Bootstrap extension file - bootstrap-5

Why is my css file in bootstrap folder 5.1.3-dist not bringing bootstrap.min.css on windows 7
I am using the boostrap file on a particular desktop using windows 10 and it bring the boostrap.min.css, but when I use the same folder on windows 7 it did not show the bootstrap.min.css


Integrate tailwind theme in rails 7 tailwind app

I have created a new rails 7 application based on tailwind and esbuild. On the other hand I have bought a tailwind theme ( and I am trying to integrate it in my rails application, but I am unable to get it work.
This is the file structure for this theme
I have added the tailwind.config.js code from the theme in rails project config/tailwind.config.js
I have copied the files from theme in src/assets/css/*.cssin rails project app/assets/stylesheets/ and imported them in app/assets/styleshhets/application.tailwind.css as #import "./theme_styles"
After run yarn install including the theme package.jsoncontents to rails app, I have imported all javascript libraries in app/javascript/application.js
I have tested a lot of possibilities but I am not able to do it work. On the other side I am not been able to find a tutorial about how to get it.
Any idea or help? I will be very gratefull

No Release and Debug folders in Legacy Project

I'm trying to modernize a legacy Delphi project (probably from Delphi 7). I'm using Delphi 10.3.3 now.
When I build the project, Delphi creates the .exe file in the project directory. But I want the .exe file to be created in Win32\Release or Win32\Debug folder. How can I change it?

Upgraded to Bootstrap 4 - still serving Bootstrap v3 in ASP.Net MVC 5 project

I have Boostrap v4 script files installed in my project ~/Content and ~/Script folders, but when run my project uses Boostrap v3! Why, and how to force it to use v4?
It is an MVC 5 project contained in a solution with a UWP project. I have upgraded the MVC project to Bootstrap v4, which has updated all of the Bootstrap files to v4. I'm not using a CSS preprocessor. My BundleConfig.cs is unchanged, and seems to load whatever version is found in the ~/Scripts folder:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include(
But when run, if I interogate the HTML then the bootstrap file served is v3:
When run, Visual Studio generates a temporary "Script Documents" folder underneath the parent solution for displaying "client-side script files generated from server-side scripts" - and the Bootstrap file loaded here is v3:
I noticed that the upgrade to v4 did not download updated versions of the boostrap-theme.css/ files - but pages and elements load fine with these files removed from the project so I think its unrelated.
After updating the Bootstrap script files to v4, what other configurations are required for ASP.Net MVC to load Bootstrap v4 script files from it's project ~/Content and ~/Script files?
Clearing the browser cache did it for me

CSS intellisense not working after migrating MVC 5 Project to Bower

I've just switched a project over to using Bower and I now have blue squigglies under all the CSS classes from bower packages in my views:
I'm guessing this is because intellisense isn't finding the CSS files?
I've set Bower up to put all the files it downloads in a folder called lib at the root of my web project, that lib folder isn't included in the project in VS:
I don't really want to add that folder as it will contain thousands of files and make the proj file huge I imagine (I did try adding it, but VS just went unresponsive).
The Bower CSS files are being loaded into the project using the MVC bundler:
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(
I'm using ReSharper, but switching it to use VS's Intellisense doesn't make any difference. Dave Paquette seems to have identified a similar issue in VS2013, is this just the expected behaviour with Bower?

BlackBerry JAR file problem

I made a simple application for blackberry the jar file doesn't get created ?
when the application is build following files get created in the main folder
.cod, .cso, .debug, .jad, .jdp, .rapc except the .jar file.
The .cod files contain the compiled program code for your blackberry application, and are equivalent to jar files.
You can use either the .jad file, or an .alx file (using blackberry desktop manager) to load these .cod files onto your blackberry.
