Beats vs fluentd & prometheus - fluentd

What are some pros and cons of each and which one has a wider application ability. I have to chose one to work on and wonder which one I will get more out off.


Difference between PRTG and Grafana

I would like to know the difference between Grafana and PRTG from a functional point of view.
We use PRTG at work and I have to do a proof of concept on Grafana.
Every morning I look at the errors / warnings reported by PRTG but I lack overall visibility. So after some research I saw that PRTG offer to create MAPS (dashboards) but it seems limited to infra / network.
My objective is initially to make an easy correlation between the infrastructure's monitored elements (storage, vmware, switchs, etc...) and PRTG Maps seem to more or less meet the needs. Also I want to do daily/weekly reporting and easily follow the evolution of the infra over the month.
But on the other hand, I would like to be able to offer application dashboards and potentially dedicated to other teams (helpdesk, change manager, etc.)..
Grafana looks more friendly and especially seems to be able to create dashboards on other perimeters.
Can the two tools be complementary or PRTG is ok on its own ?
Thank you.
PRTG allows you to create application dashboards - you are limited only by sensors you have in your system. This means if you create only system level sensors like Ping, CPU, network utilization - then you cannot really say much about your application since you monitor only infrastructure.
PRTG is good in creating Maps in comparison to other monitoring tools and they are now working on improvement of this functionality (see their roadmap). Creating maps specific to teams in your company is possible with PRTG (permissions can be set) and is good idea in general.
To make weekly/daily reports there is possibility to let PRTG send you email with attached PDF related to sensor[s] you choose. Similar functionality has Grafana (cloud/enterprise version)
The difference between PRTG and Grafana as of January 2022 is that PRTG does not allow you to zoom into charts dynamically (meaning with your mouse at specific start/stop date/time range) - its much more "static" in this regard and you as user wish to have this option. If you create application map in PRTG then you can forget any zooming or changing of date on that dashboard - its just not built for it. Its more like "what is status now" dashboard, but never for analysis of issues which happened yesterday which is exactly what you want if something happened during weekend and its Monday.
I see that Grafana has some Machine Learning possibility where PRTG has none - it only shows you similar behavior of sensors but that is good for a cat (at least i never needed it in my 7+ years of using PRTG)
Grafana as far i know it is just a frontend but PRTG is whole monitoring system inclusive frontend so you are not comparing sensor capabilities here - in this PRTG is really very good and they are adding new sensors every month (meaning for new vendors/hardware you have possibility to monitor them with specialised sensors built just for this hardware)
I don't think you can combine Grafana and PRTG - its either or since you have different monitoring engine on background of Grafana.
Hope it answers your questions

Microservices in Docker implementation

We are writing our first micro services using Docker containers using Amazon fargate. We have many doubts on the implementation level using Spring Boot
We will have multiple micro services in the project, is it a good practice we are writing all the micro services in a single container or I have to create separate Docker container for separate micro services. In a cost effective way we use single container but is that make any problems for our project structure in future?
We are planning to deploy the application in AWS fargate and our application will have large option to extend in future and expecting around 100 to 150 different micro services. In this case is it cost effective if we are uploading all these microservices in different containers too?
The most important thing to remember with microservices is that they're not primarily about solving technical problems but organisational problems. So when we look at whether an organisation should be using microservices, and how those services are deployed, we need to look at whether the org has the problems that the microservices style solves.
The answer to your question about your architecture, then, will mostly depend on the size of your technology team, the organisational structure, the age of your product, your current deployment practices, and how those are likely to change over the medium term.
As an example, if your organisation:
has less than 25 tech staff,
organised into 1 or 2 teams,
each of which works on any part of the product,
which is less than 12 months old,
and is deployed all at once on a regular basis (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly),
and the org isn't about to grow rapidly,
then you almost definitely want to forget about microservices for now. In a situation like this, the team is still new in learning about the domain, so likely don't know everything they'd need to know to really understand what would be a great way to split the system up into a distributed architecture. That means if they split it up now, they'll probably want to change the boundaries later, and that becomes very expensive when you already have a distributed system, while being far simpler in a monolith. What's more, with only a small team who can all work on (and support) any part of the system, there's little reason to invest in building a platform where individual teams can deploy and maintain individual services. An organisation at this stage will typically be far more concerned with finding customers and iterating the product quickly, perhaps even pivoting the product, as opposed to making teams autonomous and building a high-scaling, resilient architecture. A monolithic architecture makes sense at this point, but a well-designed monolith, with clear component boundaries enforced by APIs, and encapsulated data access, making it easy to pull out services into separate processes later.
Let's look a little further on and consider an organisation that is...
over 50 tech staff,
organised into 7 teams,
each of which works only on specific areas of the product,
which is 3 years old,
and has teams wanting to deploy their work independently of what other teams are doing.
Such an organisation should definitely be building a distributed architecture. If they don't, and have all these teams working in a monolith instead, they will run into all kinds of organisational problems, with teams needing to coordinate their work, releases being delayed while the one team finishes QA on their new feature, patch deploys being a big hassle for staff and customers. What's more, with a mature product, the organisation should know enough about the domain to be able to sensibly split both the domain and the teams (in that order; see Conway's Law) into sensible, autonomous units that can make progress while minimising coordination.
You seem to have chosen microservices already. Depending on where you sit on the scales above, maybe you want to revisit that decision.
If you want to keep developing with microservices but deploying them all in one container, know that there's nothing wrong with that if it suits the way your organisation works at the moment. Will it make problems for your project structure in future? Well, if you're successful and your organisation grows, there will probably come a time where this single-container deployment is no longer the best fit, in particular when teams start owning services and want to deploy just their service without deploying the whole application. But that autonomy will come at the cost of extra work and complexity, and it may give you no benefit at this point in time. Just because it won't be the right approach for your system in the future doesn't mean that it isn't the right approach for today. The trick is in keeping an eye on it and knowing when to make the extra investment.
No problem if you are using single container for your microservices but the main goal of microservices is to maintain each services separately each service should be loosely coupled and each service should have separate database (if you want to achieve database per service architecture).
So try to achieve this thing run your services in separate container and orchestrate those services with docker swarm or Kubernetes .
I know cost matters but if you do it in right way you will then see the power of microservices architecture then.

how mature is SD erlang project?

do you have any experience with SD Erlang project?
There seems to be implemented many interesting concepts regarding the comm mesh optimalizations and I'm just curious if some of you used those in production already or in some real project at least.
SD erlang repo
The project has finished a week ago. The main ideas behind SD Erlang are reducing the number of connections Erlang nodes maintain while keeping transitivity and common namespace for groups of nodes. Benchmarks that we used (Orbit, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), and Instant Messenger) showed very promising results. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough human resources to refactor Sim-Diasca simulation engine. So, no, SD Erlang hasn't been used yet in a real application.
At the moment we are writing up the last deliverable that will provide an overview of what has been achieved. It will appear here in a few weeks (D6.2). In general we are happy with the results we get using SD Erlang, so there are plans for a follow up project to continue to work on it but currently this is work in progress.
This is not a direct answer but I will use SD-Erlang in a embedded application which needs to scale to hundreds of nodes (small embedded CPUs). From what I have seen its ready to be tried out in a real application. To furtehr evaluate lets consider the alternatives:
You have only a few distributed nodes: then you probably don't need it and can just connect all the nodes and for name registry use either the global module (slow but sturdy) or gprocwith the new locks_leader branch which avoids the quite broken gen_leader which so far prevented using gproc in distributed mode in production.
You need many nodes (how many depends on your hardware and requirements but you start to get into interesting territory with > 70 nodes)
Use SD-Erlang and fix whatever problems you encounter in production, or at least report them. It certainly solves a lot of the problems you get with normal Erlang distribution
Roll your own solution either with playing with different cookie values or with hidden nodes: hint you can set different cookie values for different peer nodes. But then you need to roll your own global name registry and management code: looks like a variant of Greenspuns 10th rule or closer to Erlang Virdings 1st rule : you probably will result in implementing half of SD Erlang yourself.
Don't use Erlang distribution at all. That seems to be the industry standard that for anything involving more nodes or crossing data-centers you shouldn't use Erlang distribution at all but run your own protocols. My personal opinion is to rather fix Erlang Distributions problems than just ditch it. Its much too useful and time saving when it works for a use case to just give up on it. And I see SD-Erlang as being the fix for the "too many nodes" problem, its at least the right starting point.

System architecture advice for a dual interface online/mobile marketplace

My startup is building an online/mobile labor marketplace where there will be a business interface for businesses posting jobs and we distribute these jobs through a mobile interface for users. We use Rails, REST, Amazon RDS & EC2 and mysql.
My question is: from an architecture standpoint on the server-side does it make sense to?:
a) Have 2 applications one serving the web interface and one acting as the server-side (API) for the mobile interface and both communicating via the DB and via 2 different EC2 instances
b) Try to build one comprehensive application serving both interfaces
Any opinion and perspective on pros and cons would be much appreciated
Amazon Web Services are giving you a few tools to make your architecture simpler, more robust and scalable, if you break down your system into smaller, simpler and independent components.
Since you have a set different sizes of instances from micro to extra large (and a few sizes of extra large), you have the flexibility to mix each service type to the appropriate size, configuration, software dependencies, update cycle etc. It will make the life of the developers, testers and administrators much easier.
You also have the ability to scale and even auto-scale each layer and service independently. If you have more users of one of the interfaces, or the other, or increase in data size that is fed through one of the interfaces, you can scale only the relevant service. It will save you the complexity and cost of scaling the full system as a whole.
Another characteristic of AWS is the ability to scale up, down, out and in based on your need. For example, if one of the interface has more users on working weekdays and fewer on weekends, you can scale down this interface for the weekend or night, saving 50% of your computation costs for this instances. In this regards, you can switch from the on-demand model for the more static interfaces to reserved instances, saving again 50% of your costs.
To allow communication between the different interfaces you can use your DB, but you also have a few more options based on your use case. One option is to use Queueing system as SQS. The queue is used as a buffer between the interfaces, reducing the risk of failure of one component (software bug, hardware failure...), affecting the whole system. Another option for inter interfaces communication, that is more tuned to performance is to use in-memory cache. AWS are offering ElasticCache as such service. It can be more efficient than updating such transient data for short period of time and with high load.
I see no long term cons, other than the quick (and dirty) implementation of a single service on a single machine.
The overall goal should be to have most amount of code common between the mobile and web application. Otherwise you are looking at maintenance headaches where you will end up e.g. fixing bugs, or adding features at two places at minimum.
Ideally everything below the front end should be common. The web UI should itself be calling the server side APIs that you are going to need for mobile application. And most amount of logic should be put into these APIs, leaving only presentation details to the UI. This is as prescribed by many patterns such as MVC.
I have a mobile site and desktop site running myself. The codebase is exactly the same at PHP level. Only the smarty templates are different between the two. Granted that mobile application is different from mobile site, but the basic principles still apply.

Neo4j Standalone vs Embedded server?

I want to know what is the difference between these two implementations of neo4j. Of-course names of both techniques is self-explanatory,but still what are the main differences?
What factors should be considered in deciding which technique to use in the project?
Pros and cons.
P.S. Sorry if it is a repeat question but I searched and was not able to find any ques which answers my question.
Because the standalone server is built on the embedded server, the general rule of thumb is that the embedded server is more capable and has (obviously) lower latency. Either can operate in High-Availability mode, allow monitoring, and even accept connections from the neo4j-shell. With the server though, you get more functionality out-of-the-box, like remoting, basic visualization, monitoring interface, etc.
The differences are otherwise the practical ones you'd imagine. Choosing a deployment approach is influenced by two things:
Language - embedded mode requires that you're implementing your application with a JVM compatible language. The server supports any language/framework that can send HTTP requests.
Hardware - sharing physical resources between your application and Neo4j can be demanding. Scaling may argue for a dedicated machine to split out the persistence layer. The server obviously has a remote API to support segmenting your application.
It's otherwise difficult to give guidance without a specific usage scenario. Deploying into an existing Service Oriented Architecture? Probably server. Running on an copier machine? Go embedded. From scratch web application? What's the rest of your stack?
