docker-compose Equivalent to Docker Build --secret Argument - docker

We have used the technique detailed here to expose host environment variables to Docker build in a secured fashion.
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.2
FROM golang:1.18 AS builder
# move secrets out of the build process (and docker history)
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=github_token,dst=/app/secret_github_token,required=true,uid=10001 \
export GITHUB_TOKEN=$(cat /app/secret_github_token) && \
<nice command that uses $GITHUB_TOKEN>
And this command to build the image:
docker build --secret id=github_token,env=GITHUB_TOKEN -t cool-image-bro .
The above works perfectly.
Now we also have a docker-compose file running in CI that needs to be modified. However, even if I confirmed that the ENV vars are present in that job, I do not know how to assign the environment variable to the github_token named secret ID.
In other words, what is the equivalent docker-compose command (up --build, or build) that can accept a mapping of an environment variable with a secret ID?

Turns out I was a bit ahead of the times. docker compose v.2.5.0 brings support for secrets.
After having modified the Dockerfile as explained above, we must then update the docker-compose to defined secrets.
context: .
- github_user
- github_token
file: secrets_github_user
file: secrets_github_token
But where are those files secrets_github_user and secrets_github_token coming from? In your CI you also need to export the environment variable and save it to the default secrets file location. In our project we are using Tasks so we added these too lines.
Note that we are running this task from our CI, so you could do it differently without Tasks for example.
- printenv GITHUB_USER > /root/project/secrets_github_user
- printenv GITHUB_TOKEN > /root/project/secrets_github_token
We then update the CircleCI config and add two environment variable to our job:
You might also need a more recent Docker version, I think they introduced it in a late 19 release or early 20. I have used this and it works:
- setup_remote_docker:
version: 20.10.11
Now when running your docker-compose based commands, the secrets should be successfully mounted through docker-compose and available to correctly build or run your Dockerfile instructions!


Accessing shell environment variables from docker-compose?

How do you access environment variables exported in Bash from inside docker-compose?
I'm essentially trying to do what's described in this answer but I don't want to define a .env file.
I just want to make a call like:
export TEST_NAME=test_widget_abc
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -p myproject up --build --exit-code-from myproject_1
and have it pass TEST_NAME to the command inside my Dockerfile, which runs a unittest suite like:
CMD python test $TEST_NAME
My goal is to allow running my docker container to execute a specific unittest without having to rebuild the entire image, by simply pulling in the test name from the shell at container runtime. Otherwise, if no test name is given, the command will run all tests.
As I understand, you can define environment variables in a .env file and then reference them in your docker-compose.yml like:
version: "3.6"
context: ..
dockerfile: Dockerfile
but that doesn't pull from the shell.
How would you do this with docker-compose?
For the setup you describe, I'd docker-compose run a temporary container
export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=myproject
docker-compose run app_test python test_widget_abc
This uses all of the setup from the docker-compose.yml file except the ports:, and it uses the command you provide instead of the Compose command: or Dockerfile CMD. It will honor depends_on: constraints to start related containers (you may need an entrypoint wrapper script to actually wait for them to be running).
If the test code is built into your "normal" image you may not even need special Compose setup to do this; just point docker-compose run at your existing application service definition without defining a dedicated service for the integration tests.
Since Compose does (simple) environment variable substitution you could also provide the per-execution command: in your Compose file
version: "3.6"
build: ..
command: python $TEST_NAME # uses the host variable
Or, with the Dockerfile you have, pass through the host's environment variable; the CMD will run a shell to interpret the string when it starts up
version: "3.6"
build: ..
- TEST_NAME # without a specific value here passes through from the host
These would both work with the Dockerfile and Compose setup you show in the question.
Environment variables in your docker-compose.yaml will be substituted with values from the environment. For example, if I write:
version: "3"
- env
Then if I export TEST_NAME in my local environment:
$ export TEST_NAME=foo
And bring up the stack:
$ docker-compose up
Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver
Creating docker_app_test_1 ... done
Attaching to docker_app_test_1
app_test_1 | PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
app_test_1 | HOSTNAME=be3c12e33290
app_test_1 | TEST_NAME=foo
app_test_1 | HOME=/root
docker_app_test_1 exited with code 0
I see that TEST_NAME inside the container has received the value from my local environment.
It looks like you're trying to pass the environment variable into your image build process, rather than passing it in at runtime. Even if that works once, it's not going to be useful, because docker-compose won't rebuild your image every time you run it, so whatever value was in TEST_NAME at the time the image was built is what you would see inside the container.
It's better to pass the environment into the container at run time.

Docker stack deploy ability to pass env variables into the deploy yaml?

I run a docker swarm and i use gitlab ci to do the build and deployment of the images, the biggest headache i face is incrementing the image version numbers in the deployment yaml.
So for example if i do a deploy on gitlab and build the relevant image like this:
docker build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64 -t myregistry/myimage:$CI_COMMIT_TAG -f docker/php-backend/Dockerfile .
I am creating the image version number by using the git tag, which works fine. I then transfer the latest deploy.yaml file to the server and make it run:
sudo docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c live-deploy.yaml my-stack-name
The issue here is, inside my live-deploy.yaml i have to manually update the image name with the new version that was built.
Is there a way (and so far i can't find it) to pass a variable into the yaml from the command line when deploying so it knows what version number to use? A bit like passing in environment variables with docker compose.
You can play with environment variables to acheive this automation. Example follows:
Sample docker-compose/stack file :-
version: '3.3'
restart: always
image: ${MyImageName}
- 5000:5000
And when you want to deploy something pass env value along with the imperative command... your command modifies to :-
MyImageName=myregistry/myimage:$CI_COMMIT_TAG docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c live-deploy.yaml my-stack-name
You can even keep the image name constant and just have a variable just for the tag if that is the degree of automation required.

Question on using docker secrets and environments with an existing image

I've been struggling with this concept. To start I'm new to docker and self teaching myself (slowly). I am using a docker swarm instance and trying to leverage docker secrets for a simple username and password to an exiting rocker/rstudio image. I've set up the reverse proxy and can successfully use https to access the R studio via my browser. Now when I pass the variables at path /run/secrets/user and /run/secrets/pass to the environment variables it doesn't work. Its essentially think the path is the actual username and password. I need the environment variables to actually pull the values (in this case user=test, pass=test123 as set up using the docker secret command). I've looked around and a bit of a loss on how to accomplish this. I know some have mentioned leveraging a custom entrypoint shell script and I'm a bit confused on how to do this. Here is what I've tried
Rebuild a brand new image using the existing r image with a dockerfile that adds to the image -> it can't find the doc
added entrypoint: as a part of my docker compose. Same issue.
I'm trying to use docker stack to build the containers. The stack gets built but the containers keep restarting to the point they are unusable.
Here are my files
FROM rocker/rstudio
RUN chmod +x /
Here is my docker-compose.yaml
version: '3.3'
external: true
external: true
container_name: rstudio
image: rocker/rstudio:latest (<-- this is the output of the build using rocker/rstudio and Dockerfile)
- user
- pass
- USER=/run/secrets/user
- PASSWORD=/run/secrets/pass
- ./rstudio:/home/user/rstudio
- 8787:8787
restart: always
entrypoint: /
Finally here is the file that I found on another thread
#get your envs files and export envars
export $(egrep -v '^#' /run/secrets/* | xargs)
#if you need some specific file, where password is the secret name
#export $(egrep -v '^#' /run/secrets/password| xargs)
#call the dockerfile's entrypoint
source /
In the end it would be great to use my secret user and pass and pass those to the environment variable so that I can authenticate into an R studio instance. If I just put a username and password in plain text under environment it works fine.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance

Best practices for adding .env-File to Docker-Image during build in Gitlab CI

I have a node.js Project which I run as Docker-Container in different environments (local, stage, production) and therefor configure it via .env-Files. As always advised I don't store the .env-Files in my remote repository which is Gitlab. My production- and stage-systems are run as kubernetes cluster.
What I want to achieve is an automated build via Gitlab's CI for different environments (e.g. stage) depending on the commit-branch (named stage as well), meaning when I push to origin/stage I want an Docker-image to be built for my stage-environment with the corresponding .env-File in it.
On my local machine it's pretty simple, since I have all the different .env-Files in the root-Folder of my app I just use this in my Dockerfile
COPY .env-stage ./.env
and everything is fine.
Since I don't store the .env-Files in my remote repo, this approach doesn't work, so I used Gitlab CI Variables and created a variable named DOTENV_STAGE of type file with the contents of my local .env-stage file.
Now my problem is: How do I get that content as .env-File inside the docker image that is going to be built by gitlab since that file is not yet a file in my repo but a variable instead?
I tried using cp (see below, also in the before_script-section) to just copy the file to an .env-File during the build process, but that obviously doesn't work.
My current build stage looks like this:
image: docker:git
- docker:dind
build stage:
- stage
stage: build
- cp $DOTENV_STAGE .env
- docker pull $GITLAB_IMAGE_PATH-$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH || true
This results in
Step 12/14 : COPY .env ./.env
COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder513570233/.env: no such file or directory
I also tried cp $DOTENV_STAGE .env as well as cp $DOTENV_STAGE $CI_BUILDS_DIR/.env and cp $DOTENV_STAGE $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.env but none of them worked.
So the part I actually don't know is: Where do I have to put the file in order to make it available to docker during build?
You should avoid copying .env file into the container altogether. Rather feed it from outside on runtime. There's a dedicated prop for that: env_file.
- .env
You can store contents of the .env file itself in a Masked Variable in the GitLabs CI backend. Then dump it to .env file in the runner and feed to Docker compose pipeline.
After some more research I stumbled upon a support-forum entry on, which exactly describes my situation (unfortunately it got deleted in the meanwhile) and it got solved by the same approach I was trying to use, namely this:
in my .gitlab-ci.yml
The part I was actually missing was adjusting my .dockerignore-File accordingly (removing .env from it) and then removing the line
COPY .env ./.env
from my Dockerfile
An alternative approach I thought about after joyarjo's answer could be to use a ConfigMap for Kubernetes. But I didn't try it yet

How to pass environment variables to docker-compose's applications

I want to pass environment variables that is readable by applications spin up by docker-compose up.
What is the proper way of using docker-compose up with varying configuration settings?
I don't want to use .env & environment: config as the environment variables are changing frequently & it is insecure to save tokens in a file.
docker-compose run -e does work a bit, but loses many.
It does not map the ports that defined in docker-compose.yml services.
Also multiple services are defined in docker-compose.yml and I don't want to use depends_on just because docker-compose up doesn't work.
Let's say I define service in docker-compose.yml
context: .
dockerfile: DockerfileA
command: node serviceA.js
In my serviceA.js, I simply use the environment variable:
console.log("This is ", process.env.KEY, "running in service A");
When I run docker-compose run -e KEY=DockerComposeRun service-a
I do get the environment variable KEY read by serviceA.js
This is DockerComposeRun running in service A
However I could only get one single service running.
I could have use environment: in docker-compose.yml
- KEY=DockerComposeUp
But in my use case, each docker compose would have different environment variable values, meaning I would need to edit the file each time before I do docker-compose.
Also, not only single service would use the same environment variable, .env even done a better job, but it is not desired.
There doesn't seem to be a way to do the same for docker-compose up
I have tried KEY=DockerComposeUp docker-compose up,
but what I get is undefined .
Export doesn't work for me as well, it seems they are all about using environment variable for docker-compose.yml instead of for the applications in container
To safely pass sensitive configuration data to your containers you can use Docker secrets. Everything passed through Secrets is encrypted.
You can create and manage secrets using the commands below:
docker secret create
docker secret inspect
docker secret ls
docker secret rm
And use them in your docker-compose file, either referring to existing secrets (external) or use a file:
file: ./secret_data
external: true
You can use environment like this:
context: .
dockerfile: DockerfileA
command: node serviceA.js
Refer at:
