Get the build path of a gluonfx + graalvm native compilation - graalvm

I'm building a java app as native with GraalVm and Gluonfx. In one of the functions implemented, I need to access a file that is generated in the same path where the .exe is located.
Do you know a property or a gluonfx/graalvm function to get that path easily?
Thanks in advance!


How can I use dart ffi properly in a pub package?

I am currently building a console package with Dart, and Rust using FFI(foreign function interface). Since I can't/shouldn't publish dll/so/dylib files, how can I add a build functionality to it. With that functionality, the required files should be built after the package is downloaded, so that the interop-ed code can work properly. How can it be done? Will the user that downloaded the package need to have Rust in his machine to build the files?
You need to either distribute binaries or require the user to have a Rust compiler.

Add native library to local jar in gradle build

I am desperately trying to build an opencv-based gradle project but so far I have not been able to make it run successfully.
In this regard, I need to add a native library for the opencv-jar.
I compiled the local jar with
compile files('libs/opencv/mac/opencv-320.jar')
but always get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no opencv_java320 in java.library.path
Of course it is because I did not add the libopencv_java320.dylib on mac / .dll on windows native library to the .jar, which was absolutely no problem doing it manually. Is there a native gradle solution for my case? I did not find any plugin right now.

Dart library / package keyword meaning?

Is Dart library exactly the same Java package ?
Is Dart package exactly the same Java library (JAR) ?
A package is a set of libraries which can for example be deployed to I guess this is similar to a jar file.
A library is one Dart script file with or without a name (or a set of Dart script files with part/part of) and is the boundary for privacy. Private members are only visible or accessible from within the same library.

Dart language standard installation directory?

Is there a standard or recommended installation directory for the Dart language? If so, I would like to know what it is for both Windows and Mac. I searched online on, Google, and StackOverflow. For Mac specifically, I have seen many programming languages installed under /Library.
I believe the standard workspace for Dart projects is ~/dart. When you download the Dart language, you are given a /dart folder containing the Editor, SDK, Chromium with Dart VM installed, and some extras. I am wondering what the standard location for this folder is. Thank you in advance!
The standard workspace directory for Dart projects is like you wrote ~/dart in Linux (don't know about other OS).
The standard installation directory is depending on conventions of your OS than the Dart language.
You should have an environment variable DART_SDK pointing to the dart-sdk subdirectory of the installation directory and include the DART_SDK/bin in your path.
On MAC, just drop the directory on App directory, then in terminal you put : "export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/dart/dart-sdk/bin"

QNX_CONFIGURATION settings error after Blackberry NDK installation

I've installed Blackberry Native SDK for Windows 7 but I get the following error when I open the application after installation:
"There is an error in the QNX configuration settings. Either de QNX_CONFIGURATION environment variable is not defined correctly or the location it points to is not accesible.
Exit the IDE and fix the error?"
I guess the solution is as easy as setting the indicated environment variable to the correct path. But i don't know the path it must point to. Does anybody know?
Thanx in advance!
It needs to point to the directory that contains the BlackBerry Native SDK qconfig folder. In Windows it is probably "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Native SDK".
