Does Google Ads support macros in final url (landing page)? - google-ads-api

I want to promote my webpage in Google Ads to android phone users , and I need the Google advertising id for each phone to be in my landing page paramter like this.
On some other platform , macros are supported so I can set the landing page url as{gaid} to promote , but on google ads , I cannot find any explains about macros .

You can find the list of available ValueTrack parameters here. Passing the Google Advertising Identifier is not supported, however.


Your current App submission has been rejected (Developer website and Google Trademarks)

Im publishing an editor add ons with google marketplace api on my google console. Its only a version update.
Google reject my add ons for two points:
"Give proper attribution when using Google Trademarks in your App name or Descriptions
Give proper attribution to Google for any use of their trademarks in your application name or in your description.
Productivity tool for Google Chat™"
I make a detail review of all items in marketplace form, video and links and i give Google proper attribution in all places
"Developer name and Developer website are set so that they accurately represent the developer and redirect to relevant information about them.
Make sure that the store listing shows the developer name with the correct link to the developer page, i.e. the URL contains relevant information about the developer."
I set a developer link that tell about developer, product and contact email
I dont understand what more i need it.

How to distinguish between a Google Doc and Spreadsheet with the URL?

Is it possible to tell if a URL links to Google Sheets, Google Docs, or another Google app from the sharable link?
The app I am working on allows users to share links, but Safari on iOS devices doesn't seem to handle these links very well. To help ease our users pain, we would like to directly open the link in Sheets, Docs, or whatever other Google app works best, should it already be installed. I have been able to accomplish this by editing the link provided, replacing:
However, based on the sharable links, it's hard to tell if the link is a Google Doc, Google Sheet, or something else all together. I originally thought Google Sheets used, but after testing out this change, I realized both Sheets and Docs use for their sharable links. If the wrong app is opened, Google Sheets or Docs will throw an error saying it cannot open the file.
Is there a simple way to make this distinction and ensure the appropriate Google app opens for any given sharable link?
Definitely not from the shareable link. The shareable link is basically just a redirect to the actual document. It's a hash that's generated independently from the original document that is intentionally obfuscated to prevent malicious parties from guessing them.
The only way to know what's on the other side of the link is to visit it or use the Google Drive API to query the document for info.

How do I send IDFA to Google Analytics from a Facebook ad click?

I am currently trying to get mobile app install attribution from Facebook ads. The goal here is something like this,
Create a Facebook ad that pings Google Analytics of the ad click.
(Example URL :{idfa})&cs=GAUC&cm=link&cn=Presentation
The ad is clicked and goes to Google Analytics and sends a hit for metrics in the URL params.
After sending the hit the user visits the destination in the App store where I can link the attribute the click of the ad to the installation through the IDFA (since IDFA is captured on install).
There is a Google Developer page that helps create this sort of redirect link here:
My issue is I do not know the macro used to get IDFA from the Facebook App .
Is it the same macro as the above link idfa=%{idfa}? I can not find any information on this other than where Facebook says
"The Facebook SDK for iOS only accesses IDFAs in the following scenarios: 1) if your app serves ads within the app through Facebook’s Audience Network, or 2) if your app logs app installs or other mobile App Events in order to attribute those events to your ad campaigns."
Link to above quote.
Am I going about this the wrong way or should I just be using a different macro?
In short, you cannot. This is not something supported in Facebook ads.

Find Adwords ads from a specific website?

Is it possible with the Google Adwords API to get ads (both text and images) from any website, even if I don't own it?
For example, I'd like to see all ads that does. Is there a way to extract that data?
There are sites online that do it, so there must be a way, any idea?
AdWords API only displays the Ads that you have created.
For any given AdWords account, there has to be a Campaign, which have AdGroups, which have the Ads and the user can only access Ads within that particular account.

how can I know using Google AdWords API if an AdGroup is attached to a remarketting (audience)?

Can someone please help me with that problem.
The question:
Using the API, How can I know if an AdGroup using remarketting or not ?
The reason:
I want to change the destination URL for the entire campaign with the API.
usually for normal ads which uses Keyword, I just update the keyword (using the Ad URL for keyword which don't have URL).
when having audience, since the Ads aren't triggered with a Keyword, I must change the Ads URL.
since changing A Ad URL require to delete and recreate an Ad I'm trying to avoid it when possible.
The real question:
When will Google for COL will allow us to update the Ad URLs.
And they can update the quality index if that's the problem for all I care.
Thanks for taking the time to read it,
As an FYI, the official AdWords API forum is available here:
An ad group that is using remarketing will contain a BiddableAdGroupCriterion containing a CriterionUserList. There are no plans to allow for ad URLs to be modifiable.
