Is there a function that does the same thing as the Save Data button on the Variables Explorer? - spyder

First time asking a question here so hopefully this is correctly formatted/tagged.
I'm just wondering if there's a function that does the same thing as the circled button on the spyder console: image
Using this button I've saved every variable in the console with ease and can load them later, so I'm basically wondering if there's a function provided either by the spyder devs or in another preinstalled module that I can run in the program itself to automatically save a file with a specified filename like this for me. If the function just saves all global variables that should also be fine, but I'd like it to be fairly simple to implement.
I've looked around and most of the solutions for saving all the global variables to a file seem really clunky or difficult to understand, requiring the user to do things like specify every global variable name before saving, which isn't helpful for me because I'm fairly likely to forget an important variable.
As you may be able to tell from my muddled post, I'm a pretty bad programer (this is just to make my life a bit easier doing a physics assignment) so it'd be really helpful if it's just a single function or something I can drop into the code really easily.


reading/parsing common lisp files from lisp without all packages available or loading everything

I'm doing a project which involves parsing the histories of common lisp repos. I need to parse them into list-of-lists or something like that. Ideally, I'd like to preserve as much of the original source file syntax as possible, in some way. For example, in the case of the text #+sbcl <something>, which I think means "If our current lisp is sbcl, read <something>, otherwise skip it", I'd like to get something like (#+ 'sbcl <something>).
I originally wrote a LALR parser in Python, which sort of worked, but it's not ideal for many reasons. I'm having a lot of difficulty getting correct output, and I have tons of special cases to add.
I figured that what I should really do is is use lisp itself, since it already has a lisp parser built in. If I could just read a file into sexps, I could dump it into something (cl-json would do) for further processing down the line.
Unfortunately, when I attempt to read, I get the error
There is no package with the name WOO.EV.TCP
which is of course coming from line 80 of that file, since that package is defined in src/ev/tcp.lisp, and we haven't read it.
Basically, is it possible to just read the file into sexps without caring whether the packages are defined or if they contain the relevant symbols? If so, how? I've tried looking at the hyperspec reader documentation, but I don't see anything that sounds relevant.
I'm out of practice with actually writing common lisp, but it seems potentially possible to hack around this by handling the undefined package condition by creating a blank package with that name, and handling the no-symbol-of-that-name-in-package condition by just interning a given symbol. I think. I don't know how to actually do this, I don't know if it would work, I don't know how many special cases would be involved. Offhand, the first condition is called no-such-package, but the second one (at least in sbcl) is called simple-error, so I don't even know how to determine whether this particular simple-error is the no-such-symbol-in-that-package error, let alone how to extract the relevant names from the condition, fix it, and restart. I'd really like to hear from a common lisp expert that this is the right thing to do here before I go down the road of trying to do it this way, because it will involve a lot of learning.
It also occurs to me that I could fix this by just sed-ing the file before reading it. E.g. turning woo.ev.tcp:start-listening-socket into, say, woo.ev.tcp===start-listening-socket. I don't particularly like this solution, and it's not clear that I wouldn't run into tons more ugly special cases, but it might work if there's no better answer.
I am almost sure there is no easy portable way to do this for a number of reasons.
(Just limiting things to the non-existent-package problem for now.)
First of all there is no portable access into the bit of the reader which decides that tokens are going to be symbols and then looks for package markers &c: that just happens according to the rules in 2.3. So you can't easily intervene in this.
Secondly there's not portably enough information in any kind of condition the reader might signal to be able to handle them.
There are several possible ways out of this bit of the problem.
If you felt sufficiently heroic you might be able to teach the reader that all of the token-starting characters are in fact things you control and then write a token-reader that somehow deals with the whole package thing by returning some object which isn't a symbol. But to do that you need to deal with numbers, and if you think that's simple, well, it's not.
If you felt less heroic you could write a more primitive token-reader which just doesn't even try to deal with anything except grabbing all the characters needed and returns some kind of object which wraps a string. This would avoid the whole number problem at the cost of losing a lot of intofmration.
If you don't care about portability, find an implementation, understand how its reader does it, and muck around with it. There are more open source or source-available implementations than I can easily count (perhaps I am not very good at counting) so this is a pretty good approach. It's certainly what I'd do.
But this is only the start of the problems. The CL reader is hairy and, in its standard configuration (the configuration which is used for things like compile-file unless people have arranged otherwise) can run completely arbitrary code at read time, including code which modifies the reader itself, some of which may do so in an implementation-dependent way. And people use this: there's a reason Lisp is called the 'programmable programming language' and it's that people program it.
I've decided to solve this using sed (actually Python's re.sub, but who's counting?) because it'll work for my actual use case, and was easy.
For future readers: The various people saying this is impossible in general are probably right. The other questions posted by #Svante look like good easy ways to solve part of the problem. Other parts of the problem might be solved more elegantly by replacing the reader macros for #., #+, #-, etc with ones which just make a list, which sounds less heroic than the suggestions from #tfb, but I don't have time for that shit.

File Path Name or URL analysis

I am looking for information on tools, methods, techniques for analysis of file path names. I am not talking file size, read/write times, or file types, but analysis of the path or URL it self.
I am only aware of basic word frequency text tools or methods, but I am wondering if there is something more advanced that people use/apply to this to try and mine extra information out of them.
Here is the most narrow example of what I would want. OK, so I have some full path names as strings like this:
What I want to know is that the folder MapShedMaps appears "uniquely" 2 times. If I do frequency on the strings I would get 10 appearances. The issues is that I don’t know what level in the directory this is important, so I would like a unique count at each level of the directory based on what I am describing.
This is an extremely broad question so it is difficult for me to give you a per say "Answer" but I will give you my first thoughts on this.
the Regular expression class of .NET is extremely useful for parsing large amounts of information. It is so powerful that it will easily confuse the impatient, however once mastered it can be used across text editors, .NET and pretty much any other respectable language I believe. This would allow you to search strings and separate it into directories. This could be overkill depending on how you use it, but its a thought. Here is a favorite link of mine to try out some regular expressions.
You will need a database, I prefer to use SQL. Look into how to connect to databases and create databases. With this database you can store all the fields abstracted from your original path entered. Such as a parent directory, child directory, common file types accessed. Just have a field for each one of these and through queries you can form a hypothesis as to redundancy.
I don't know if its easily accessible but you might look into whether windows stores accessed file history. It seems to have some inkling as to which files have been opened in the past. So there may be a resource in windows which already stores much of the information you would be storing in your database. If you could find a way to access this information. Parse it with regular expressions and resubmit it to the database of your application. You could control the WORLD! j/k... You could get a pretty good prediction as to user access patterns though.
I always try to stick with what I have available. If .NET is sitting in front of you, hammer away at what your trying to do. If you reach a wall. At least your making forward progress. In today's motion towards object orientated programming, you can usually change data collected by one program into an acceptable format for another. You just gotta dig a little.
Oh and btw, is actually doing a free class on machine learning and algorithms. You might want to check it out or reference it for prediction formulas.
Good Luck.
I wanted to post this as a comment but SO kept editing the double \ to \ and it is important there are two because \ is a key character, without another \ to escape it, regex will interpret it as a command.
Hey I just wanted to let you know I've been playing with some regex... I know a pretty easy way to code this up in and I'll post that as my second answer but I wanted you to check out back-references. If the part between parenthesis matches it captures that text and moves on to the second query for instance....
You could use these matches to find out how many directories each parent directory has under it. Are you following me? Here is a reference.

Is there a set of complete documentation for mysql-proxy lua scripting?

I am playing with scripting for mysql-proxy. What I am trying to accomplish is irrelevant. What I am finding, however, is that there appears to be elements of the lua interface that are undocumented. The big "smoking gun" I have is the disconnect_client() hook. I cannot find it documented anywhere in the official documentation, though it's used in an example on the explanation of the admin interface. It's also used extensively in the example docs. A quick grep shows its use in the following scripts included in the 5.5.8 distribution:
My other example that has caught my eye is the list of attributes for entries in the table. The documentation lists the following attributes:
However, several of the example scripts reference a fairly complex element called pool. Take for instance tutorial-keepalive.lua:
local s =[i]
local pool = s.pool
local cur_idle = pool.users[proxy.connection.client.username].cur_idle_connections
At first I thought it was being added somewhere else in the lua, but I've looked and I can't find any code assigning into[i].pool.
So, two questions I suppose:
Am I nuts? Please feel free to demonstrate how I've overlooked the obvious and the documentation is really quite clear.
Assuming I am correct, is there anywhere to find the complete documentation? A nice link would be great (though I couldn't google one up), but even "take a look at this .c file from the mysql-proxy distro that defines the interface". At least that would give me something to poke at.
Just opened Proxy/Lua myself. I'm afraid, as with all things Mysql, once you dip under the covers you are on your own. The same goes for LUA.
You will need other addons to LUA to do what you want to do, I would like to suggest:
for the Apache Protable library binding... saved me a shedload of time.
As for the internals of MySql, you will probably need to look in teh C source files, sadly, as we are in unexplored territory here.
One thing I have found is that the LUA structures in Mysql are not Lua tables, but Lua 'user data'. This means that they are effectively shared memory, so are not changeable by Lua, as Mysql uses them too. I am going to try the luaposix library to see if I can get inbto them, as there are elements I would like to change, if possible.
Good luck

Things you look for when trying to understand new software

I wonder what sort of things you look for when you start working on an existing, but new to you, system? Let's say that the system is quite big (whatever it means to you).
Some of the things that were identified are:
Where is a particular subroutine or procedure invoked?
What are the arguments, results and predicates of a particular function?
How does the flow of control reach a particular location?
Where is a particular variable set, used or queried?
Where is a particular variable declared?
Where is a particular data object accessed, i.e. created, read, updated or deleted?
What are the inputs and outputs of a particular module?
But if you look for something more specific or any of the above questions is particularly important to you please share it with us :)
I'm particularly interested in something that could be extracted in dynamic analysis/execution.
I like to use a "use case" approach:
First, I ask myself "what's this software's purpose?": I try to identify how users are going to interact with the application;
Once I have some "use case", I try to understand what are the objects that are more involved and how they interact with other objects.
Once I did this, I draw a UML-type diagram that describe what I've just learned for further reference. What happens after depends on the task I've been assigned, i.e. modify the code, document the code etc.
There is the question of what motivation do I have for learning the new system:
Bug fix/minor enhancement - In this case, I may focus solely on that portion of the system that performs a specific function that needs to be altered. This is a way to break down a huge system but also is a way to identify if the issue is something I can fix or if it is something that I have to hand to the off-the-shelf company whose software we are using,e.g. a CRM, CMS, or ERP system can be a customized off-the-shelf system so there are many pieces to it.
Project work - This would be the other case and is where I'd probably try to build myself a view from 30,000 feet or so to know what are the high-level components and which areas of the system does the project impact. An example of this is where I'd join a company and work off of an existing code base but I don't have the luxury of having the small focus like in the previous case. Part of that view is to look for any patterns in the code in terms of naming conventions, project structure, etc. as this may be useful once I start changing some code in the system. I'd probably do some tracing through the system and try to see where are the uglier parts of the code. By uglier I mean those parts that are kludge-like and may have some spaghetti code as this was rushed when first written and is now being reworked heavily.
To my mind another way to view this is the question of whether I'm going to be spending days or weeks wrapping my head around a system like in the second case or should this be a case where it hopefully takes only a few hours, optimistically that is, to get my footing to make the necessary changes.

How to get started with embeddable scripting?

I am working on a game in C++. I've been told, though, that I should also use an embeddable scripting language like Lua or Angelscript, but to be honest, I have no idea how or why. What advantages would this bring me, over storing all of my data in some sort of text file? How do I get started? I tried to read some Lua examples, but I don't see how it works, or how exactly I am supposed to use it.
First the "why" question:
If you've made reasonable progress so far, you have game scenery where the action happens, and then a kind of GUI with your visible game controls: Maps, compass, hotkeys, chat box, whatever.
If you make the GUI (positions, sizes, settings, defaults, etc) configurable through a configuration file, that's OK for starters. But if you make it controllable by code then you can do many very cool things. Example: Minimize the map when entering a city. Show other player's portraits when in group. Update the map. Display different hot keys in combat. That kinda thing.
Now you can do your code-controlling of your GUI in C/C++ code, but one problem is that whenever you want to change the behavior, even if only a little, you need to recompile the whole dang game client. If you have a billion players, you have to ship them all a new game client. That's a turn-off. Another problem is that there's no way on earth that a player can customize the GUI.
A simple embedded language solves both problem. You can put that kind of code in separate files that get loaded at runtime and can be fiddled with to anyone's heart's content. If you want to update the GUI in some minor way, you can deliver updates of the GUI code separately from the game proper.
As for the how:
The simplest thing to do is to call a (e.g.) Lua "main" routine once for every frame, perhaps passing a bunch of parameters with the latest updatable information, and let that main routine call other functions to do whatever's needed. The thing to be aware of is that your embedded code only gets control for a short time, namely the time between two screen refreshes; so it does a little updating and painting, then it exits again and returns control to your C/C++ main program loop.
Technically, embedding a Lua interpreter in your program is pretty easy. The Lua interpreter has C source code, or there's pre-compiled libraries (DLLs) for Windows. Just link them into your program, initialize once, call the entry point on every iteration of the main frame loop, done.
Scripts are more powerful than storing all of your data in text files. You can assign arbitrary behavior, construct data from other data (e.g., orc captains are orcs with a bit more), and so on.
Scripts allow for faster development and easier maintenance than C++. No compile / edit / link cycle, you can even tweak the scripts while the game is running, and they're easier to update on end users' machines.
As far as the how, one suggestion would be to see how other games do it. For example, TOME, a Roguelike RPG written in C, uses Lua extensively.
For some inspiration, check out the Alternate Hard and Soft Layers pattern described on the C2 wiki.
As for my two cents, why embed a scripting language? Some reasons that I've experienced include,
easy string manipulation tools
leverage the power of loops, macros, and recursion within your data set
create dynamically generated content
wrappers to fetch content from the web
logic to provide default values if data is missing
unit tests written at the data set level
