occurs because the file does not exist.
This is the result if I print the URL from the parameter. I think this means that the file is there.
But if i do this: print(fm.fileExists(atPath: url.path)) then this is false.
So it is obvious that after let dataFromFile = fm.contents(atPath: url.path)
this is nil.
I have no idea what could be the problem here. So the real question here is why this is nil?
It appears that the error can be many things, all not related to the class you are applying the code (AppDelegate) nor the methods you are calling.
My guess is that the URL you are calling is not correctly built (not pointing to the correct object you are trying to point to). For many reasons.
See if one of this reasons fix your issue:
(1) The end of the URL you are calling had the suffix "pgn". If you are looking to load a picture, maybe the suffix is wrong. In that case it could have been some known and supported format like "png", "jpeg" or "jpg".
(2) The "%20"symbol at the middle of your code also lifts a flag. Does not seem to be a correct URL object of swift. Maybe the URL you are using is not represented in the correct way.
(3) com~apple~CloudDocs also lifts a flag, since it would unlikely have a "~" symbol in a URL passed. This also strongly suggests that maybe the URL you are using is not represented in the correct way.
I think your URL is not pointing to where you are trying to point to, resulting in the "does exist" method return false and the loading resulting in nil.
If all of this does not fix your issue, post more details of the code. Specially what method you are calling to build/create this URL object you are using, that points to: file:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Desktop/twic1121.pgn

How to get an image from server? or How to get NSData from NSUrl?

I am using xamarin.ios I have already uploaded a selected image to server. And I want to get it again. I am getting NSUrl as . I want to use this NSUrl and show the image in UIImage. I tried
NSData data;
data = NSData.FromUrl(url);
profileImage.Image = UIImage.LoadFromData(data);
But I am getting data as null.
Your code should work, in fact it's very similar to the one I posted there.
If you get null it generally comes from either:
the URL, i.e. an invalid URL (that iOS does not like) will return `null; or
the downloaded data is not in a format that iOS supports.
The URL you provided does not seems to connect or load (from Chrome) for me. That could also be the reason (as the API does not have any other way to return an error condition).

Using reopened standard file descriptors in an iOS app with background capabilities?

I would like to be able to redirect my logging statements to a file so that I can retrieve them when my app runs standalone (i.e. is not attached to Xcode). I have discovered (thank you Stackoverflow) that freopen can be used to accomplish this.
If I create a new Xcode project and add the code to redirect stderr then everything works as expected.
However, when I add the redirection code to my existing, bluetooth project I am having trouble. The file is being created and I can retrieve it using iTunes or Xcode's Devices window, but it is of size 0. If I explicitly close the file then the text that I wrote actually makes it into the file. It is as though iOS is not flushing the file when the app is terminated. I suspect that the trouble stems from the fact that I have enabled background processing. Can anyone help me to understand this?
Here is my code:
let pathes = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true);
let filePath = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: pathes[0]).URLByAppendingPathComponent("Test.log")
freopen(filePath.path!, "a", stderr);
fputs("Hello, Samantha!\r\n", stderr);
struct StderrOutputStream: OutputStreamType {
static let stream = StderrOutputStream()
func write(string: String) {fputs(string, stderr)}
var errStream = StderrOutputStream.stream
print("Hello, Robert", toStream: &errStream)
fclose(stderr) // Without this the text does not make it into the file.
I'd leave this as a comment, but have you looked into NSFileHandle? It sounds like you just need a way to append data to the end of a text file, correct?
Once you have a handle with something like NSFileHandle(forWritingToURL:), you can use .seekToEndOfFile() and .writeData(_:). As a side note, you'll need to convert your String to Data before writing it.
Admittedly, this will probably end up being more lines of code, and you'll almost certainly need to take threading into consideration.

Setting "origin" in youtube-ios-player-helper breaks programatic functionality

Using the YouTube iOS Player Helper library (https://github.com/youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper downloaded on 2015-06-16), if I add the line:
#"origin": #"example.com",
#"modestbranding": #1
at line 30 in SingleVideoViewController.m, then the programatic controls no longer function to affect the video, and the progress bar no longer updates. Additionally, very few of the status messages are being shows/received.
I assume/hope "origin" would show up in analytics, to signify source, which is why I'm setting it.
Is there a specific format this text needs to be in, or something else I should be setting?
I'm cross posting this issue here as I have got no response to the GitHub issue
You are not passing in a valid url for the origin parameter.
Try #"origin": #"https://example.com" or #"origin": #"http://example.com". Note the http(s)://.
