it's my absolute first time trying to publish an app.
I'm really new at programming.
I have follow all the instructions to upload the app, but i got this message:
Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key...
SHA1: "something"
, but the certificate used to sign the app bundle....
SHA1: "something different".
I've never sign nothing before, and I can't understand where the error is.
any help?
Xcode always says "No code signing identities found" when I work on a new project.
Normally, I just press fix issue, and it works. But since a while, it keeps saying "Your account already has a valid iOS Development certificate". When I try to press "Reset" in Xcode 7.2, nothing happens, other than that I get a email that my certificate was revoked. I still get the same error. I also tried the Xcode beta, when I press "Reset" there, it says "Certificate installation failed".
I'm a free(not paid) apple developer, so I don't have access to the member center. I also haven't got a mac that has got the old certificate, otherwise I could just import it from there.
Recently WWDR certificate expired(actually on 14/02.2016) and this caused a lot of issues. You could try downloading the new one:
This is not a part of the development program and you don't need access to member center in order to download it.
Keep in mind to remove the old one from Keychain access in both Login and System(you may need to check View->Show expired certificates if it doesn't appear).
I am in the process of submitting my first Ionic application to the store. However I am receiving an error every single time that I try to submit my binary to the store:
Invalid Signature - A sealed resource is missing or invalid. The binary at path [Who Paid Last?.app/Who Paid Last?] contains an invalid signature. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate....
I have verified that my certificates are correct. I have even tried moving my .git folder outside of the directory, but still no luck. I have tried about 7 different configurations and still the same result time and time again.
The crazy thing is that after my archive has been built, I validate using XCode's validator. The validator says that my .ipa has zero errors and that it is ready for submission, but iTunes Connect says differently.
I have also tried following this tutorial on troubleshooting but without any luck.
The issue had to do with the name of my app. The name of my application is Who Paid Last?, and come to find out, the "?" in the name is what was causing the issue. As soon as I removed it, the app was submitted just fine with out any issues.
I had a similar issue, but my error message was "Invalid Signature. Code object is not signed at all. The binary at path [] contains an invalid signature...."
Deleting the #!/usr/bin/env directive from the top of my 02_jshint.js file, then building the iOS version of your project from the CLI worked for me.
I've been working on this app for a few months now and one of every few builds that I push out through the new Test Flight in iTunes Connect can't be installed, and when I connect my device to my computer to look at the console, I see the error message
"Failed to verify code signature"
With the supplemental message:
Entitlements found that are not permitted by provisioning profile
I don't understand why this is an issue only sometimes. I seem to correct the issue by creating a new identical, aside from the build number, version and upload that.
What could I possibly be doing wrong? The only "entitlement" my app registers for is access to the keychain, but there is no toggle for that in the entitlements potion oft he application identifier on the developer portal.
I'm following this tutorial to publish for iOS using Flash Pro CS6. I'm using the sample files provided with that tutorial. Everything works up until I go to publish for iOS. When I click publish I get the message "Could not access digital certificate, could not load keystore file (password may be incorrect)"
This makes me think I'm entering the wrong password. Is the password needed the one associated with my Apple Developer account? Because this is the one I'm entering. If it isn't, and it's another password that's just for the certificate, that's the issue.
I created the certificate on a Windows machine using this tutorial. Then converted it to a .p12 file (that Flash Pro needs) using this tutorial. The only time I was promoted about a password was when I exported the .cer file to a .p12 using command prompt. I was asked to enter export password, but when I typed, it didn't enter into the command line. The export was done anyway and so I didn't think the password was necessary and the tutorial I followed didn't mention it, it was just the end of the tutorial, so I closed command prompt.
After some reading online though, I've read that when you create a certificate on a Mac using KeyChain, you set a password. But during my creation of the certificate I didn't set one. I've tried leaving the password field in Flash Pro blank but you can't, it gives a message saying "Please type password"
So, what password is the password field under where you add your certificate asking for? The one associated with your Apple Developer account or another one?
This is really confusing me and I'm surprised I haven't found more with Google or found other people asking this.
Thank you for the help.
UPDATE: I didn't know when command prompt asks for a password, it doesn't show any of the typing at all, not even stars. So I just assumed it wasn't letting me type anything. Thanks Paul! :)
The Certificate you need is from Apple. When you sign up as a Developer you can request a code signing certificate.
More about Code-Signing Certificates:
Maintaining Certificates
All iOS apps and most Mac apps must be code signed and provisioned to
launch on a device, to be distributed for testing, or to be submitted
to the store.
On how to request your Certificate if you are enrolled as a Dev see the Caption "Requesting Signing Identities" in the link above.
The password requested in Flash Pro is the Password set via the openssl command.
The source of the confusion was that the openssl console does not show the export password while typing it in the command prompt.
This is expected behaviour, just enter the password blind and press Enter when you are finished. Then use the password in Flash to import.
I got this error message using the wrong password in the use an iOS certificate (.p12) section in the AIR for iOS Settings Deployment tab.
Ive developed an app using Phonegap. I could build the app for testing using development certificate. And the app works fine.
Now i want to upload the app to app store. But im getting an error saying
"Application fialed codesign verification. The signature was failed, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Certificate."
After googling lots of time i found the solution. Refer the link for more details - >Click here
One thing to note is that please also make sure to export the .p12 by selecting the certificate associated with the key and not the key. (this ensures we have the correct common name and a valid certificate)
This was the root of problem. It might help someone someday.