How to add Tooltip to Richtext Editor - UMBRACO 7 - umbraco

Im trying to find a way to add button that will create a tooltip for the Content Editors
I want to add button somehow to the richtext, that will open and able to write the bubble text when circle a word:
is this possible or there is a similar way to to it?

Umbraco uses TineMce as its rich text editor. If you can find or write your own TinyMce Plugin that has the function you desire, you can load that plugin into the umbraco backoffice


Tool tip text in Google App Maker

Is there a simpler way to do tool tip text when ever I hover thru the following button in Google App Maker?
Go to the Other section of the Property Editor. The title field should give you what you need.
This works well. I know there is a way to inject JQuery into the AppMaker, and from there its just determining when the DOM is loaded and you can modify the element with a script.

EXTJS - Possible to have clickable hyperlinks in TextArea?

I am using EXTJS 3.2.1, and am wondering if the user inputs a URL such as into a TextArea and submits. Then when the page reloads, if I can display it as a clickable hyperlink?
Thanks for the help.
It's a rich text editor (rtf), so yes.
The editor I am using to type this answer is a rich text editor. I can format the text, add links, etc. The Rich Text Editor is a UI control that replaces a standard HTML textarea.

Editor and Inplace issues

I have an issue with inplace with Editor i.e the rich text editor.
When a user stores html text with editor (the rich text editor), the text is escaped in the inplace label.
How do I set escape to false in the inplace so it does not escape html. Which is the point of the rich text editor in the first place.
The second issue is that when I try to save the editor.the next time the inplace label is clicked , the editor ( the rich text editor) disappears.
Any help will be appreciated.
The point of rich text editor is that it provides simple tools for users to format their text without direct markup. This is the reason why your markup is escaped. The component you need is codeMirror from primefaces-extensions which is a simple code-editor interface for javascript, html, etc.
I was able to reproduce this behavior. You should take a look to primefaces bug tracker and report this issue.

WP7 Mango RichTextBox support for copy&paste

It seems that the RichTextBox control does not support copy&paste. Is it really so? I created a very simple application that had the control with some text in it and i could not select it. Are there properties that control this or it just does not work?
It does not support copy or paste unfortunately. If you want to be able to copy formatted text - allow users to switch the view to a TextBox with plain text.

How can I put an eclipse editor inside another eclipse editor?

I am trying to develop an eclipse plug-in that has an editor. The editor needs to show two instances of another editor (showing two different documents), and a toolbar. The internal editors are coming from another plugin. The toolbar needs to control the two internal editors (e.g., when clicking a button, change the background color of some items in one of the internal editors, assuming the internal editor has the API to change background color of course).
Can this be done? Any hints on how to start?
Many thanks for your advice.
You can try and see if a MultiPageEditorPart could be helpful in your case.
* A multi-page editor is an editor with multiple pages, each of which may
* contain an editor or an arbitrary SWT control.
I would have the logic of the editors as SWT Composites. Then the Editor is just a wrapper on top of the composites.
This way, you can create a new editor that combines functionality of other editors by combining the composites in different ways.
Extending VonC's answer, then you can have the composites as tabs in the MultiPageEditor, or just combine them anyway you want
