In the link below, I confirmed that normalization is not required in XGBoost.
However, in the dataset we are using now, we need to use standardization
to get high performance.
Is standardization necessary if the scales between features constituting one sample vary greatly?
Here is one sample of 18 features. The tenth feature is always equal to 60.
[ 0.001652 0.000434 0.00312 0.000494 -0.093933 4.173985 6.314583
1.138626 3.807321 60. 0.000108 0.000131 0.000272 0.000067
0.000013 0.000013 0.000108 0.000108]
Your rationale is indeed correct: decision trees do not require normalization of their inputs;
and since XGBoost is essentially an ensemble algorithm comprised of decision trees, it does not
require normalization for the inputs either.
For corroboration, see also the thread Is Normalization necessary? at the XGBoost Github repo,
where the answer by the lead XGBoost developer is a clear:
no you do not have to normalize the features
Standardization comes into the picture when features of the input data set have large differences between their ranges, or simply when they are measured in different units (e.g., pounds, meters, miles, etc.).
Logistic regressions and tree-based algorithms such as decision trees, random forests and gradient boosting are not sensitive to the magnitude of variables. So standardization is not needed before fitting these kinds of models.
I have used bert base pretrained model with 512 dimensions to generate contextual features. Feeding those vectors to random forest classifier is providing 83 percent accuracy but in various researches i have seen that bert minimal gives 90 percent.
I have some other features too like word2vec, lexicon, TFIDF and punctuation features.
Even when i merged all the features i got 83 percent accuracy. The research paper which i am using as base paper mentioned an accuracy score of 92 percent but they have used an ensemble based approach in which they classified through bert and trained random forest on weights.
But i was willing to do some innovation thus didn't followed that approach.
My dataset is biased to positive reviews so according to me the accuracy is less as model is also biased for positive labels but still I am looking for an expert advise
Code implementation of bert
Random forest on all features independently
Random forest on all features jointly
Regarding the "no improvements despite adding more features" - some researchers believe that the BERT word embeddings already contain all the available information presented in text, so then it doesn't matter how fancy a classification head you add to it, doesn't matter if it is a linear model that uses the embeddings, or a complicated ML algorithm with a number of other features, they will not provide significant improvements in many tasks. They argue, that since BERT is a context-aware, bidirectional language model - that is trained extensively on MLM and NSP tasks, it already grasps most of the things that additional features for punctuation, word2vec and tfidf could convey. The lexicon could probably help a little in the sentiment task, if it is relevant, but the one or two extra variables, that you likely use to represent it, probably get drowned in all the other features.
Other than that, the accuracy of BERT-based models depends on the dataset used, sometimes the data is simply too diverse to obtain a perfect score, e.g. if there are some instances of observations that are very similar, but with different class labels etc. You can see in the BERT papers, that the accuracy widely depends on the task, e.g. in some tasks it is indeed 90+%, but for some tasks, e.g. Masked Language Modeling, where the model needs to choose a particular word from a vocab of over 30K words, the accuracy of 20% could be impressive in some cases. So in order to obtain a reliable comparison with bert papers, you'd need to pick a dataset that they've used and then compare.
Regarding the dataset balance, for deep learning models in general, the rule of thumb is that the training set should be more or less balanced w.r.t. the fraction of data covered by each class label. So if you have 2 labels, should be ~50-50, if 5 labels, then each should be at around 20% of training dataset, etc.
That is because most NN's work in batches, where they update the model weights based on the feedback from each batch. So if you have too many values of one class, the batch updates will be dominated by that one class, effectively worsening the quality of your training.
So, if you want to improve the accuracy of your model, balancing the dataset could be an easy fix. And if you have e.g. 5 ordered classes with differing sizes, you may consider merging some of them (e.g. reviews from 1-2 as bad, 3 as neutral, 4-5 as good) and then rebalancing, if still necessary.
(Unless it's a situation where e.g. 1 class has 80% of data, and 4 classes share the remaining 20%. In such a case you should probably consider some more advanced options, such as partitioning the algo to two parts, one predicting whether or not an instance is in class 1 (so a binary classifier), the other to distinguish between the 4 underrepresented classes. )
I am using Random Forest for binary classification.
It gives me 85 % accuracy when I trained with all features(10 features).
After training, I visualized the important features. It shows that 2 features are really important.
So I chose anly two important features and trained RF(with same setup) but accuracy is decrease(0.70 %).
Does it happen ? I was expecting higher accuracy.
What can I do get better accuracy in this case?
The general rule of thumb when using random forests is to include all observable data. The reason for this is that a priori, we don't know which features might influence the response and the model. Just because you found that there are only a handful of features which are strong influencers does not mean that the remaining features do not play some role in the model.
So, you should stick with just including all features when training your random forest model. If certain features do not improve accuracy, they will be removed/ignored during training. You typically do not need to manually remediate by removing any features when training.
Whether we need to scale(by zscale or by standardization) the data while building decision tree or random forests? As we know that we need to scale the data for KNN, K-means clustering and PCA. As these algorithms are based on distance calculations. What about scaling in Linear, Logistic, NavieBayes, Decision trees and Random forests?
We do data scaling, when we are seeking for some relation between data point. In ANN and other data mining approaches we need to normalize the inputs, otherwise network will be ill-conditioned. We do the scaling to reach a linear, more robust relationship. Moreover, data scaling can also help you a lot to overcome outliers in the data. In short, data scaling is highly recommended in each type of machine learning algorithms.
You can do normalization or standardization in order to scale your data.
[Notice that do not confuse normalization with standardization (e.g. Z-score)]
Hope that helps.
Whether we need to scale(by zscale or by standardization) the data while building decision tree or random forests?
A: Decision trees and Random Forests are immune to the feature magnitude and hence its not required.
As we know that we need to scale the data for KNN, K-means clustering and PCA. As these algorithms are based on distance calculations. What about scaling in Linear, Logistic, NavieBayes, Decision trees and Random forests?
A: In general, scaling is not an absolute requirement, its a recommendation, primarily for similarity based algorithms. For many algorithms, you may need to consider data transformation prior to normalization.There's also various normalization techniques you can try out, and there's no one size fits best for all problems. The main reason for normalization for error based algorithms such as linear, logistic regression, neural networks is faster convergence to the global minimum due to the better initialization of weights.Information based algorithms (Decision Trees, Random Forests) and probability based algorithms (Naive Bayes, Bayesian Networks) don't require normalization either.
Scaling is better to be done in general, because if all the features are on the same scale, the Gradient Descent Algorithm converges faster to the global or optimum local minimum.
We can speed up gradient descent by having each of our input values in roughly the same range. This is because our model parameters, will descend quickly on small ranges and slowly on large ranges, and so will oscillate inefficiently down to the optimum when the variables are very uneven.
This is a question about linear regression with ngrams, using Tf-IDF (term frequency - inverse document frequency). To do this, I am using numpy sparse matrices and sklearn for linear regression.
I have 53 cases and over 6000 features when using unigrams. The predictions are based on cross validation using LeaveOneOut.
When I create a tf-idf sparse matrix of only unigram scores, I get slightly better predictions than when I create a tf-idf sparse matrix of unigram+bigram scores. The more columns I add to the matrix (columns for trigram, quadgram, quintgrams, etc.), the less accurate the regression prediction.
Is this common? How is this possible? I would have thought that the more features, the better.
It's not common for bigrams to perform worse than unigrams, but there are situations where it may happen. In particular, adding extra features may lead to overfitting. Tf-idf is unlikely to alleviate this, as longer n-grams will be rarer, leading to higher idf values.
I'm not sure what kind of variable you're trying to predict, and I've never done regression on text, but here's some comparable results from literature to get you thinking:
In random text generation with small (but non-trivial) training sets, 7-grams tend to reconstruct the input text almost verbatim, i.e. cause complete overfit, while trigrams are more likely to generate "new" but still somewhat grammatical/recognizable text (see Jurafsky & Martin; can't remember which chapter and I don't have my copy handy).
In classification-style NLP tasks performed with kernel machines, quadratic kernels tend to fare better than cubic ones because the latter often overfit on the training set. Note that unigram+bigram features can be thought of as a subset of the quadratic kernel's feature space, and {1,2,3}-grams of that of the cubic kernel.
Exactly what is happening depends on your training set; it might simply be too small.
As larsmans said, adding more variables / features makes it easier for the model to overfit hence lose in test accuracy. In the master branch of scikit-learn there is now a min_df parameter to cut-off any feature with less than that number of occurrences. Hence min_df==2 to min_df==5 might help you get rid of spurious bi-grams.
Alternatively you can use L1 or L1 + L2 penalized linear regression (or classification) using either the following classes:
sklearn.linear_model.Lasso (regression)
sklearn.linear_model.ElasticNet (regression)
sklearn.linear_model.SGDRegressor (regression) with penalty == 'elastic_net' or 'l1'
sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier (classification) with penalty == 'elastic_net' or 'l1'
This will make it possible to ignore spurious features and lead to a sparse model with many zero weights for noisy features. Grid Searching the regularization parameters will be very important though.
You can also try univariate feature selection such as done the text classification example of scikit-learn (check the SelectKBest and chi2 utilities.
I should decide between SVM and neural networks for some image processing application. The classifier must be fast enough for near-real-time application and accuracy is important too. Since this is a medical application, it is important that the classifier has the low failure rate.
which one is better choice?
A couple of provisos:
performance of a ML classifier can refer to either (i) performance of the classifier itself; or (ii) performance of the predicate step: execution speed of the model-building algorithm. Particularly in this case, the answer is quite different depending on which of the two is intended in the OP, so i'll answer each separately.
second, by Neural Network, i'll assume you're referring to the most common implementation--i.e., a feed-forward, back-propagating single-hidden-layer perceptron.
Training Time (execution speed of the model builder)
For SVM compared to NN: SVMs are much slower. There is a straightforward reason for this: SVM training requires solving the associated Lagrangian dual (rather than primal) problem. This is a quadratic optimization problem in which the number of variables is very large--i.e., equal to the number of training instances (the 'length' of your data matrix).
In practice, two factors, if present in your scenario, could nullify this advantage:
NN training is trivial to parallelize (via map reduce); parallelizing SVM training is not trivial, but it's also not impossible--within the past eight or so years, several implementations have been published and proven to work (
mult-class classification problem SVMs are two-class classifiers.They can be adapted for multi-class problems, but this is never straightforward because SVMs use direct decision functions. (An excellent source for modifying SVMs to multi-class problems is S. Abe, Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification, Springer, 2005). This modification could wipe out any performance advantage SVMs have over NNs: So for instance, if your data has
more than two classes and you chose to configure the SVM using
successive classificstaion (aka one-against-many classification) in
which data is fed to a first SVM classifier which classifiers the
data point either class I or other; if the class is other then
the data point is fed to a second classifier which classifies it
class II or other, etc.
Prediction Performance (execution speed of the model)
Performance of an SVM is substantially higher compared to NN. For a three-layer (one hidden-layer) NN, prediction requires successive multiplication of an input vector by two 2D matrices (the weight matrices). For SVM, classification involves determining on which side of the decision boundary a given point lies, in other words a cosine product.
Prediction Accuracy
By "failure rate" i assume you mean error rate rather than failure of the classifier in production use. If the latter, then there is very little if any difference between SVM and NN--both models are generally numerically stable.
Comparing prediction accuracy of the two models, and assuming both are competently configured and trained, the SVM will outperform the NN.
The superior resolution of SVM versus NN is well documented in the scientific literature. It is true that such a comparison depends on the data, the configuration, and parameter choice of the two models. In fact, this comparison has been so widely studied--over perhaps all conceivable parameter space--and the results so consistent, that even the existence of a few exceptions (though i'm not aware of any) under impractical circumstances shouldn't interfere with the conclusion that SVMs outperform NNs.
Why does SVM outperform NN?
These two models are based on fundamentally different learing strategies.
In NN, network weights (the NN's fitting parameters, adjusted during training) are adjusted such that the sum-of-square error between the network output and the actual value (target) is minimized.
Training an SVM, by contrast, means an explicit determination of the decision boundaries directly from the training data. This is of course required as the predicate step to the optimization problem required to build an SVM model: minimizing the aggregate distance between the maximum-margin hyperplane and the support vectors.
In practice though it is harder to configure the algorithm to train an SVM. The reason is due to the large (compared to NN) number of parameters required for configuration:
choice of kernel
selection of kernel parameters
selection of the value of the margin parameter