unrestored log details in sql server mirroring - database-mirroring

Can someone help me to view the details of unrestored log details in sql server mirroring. I have a 180kb size which shows Time to Restore as " infinite ", Thanks much appreciated


Is there any way of changing parameters of websocket without ending connection?

My app has coin infos in its table view cell which has 40 cell. I have faced a problem by connecting to the server via websocket. It has been updated its every cell on the tableview continuously therefore in my opinion it hasn't become a useful method to me because of my future plans of adding much more coins to the app which can turn in to be a bigger problem for me in the future. I would like to update the coins which are on the screen but not the ones which are not on the screen. In other words, I would like to update parameters of websocket without end connection. I searched for the graphQL subscription system but I'm not sure about the system which would it be helpful. What are your suggestions for me?
Thank you for your help.

Watson Retrieve and Rank Questions Upload Failed

I've been working on a project involving the Watson Retrieve and Rank service and it was acting normally until now. I managed to upload a number of documents and created roughly 50 questions to start off. Normally, I was able to upload the questions just fine, but now I keep getting an error saying "Questions upload Upload failed".
I have attempted to use different browsers and going into incognito mode, yet nothing seems to solve the issue. I either get the error or the upload questions animation plays endlessly.
This is what it looks like as I try to upload the questions
If anyone could give some insight on how to approach this problem, it would be great.
Can you provide the entire error log?
Are you sure the solr cluster and collection are created correctly? The Standard Plan for this service only allow 7 rankers in the free plan.
You can try it with a new instance of the service.
Are you sure your training data meet the requirements?
Training data requirements:
Retrieve and Rank wasn't working correctly on Wednesday and Thursday. But today its up and running properly.

SQL Server stored procedure timeout the first time I run it

I'm testing a stored procedure on SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. Eventually it will be run in production on a full version of SQL Server 2008 R2.
Testing the stored procedure in Management Studio I notice that the first time I run it after a restore of the database or a restart of the SQL Server service the procedure takes about 35 seconds to run. The second and subsequent time it completes in a blink of an eye.
From this I assume that the query plan takes a while to be created. The symptoms seem to match with what causes the query plan to be recreated.
My problem is when I execute this stored procedure from my C# application if it goes over 30 seconds it times out. I think I have figured out how to increase the timeout but from all the threads I have read people say that in all but exceptional circumstances 30 seconds should be heaps of time. "Fix the problem not increase the timeout".
As this stored procedure will only be run once per month the chances are pretty good that it will create a new query plan every time it is used.
None of my other stored procedures have this problem.
Any ideas on the best way to diagnose the real issue?
The procedure isn't hugely complicated, it reads from a couple of joined tables and inserts about 4000 rows into another table based on a few conditions.
I'm not the best SQLer in the world so maybe I have done some silly things.
I can't really add indexes to the database or anything as it belongs to a business application written by an external company. So I'm very cautious making any changes as it may cause other unforseen problems.
Let me know if you think it is worth posting my sql code here.
Looks like I answered my own question.
I clicked on the little "Display Estimated Query Plan" button in Management Studio and took a look at the query plan. In nice big letters it was recommending that I ad an index to a table and provided me the exact code short of an index name that I needed to use to create it. I took a look at that table and it has over 3 million rows in it. Not a lot in todays terms but obviously a problem if you have to keep reading it end to end which it appears to do while trying to create the query plan.
Anyway I created the index and run my application again and I can't reproduce the problem. It runs like a bullet every time.
I guess I just need to think about the consequences of me adding an index.
First will be to give it a name that the external company is never likely to duplicate. :)
Thanks to all who took the time to read my post and I hope this answer helps someone else.

Executing tasks while app is active and in background

I need to scan a website for changes every few minutes and when difference occurs i need inform user with popout window that contains information about that change.
Problem is i can't find solution to that, i tried putting that code in applicationDidEnterBackground but it didnt work. I'm new to swift and mobile programming at all so please be understanding.
Where should i begin? Little tip maybe.
Thank you!

Is this phrase right?

I'm developing an application in English, but I'm not a native English speaker. The following message will appear when my program is processing so users have to wait until the process ends.
"now processing..don't terminate this program"
I don't know if the phrase is used the right way in English. Can anyone help?
I've always been a fan of "Processing, please wait".
A progress bar or some other visual indicator can also help ensure your users wait while giving them something to look at while they are waiting.
