Xilinx PL-PS communicatoin with DMA using AXI4 - xilinx

I have a ZTurn board that mounts a Zynq 7020. In the PL part I have a programmed code in AXI4-Lite slave that contains the programming code of the part of interest that I need (VHDL).
In this block, when I send "start" in the PS I write '1' to slv_reg0(0) and I tell it to start capturing data; it would be capturing 32-bit data (1 every 2 MHz) that I want it to store in DDR memory from the PL part.
At the end of the capture process, when I send "stop" in the PS (writting '0' in slv_reg0(0)), what I want is to stop saving data in DDR memory and then begin the process of reading the data from the entire written memory in the main.c file
I know that to do this I need to implement some kind of DMA connection but I would like to know how to do it. My level of knowledge in this field is very limited and I can't find any tutorial that fits my exact needs.
What I want to know is what I have to change from my AXI4-Lite slave and where to put the VHDL code and how to write the data to the DMA block in different addess positions.
Thank you.


STM32 Current Flash Vector Address

I'm working on a dual OS system with STM32F103, I have two separate program that programmed on different FLASH locations. if both of the programs are the same, the only way to know which of them running is just by its start vector address.
But How I Can Read The Current Program Start Vector Address in STM32 ???
After reading the comments, it sounds like what you have/want is a bootloader. If your goal here is to have two different applications, one to do your main processing and real time handling and the other to just program new firmware, then you want to make a bootloader in your default boot flash space.
Bootloaders fundamentally do a few things, everything else is extra.
Check itself using some type of data integrity check like a CRC.
Checks the application
Jumps to the application.
Bootloaders will also program applications in the app space and verify they are programmed correctly before jumping as well. Colin gave some good advice about appending a CRC to the hex file before it is programmed in flash space to verify the applications.
There are a few things to look out for. The first would be the linker script and this is extremely important. A linker script will be used to map input objects to output objects and then determine based upon that script, what memory space they go into. For both of your applications, you need to create a memory map of how you want both programs to sit inside of the flash space. From this point, you can then make linker scripts for both programs so that a hex file can be generated within the parameters of what you deem acceptable flash space for the program. Each project you have will have its own linker script. An example would look something like this:
LR_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00010000 { ; load region size_region
ER_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00010000 { ; load address = execution address
*.o (RESET, +First)
.ANY (+RO)
RW_IRAM1 0x20000000 0x00018000 { ; RW data
.ANY (+RW +ZI)
This will give RAM for the application to use as well as a starting point for the application.
After that, you can start the bootloader and give it information about where the application space lies for jumping and programming. Once again this is all determined by you from your memory map and both applications' linker scripts. You are going to need to add a separate entry inside of the linker for your CRC and length for a comparison of the calculated versus stored as well. Whatever tool you use to append the CRC to the hex file and have it programmed to flash space, remember to note the location and make it known to the linker script so you can reference those addresses to check integrity later.
After you check everything and it is determined that it is okay to go to the application, you can use some ARM assembly to jump to the starting application address. Before jumping, make sure to disable all peripherals and interrupts that were enabled in the bootloader. As Colin mentioned, these will share RAM, so it is important you de-initialize all used, otherwise, you'll end up with a hard fault.
At this point, the program used another hex file laid out by a linker script, so it should begin executing as planned, as long as you have the correct vector table offset, which gets into your question fully.
As far as your question on the "Flash vector address", I think what your really mean is your interrupt vector table address. An interrupt vector table is a data structure in memory that maps interrupt requests to the addresses of interrupt handlers. This is where the PC register grabs the next available instruction address upon hardware interrupt triggers, for example. You can see this by keeping track of the ARM pipeline in a few lines of assembly code. Each entry of this table is a handler's address. This offset must be aligned with your application, otherwise you will never go into the main function and the program will sit in the application space, but have nothing to do since all handlers addresses are unknown. This is what the SCB->VTOR is for. It is a vector interrupt table offset address register. In this case, there are a few things you can do. Luckily, these are hard-coded inside of STM generated files inside of the file "system_stm32(xx)xx.c" (xx is your microcontroller variant). There is a define for something called VECT_TAB_OFFSET which is the offset in the memory map of the vector table and is assigned to the SCB->VTOR register with the value that is chosen. Your interrupt vector table will always lie at the starting address of your main application, so for the bootloader it can be 0x00, but for the application, it will be the subtraction of the starting address of the application space, and the first addressable flash address of the microcontroller.
/************************* Miscellaneous Configuration ************************/
/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table in
Internal SRAM. */
/* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */
#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00 /*!< Vector Table base offset field.
This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */
Make sure you understand what is expected from the micro side using STM documentation before programming things. Vector tables in this chip can only be in multiples of 0x200. But to answer your question, this address can be determined by a few things. Your memory map, and eventually, you will have a hard-coded reference to it as a define. You can figure it out from there.
Hope this helps and good luck to you on your application.

Passing arguments through __local memory in OpenCL

I am confused about the the __local memory in OpenCL here.
I read some spec saying that the data flow has to be from Host to
__Global, and then __Local.
But I also see some kernel function like this:
__kernel void foo(__local float * a)
I was wondering how the data was transferred directly into the __local
memory in this way?
It is not possible to fill local buffer on the host side. Therefore you have to follow the flow host -> __global -> __local.
Local buffer can be either created on the host side and then it is passed as a kernel parameter or on gpu side inside the kernel.
Creating local buffer on the host side gives the advantage to decide about its size before the kernel is run which can be important if the local buffer size needs to be different each time the kernel is run.
Local memory is not visible to anything but a single work-group, and may be allocated as the work-group is dispatched by hardware on many architectures. Hardware that can mix multiple work-groups from different kernels on each CU will allow the scheduling component to chunk up the local memory for each of the groups being issued. It doesn't exist before the group is launched, and does not exist after the group terminates. The size of this region is what you pass in as other answers have pointed out.
The result of this is that the only way on many architectures for filling local memory from the host would be for kernel code to be inserted by the compiler that would copy data in from global memory. Given that as the basis, it isn't any worse in terms of performance for the programmer to do it manually, and gives more control over exactly what happens. You do not end up in a situation where the compiler always generates copy code and ends up copying more than was really necessary because the API didn't make it clear what memory was copy-in and what was not.
In summary, you cannot fill local memory in any automated way. In practice you will rarely want to, because doing it manually gives you the opportunity to only put the result of a first stage into local, removing extra copy operations, or to transform the data on the way in to local, allowing padding or data transposition to remove bank conflicts and so on.
As #doqtor said, the size of local memory on kernel parameter can be specified by clSetKernelArg calls.
Fortunately, OpenCL 1.2+ support VLA(variable length array), local memory kernel parameter is not required any more.

eheap allocated in erlang

I use recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types) and get info like below.
34> recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types).
The eheap_alloc is using 28G. But sum up with heap_size of all process
>lists:sum([begin {_, X}=process_info(P, heap_size), X end || P <- processes()]).
Only 683M !Any idea where is the 28G ?
You are not comparing the right values. From erlang:process_info
{heap_size, Size}
Size is the size in words of youngest heap generation of the
process. This generation currently include the stack of the process.
This information is highly implementation dependent, and may change if
the implementation change.
recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types) is in bytes by default. You can change it using set_unit. It is not the memory that is currently used but it is the memory reserved by the VM grouped into different allocators. You can use recon_alloc:memory(used) instead. More details in allocator() - Recon Library
Searching through the Erlang source code for the eheap_alloc keyword I didn't come up with much. The most relevant piece of code was this XML code from erts_alloc.xml (https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/172e812c491680fbb175f56f7604d4098cdc9de4/erts/doc/src/erts_alloc.xml#L46):
<item>Allocator used for Erlang heap data, such as Erlang process heaps.</item>
This says that process heaps are stored in eheap_alloc but it doesn't say what else is stored in eheap_alloc. The eheap_alloc stores everything your application needs to run along with some extra memory along with some additional space, so the VM doesn't have to request more memory from the OS every time something needs to be added. There are things the VM must keep in memory that aren't associated with a specific process. For example, large binaries, even though they may used within a process, are not stored inside that processes heap. They are stored in a shared process binary heap called binary_alloc. The binary heap, along with the process heaps and some extra memory, are what make up eheap_alloc.
In your case it looks like you have a lot of memory in your binary_alloc. binary_alloc is probably using a significant portion of your eheap_alloc.
For more details on binary handling checkout these pages:

Connecting 8051 to an External Ram-EEPROM

When I connect 8051 to an external memory, should I change the RD and WR signals in software or is this made by processor itself when I use the MOVX command?
For example I will read from some location at memory,
is CLR read command required here or processor just clears that itself by looking if the code is
If the processor has RD and WR lines, then yes, the processor will pulse the write line with timing as described in the data sheet as it executes the "movx #dptr,A" instruction. In addition, ALE would have been pulsed to latch the low byte of the address for the memory.
If for some reason it was necessary to operate the chip write using a clear bit instruction as you state above, you are doing it in the wrong place. You would need to set up address and data THEN pulse write low, then return it high, before any other change in address and data.

What does it mean by buffer?

I see the word "BUFFER" everywhere, but I am unable to grasp what it exactly is.
Would anybody please explain what is buffer in layman's language?
When is it used?
How is it used?
Imagine that you're eating candy out of a bowl. You take one piece regularly. To prevent the bowl from running out, someone might refill the bowl before it gets empty, so that when you want to take another piece, there's candy in the bowl.
The bowl acts as a buffer between you and the candy bag.
If you're watching a movie online, the web service will continually download the next 5 minutes or so into a buffer, that way your computer doesn't have to download the movie as you're watching it (which would cause hanging).
The term "buffer" is a very generic term, and is not specific to IT or CS. It's a place to store something temporarily, in order to mitigate differences between input speed and output speed. While the producer is being faster than the consumer, the producer can continue to store output in the buffer. When the consumer gets around to it, it can read from the buffer. The buffer is there in the middle to bridge the gap.
If you average out the definitions at http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/buffer, I think you'll get the idea.
For proof that we really did "have to walk 10 miles thought the snow every day to go to school", see TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual Volume 1, section 11.9, "Using Buffered I/O", at bookmark 11-24. Don't read if you're subject to nightmares.
A buffer is simply a chunk of memory used to hold data. In the most general sense, it's usually a single blob of memory that's loaded in one operation, and then emptied in one or more, Perchik's "candy bowl" example. In a C program, for example, you might have:
#define BUFSIZE 1024
char buffer[BUFSIZE];
size_t len = 0;
// ... later
while((len=read(STDIN, &buffer, BUFSIZE)) > 0)
write(STDOUT, buffer, len);
... which is a minimal version of cp(1). Here, the buffer array is used to store the data read by read(2) until it's written; then the buffer is re-used.
There are more complicated buffer schemes used, for example a circular buffer, where some finite number of buffers are used, one after the next; once the buffers are all full, the index "wraps around" so that the first one is re-used.
Buffer means 'temporary storage'. Buffers are important in computing because interconnected devices and systems are seldom 'in sync' with one another, so when information is sent from one system to another, it has somewhere to wait until the recipient system is ready.
Really it would depend on the context in each case as there is no one definition - but speaking very generally a buffer is an place to temporarily hold something. The best real world analogy I can think of would be a waiting area. One simple example in computing is when buffer refers to a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.
That a buffer is "a place to store something temporarily, in order to mitigate differences between input speed and output speed" is accurate, consider this as an even more "layman's" way of understanding it.
"To Buffer", the verb, has made its way into every day vocabulary. For example, when an Internet connection is slow and a Netflix video is interrupted, we even hear our parents say stuff like, "Give it time to buffer."
What they are saying is, "Hit pause; allow time for more of the video to download into memory; and then we can watch it without it stopping or skipping."
Given the producer / consumer analogy, Netflix is producing the video. The viewer is consuming it (watching it). A space on your computer where extra downloaded video data is temporarily stored is the buffer.
A video progress bar is probably the best visual example of this:
That video is 5:05. Its total play time is represented by the white portion of the bar (which would be solid white if you had not started watching it yet.)
As represented by the purple, I've actually consumed (watched) 10 seconds of the video.
The grey portion of the bar is the buffer. This is the video data that that is currently downloaded into memory, the buffer, and is available to you locally. In other words, even if your Internet connection where to be interrupted, you could still watch the area you have buffered.
Buffer is temporary placeholder (variables in many programming languages) in memory (ram/disk) on which data can be dumped and then processing can be done.
The term "buffer" is a very generic term, and is not specific to IT or CS. It's a place to store something temporarily, in order to mitigate differences between input speed and output speed. While the producer is being faster than the consumer, the producer can continue to store output in the buffer. When the consumer speeds up, it can read from the buffer. The buffer is there in the middle to bridge the gap.
A buffer is a data area shared by hardware devices or program processes that operate at different speeds or with different sets of priorities. The buffer allows each device or process to operate without being held up by the other. In order for a buffer to be effective, the size of the buffer and the algorithms for moving data into and out of the buffer.
buffer is a "midpoint holding place" but exists not so much to accelerate the speed of an activity as to support the coordination of separate activities.
This term is used both in programming and in hardware. In programming, buffering sometimes implies the need to screen data from its final intended place so that it can be edited or otherwise processed before being moved to a regular file or database.
Buffer is temporary placeholder (variables in many programming languages) in memory (ram/disk) on which data can be dumped and then processing can be done.
There are many advantages of Buffering like it allows things to happen in parallel, improve IO performance, etc.
It also has many downside if not used correctly like buffer overflow, buffer underflow, etc.
C Example of Character buffer.
char *buffer1 = calloc(5, sizeof(char));
char *buffer2 = calloc(15, sizeof(char));
