Project was not loaded - ETC20 Token Tutorial, brownie - token

I’m having problems with the deployment of my token. I’m following this tutorial:,Moralis%20account%2C%20just%20log%20in
I originally thought that it was just a problem of finding the .bash file, so I added the Moralis Ropsten endpoint to the Brownie networks via
brownie networks add Ethereum moralis-ropsten host= chainid=3
which seems to have worked.
But when I try to rund the command
brownie console --network moralis-ropsten
I still get:
'Brownie v1.16.4 - Python development framework for Ethereum
No project was loaded.
Brownie environment is ready.
Can anyone explain why? Everything else works fine. I just can’t deploy it bc it won’t load. Help would be much appeciated


How to clone dotMS demo website? And how to run dotCMS on Docker?

I'm pretty new to dotCMS and Docker.
What I'm trying to do is to clone the dotCMS demo website.
I have 2 issues regarding it.
Cannot set up .env file.
I cloned the repo from
Watched two videos from dotCMS:
Making your #Jamstack application editable in real-time with dotCMS
Build and deploy your #Jamstack with #dotCMS, #NextJS and #GraphQL
And I did exact the same as the speaker did.
But when I try to set up .env file, it gives me an error:
"Problem with your DotCMS instance
ERROR: request to failed, reason: self signed certificate"
Running dotCMS on Docker
Also, when I run doctCMS on Docker according to this guide:
I can log into http://localhost:8080/dotAdmin 
But http://localhost:8080 gives me 404 error
all the necessary softwares/tools/dependencies are installed.
(yarn, npm, vercel, git, docker, docker-compose)
I searched and asked at dotCMS group chat but I couldn't find the answer I'm looking for and my question is still pending. I googled it and watched videos on Youtube. Still no luck.
So this is my last resort.
Please feel free to tell me if the question is vague or need more info.
I'd really appreciate it if anyone could help me figuring this out.

Rails configuration with docker-compose remote sdk fails on RubyMine

So I work with RubyMine, and I configured my docker-compose integration like in this tutorial, but I have an error when I simply hit the 'run' button:
ERROR: Duplicate mount points: [/home/kyrela/railsproject:/railsproject:rw, /home/kyrela/railsproject:/railsproject:rw]
A simple docker-compose up from the terminal works.
I founded when trying to launch the same command as RubyMine, but removing some arguments, that it was caused by the docker-compose.override.[number].yml file generated automatically by RubyMine, based on my configuration. Without it, it works perfectly.
But my configuration is extremely basic :
I only set the IP adress and port, the same as the ones it currently use with a simple docker-compose up from the terminal, I set the remote SDK (the one from my container), and the docker-compose method to up. That's all, I leaved the rest blank or with the default value.
After some research on this error, it's apparently a bug that can be fixed with a simple docker-compose restart. It didn't worked for me.
Does someone know how to get rid of this error ?
If some informations are missing, just leave a comment and I will edit my message with the specified informations.

Rinkeby contracts deployment Error: Timeout

I was trying to follow this tutorial:
And even found this extremely helpful YouTube video to guide me:
But I've encountered a problem after installing and setting up everything I needed. The problem occured when I tried to deploy the contracts using this bash command:
truffle deploy --network rinkeby
The error message I got is:
Error: There was a timeout while attempting to connect to the network.
Check to see that your provider is valid.
If you have a slow internet connection, try configuring a longer timeout in your Truffle config. Use the networks[networkName].networkCheckTimeout property to do this.
at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\Users\alonb\.nvm\versions\node\v12.22.5\bin\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\packages\provider\index.js:56:1)
at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17)
at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)
It's not caused by slow internet connection - I know that because I have tried executing this command on 3 different WiFi connections, one at 200 Mb/s rate.
I have tried to change the truffle-config.js file and add a longer timeout threshold (like suggested here), but the only thing that changed was that the error message took much longer to appear.
Technical info - I'm using Git Bash, npm version 6.14.14, nvm version 0.38.0, node version 12.22.5.
Any suggestions? I'm lost.
I also ran into this error when following the same tutorial.
I use Alchemy (not Infura), and the issue was my API_KEY.
In other tutorials I've followed, the scripts require the full alchemy API Key (ex. "<random-key>").
So, when I was following this tutorial, that is what I supplied. And, I ran into the error you reported.
But when I reviewed the truffle.js script provided by the tutorial authors, I found this:
const rinkebyNodeUrl = isInfura
: "" + NODE_API_KEY;
Thus, the script was producing:
rinkebyNodeUrl =<**random-key**>
...which is clearly wrong.
Thus, ensuring I set my API_KEY environment variable only to random-key and not<random-key>, my contract deployed successfully.
Also, make sure you have enough ETH in your wallet on the Rinkeby network. Faucets always seem to work for a little while then stop working, so do some Google searches to find one that is currently functional.
The solution is incredibly easy -
Instead of using just the relevant part of the Alchemy key:
I used the whole URL:
I had the same experience but when using hardhat not truffle.My internet connection was ok,try switching from Git bash to terminal(CMD).Use a completely new terminal avoid Gitbash and powershell.
Remove the function wrapper from provider inside the network configuration.
ropsten_infura: {
provider: new HDWalletProvider({
mnemonic: {
phrase: mnemonic
providerOrUrl: `${project_id}`,
network_id: 3
The rinkbery network has been decommissioned. Use Goerli or Sepolia network. Update your truffle config add a section for goerli in networks. E.g
goerli: {
provider: () =>
new HDWalletProvider(
network_id: 5, // goerli's id
gas: 4500000, //
gasPrice: 10000000000,
The run the command
truffle deploy --network goerli

Prisma deploy gives error GraphQL Tutorial

I am currently following a GraphQL Tutorial and am on the "Add a Database" section explaining how to set up Prisma with GraphQL.
I finished adding the information in the prisma.yml file, installed prisma, ran prisma deploy and followed the steps, but every time I run prisma info, prisma token, or prisma deploy again, I keep getting the same error:
TypeError: url_1.URL is not a constructor
I have been trying to look up solutions to the error. I tried updating node and npm, downloading docker but nothing seems to be making any difference.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
You are running into this issue.
Basically, this is a known issue with node 6.x.
Please update the node version to fix this issue and track the progress of above issue in case you want to continue to use node 6.x.

Hyperledger Iroha: Can't generate genesis-block

I am trying to generate a new genesis-block in Hyperledger Iroha as it is suggested in
but unfortunately I can't do it because I am always getting the same error message.
$ cat peer.list
$ ./iroha-cli --genesis_block --peers_address peer.list
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::out_of_range> >'
what(): bimap<>: invalid key
Aborted (core dumped)
I am receiving this error both on my local machine where I had compiled Iroha from scratch using the source code, as well as within an Iroha container.
I think I have the correct dependencies, otherwise I would have not been able to build Iroha from scratch. Also, note that I can start irohad correctly by using the configuration example from
Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
There was, indeed, a bug affecting the permissions needed to generate a block. It is fixed now and should not occur:
This is a known issue in the development of hyperledger iroha, see here:
It arises when iroha is compiled with Ansible Playbook.
Try to uninstall Ansible from your system and re-compile iroha and you shouldn't encounter the same error.
Obviously this is just a work around, and you won't be able to take advantage of the ansible capabilities.
