Attention OCR to OpenVino - opencv

Good afternoon! I have a question about AttentionOCR model inference using OpenVino.
There is an AttentionOCR model that takes a size tensor (1,1,32,214) as input, I convert it to OpenVino using the following command:
mo \
--input_model=model/path/frozen_graph.pb \
--input="map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3:0[1 32 214 1]" \
--output "transpose_1,transpose_2" \
--output_dir path/to/ir/
I submit a picture and the model returns the following transpose_1 and transpose_2 arrays , which, as I understand it, should output a tensor with predicted symbols and their probabilities, but output something not what was expected. And it's still not clear why lists of size 8 are returned.
Before feeding the model as input, I converted the image to gray and then also executed the different commands like that, but get the same result:
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1.0, (32, 214))
image = cv2.resize(image, (32,214))
image = image[None, None,:,:]


How is Spark reading my image using the image format?

It might be a silly question but I can't figure out how Spark read my image using the"image").load(....) argument.
After importing my image which gives me the following:
>>>"image.height","image.width","image.nChannels", "image.mode", "").show()
|height|width|nChannels|mode| data|
| 430| 470| 3| 16|[4D 55 4E 4C 54 4...|
I arrive to the conclusion that:
my image is 430x470 pixels,
my image is colored (RGB due to nChannels = 3) which is an openCV compatible-type,
my image mode is 16 which corresponds to a particular openCV byte-order.
Does someone knows which website/documentation I could browse to know more about it?
the data in the data column is of type Binary but:
when I run"").take(1) I got an output which seems to be only one array (see below).
# **1/** Here are the last elements of the result
....<<One Eternity Later>>....x92\x89\x8a\x8d\x84\x86\x89\x80\x84\x87~'))]
# 2/ I got also several part of the result which looks like:
What come next are linked to the results displayed above. Those might be due to my lack of knowledge concerning openCV (or else). Nonetheless:
1/ I don't understand the fact that if I got an RGB image, I should have 3 matrix but the output finishes by .......\x84\x87~'))]. I was more thinking on obtaining something like [(...),(...),(...\x87~')].
2/ Is this part has a special meaning? Like those are the separator between each matrix or something?
To be more clear about what I'm trying to achieve, I want to process images to do pixel comparison between each images. Therefore, I want to know the pixel values for a given position in my image (I assume that if I have an RGB image, I shall have 3 pixel values for a given position).
Example: let's say that I have a webcam pointing to the sky only during the day and I want to know the values of a pixel at a position corresponding to the top left sky part, I found out that the concatenation of those values gives the colour Light Blue which says that the photo was taken on a sunny day. Let's say that the only possibility is that a sunny day takes the colour Light Blue.
Next I want to compare the previous concatenation with another concat of pixel values at the exact same position but from a picture taken the next day. If I found out that they are not equal then I conclude that the given picture was taken on a cloudy/rainy day. If equal then sunny day.
Any help on that would be highly appreciated. I have vulgarized my example for a better understanding but my goal is pretty much the same. I know that ML model can exist to achieve those stuff but I would be happy to try this first. My first goal is to split this column into 3 columns corresponding to each color code: a red matrix, a green matrix, a blue matrix
I think I have the logic. I used the keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array() function to understand how the values are classified (since I have an RGB image, I must have 3 matrix: one for each color R G B). Posting that if someone wonder how it works, I might be wrong but I think I have something :
from keras.preprocessing import image
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Using spark built-in data source
first_img ="image").schema(imageSchema).load(".....")
raw ="").take(1)[0][0]
(606300,) # which is 470*430*3
# Using keras function
img = image.load_img(".../path/to/img")
yy = image.img_to_array(img)
>>> np.shape(yy)
(430, 470, 3) # the form is good but I have a problem of order since:
>>> raw[0], raw[1], raw[2]
(77, 85, 78)
>>> yy[0][0]
array([78., 85., 77.], dtype=float32)
# Therefore I used the numpy reshape function directly on raw
# to have 470 matrix of 3 lines and 470 columns:
array = np.reshape(raw, (430,470,3))
xx = image.img_to_array(array) # OPTIONAL and not used here
>>> array[0][0] == (raw[0],raw[1],raw[2])
array([ True, True, True])
>>> array[0][1] == (raw[3],raw[4],raw[5])
array([ True, True, True])
>>> array[0][2] == (raw[6],raw[7],raw[8])
array([ True, True, True])
>>> array[0][3] == (raw[9],raw[10],raw[11])
array([ True, True, True])
So if I understood well, spark will read the image as a big array - (606300,) here - where in fact each element are ordered and corresponds to their respective color shade (R G B).
After doing my little transformations, I obtain 430 matrix of 3 columns x 470 lines. Since my image is (470x430) for (WidthxHeight), each matrix corresponds to a pixel heigth position and inside each: 3 columns for each color and 470 lines for each width position.
Hope that helps someone :)!

Computing distance of perceptual hashes

I am using Imagemagick in order to get the perceptual hash of an image. I use the following command:
identify -verbose -define identify:moments x.png
The output returns amongst other params also the pereceptual hash:
I1: 0.0017694 (0.451197) I2: 3.22345e-07 (0.0209605) I3: 2.88038e-10 (0.00477606) I4: 3.93968e-12 (6.53253e-05) I5: 1.2326e-22 (3.38892e-08) I6: -1.94034e-15 (-8.20426e-06) I7: -4.91938e-23 (-1.35254e-08) I8: 5.56374e-16 (2.35249e-06) Channel perceptual hash: Red, Hue: PH1: 0.407586, 0.690687 PH2: 1.88394, 2.91999 PH3: 2.36028, 3.96979 PH4: 5.36184, 5.3591 PH5: 9.25849, 11 PH6: 6.30422, 6.93025 PH7: 9.6332, 10.0241 Green, Chroma: PH1: 0.293148, -0.0406998 PH2: 1.49146, 2.52843 PH3: 2.21568, 0.992456 PH4: 3.52683, 2.3777 PH5: 6.48291, 4.06334 PH6: 4.38149, 4.23342 PH7: 6.64322, 5.35487 Blue, Luma: PH1: 0.329865, 0.33357 PH2: 1.6461, 1.63528 PH3: 2.39206, 2.26483 PH4: 3.72747, 4.09284 PH5: 6.789, 7.36151 PH6: 4.56493, 5.0171 PH7: 7.83416, 7.50669
I want to save the hash and then compute the distance between 2 images. How can I convert the above output to a hash and calculate the distance between 2 hashes?
See for detailed information and tests of this perceptual hash.
Basically it creates 42 floating point values that need to be compared with another set of 42 floating point values from another image using Sum Squared metric.
This is not a simple binary hash that can be easily stored as a string of 1s and 0x and compared using the Hamming distance.
But you can compare two images from their perceptual hashes in ImageMagick using
compare -metric phash image1 image2 null:
You can output the phash values to a .json file if you want.
Alternately, I have two bash unix ImageMagick shell scripts (phashconvert and phashcompare). One will convert the 42 floats to a string of digits that can be saved in the file in the comment section. The second will read two file's comment sections to extract the string, convert them back to floats and then use the Sum Squared Metric to evaluate them. But note this process is only an approximation due to the conversion back and forth from floats to digits.
If you just want to extract the 42 floats, this should do it (from my script phashconvert)
identify -quiet -verbose -moments -alpha off "x.png" | grep "PH[1-7]" | sed -n 's/.*: \(.*\)$/\1/p' | sed 's/ *//g' | tr "," "\n"

Using Keras ImageDataGenerator in a regression model

I want to use the flow_from_directory method of the ImageDataGenerator
to generate training data for a regression model, where the target value can be any float value between 1 and -1. flow_from_directory has a "class_mode" parameter with the description
class_mode: one of "categorical", "binary", "sparse" or None. Default:
"categorical". Determines the type of label arrays that are returned:
"categorical" will be 2D one-hot encoded labels, "binary" will be 1D
binary labels, "sparse" will be 1D integer labels.
Which of these values should I take? None of them seems to really fit...
With Keras 2.2.4 you can use flow_from_dataframe which solves what you want to do, allowing you to flow images from a directory for regression problems. You should store all your images in a folder and load a dataframe containing in one column the image IDs and in the other column the regression score (labels) and set class_mode='other' in flow_from_dataframe.
Here you can find an example where the images are in image_dir, the dataframe with the image IDs and the regression scores is loaded with pandas from the "train file"
train_label_df = pd.read_csv(train_file, delimiter=' ', header=None, names=['id', 'score'])
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale = 1./255, horizontal_flip = True,
fill_mode = "nearest", zoom_range = 0.2,
width_shift_range = 0.2, height_shift_range=0.2,
train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_dataframe(dataframe=train_label_df, directory=image_dir,
x_col="id", y_col="score", has_ext=True,
class_mode="other", target_size=(img_width, img_height),
I think that organizing your data differently, using a DataFrame (without necessarily moving your images to new locations) will allow you to run a regression model. In short, create columns in your DataFrame containing the file path of each image and the target value. This allows your generator to keep regression values and images properly synced even when you shuffle your data at each epoch.
Here is an example showing how to link images with binomial targets, multinomial targets and regression targets just to show that "a target is a target is a target" and only the model might change:
df['path'] = df.object_id.apply(file_path_from_db_id)
object_id bi multi path target
0 461756 dog white /path/to/imgs/756/61/blah_461756.png 0.166831
1 1161756 cat black /path/to/imgs/756/61/blah_1161756.png 0.058793
2 3303651 dog white /path/to/imgs/651/03/blah_3303651.png 0.582970
3 3367756 dog grey /path/to/imgs/756/67/blah_3367756.png -0.421429
4 3767756 dog grey /path/to/imgs/756/67/blah_3767756.png -0.706608
5 5467756 cat black /path/to/imgs/756/67/blah_5467756.png -0.415115
6 5561756 dog white /path/to/imgs/756/61/blah_5561756.png -0.631041
7 31255756 cat grey /path/to/imgs/756/55/blah_31255756.png -0.148226
8 35903651 cat black /path/to/imgs/651/03/blah_35903651.png -0.785671
9 44603651 dog black /path/to/imgs/651/03/blah_44603651.png -0.538359
10 49557622 cat black /path/to/imgs/622/57/blah_49557622.png -0.295279
11 58164756 dog grey /path/to/imgs/756/64/blah_58164756.png 0.407096
12 95403651 cat white /path/to/imgs/651/03/blah_95403651.png 0.790274
13 95555756 dog grey /path/to/imgs/756/55/blah_95555756.png 0.060669
I describe how to do this in great detail with examples here:
At this moment (newest version of Keras from January 21st 2017) the flow_from_directory could only work in a following manner:
You need to have a directories structured in a following manner:
directory with images\
1st label\
1st picture from 1st label
2nd picture from 1st label
3rd picture from 1st label
2nd label\
1st picture from 2nd label
2nd picture from 2nd label
3rd picture from 2nd label
flow_from_directory returns batches of a fixed size in a format of (picture, label).
So as you can see it could only be used for a classification case and all options provided in a documentation specify only a way in which the class is provided to your classifier. But, there is a neat hack which could make a flow_from_directory useful for a regression task:
You need to structure your directory in a following manner:
directory with images\
1st value (e.g. -0.95423)\
1st picture from 1st value
2nd picture from 1st value
3rd picture from 1st value
2nd value (e.g. - 0.9143242)\
1st picture from 2nd value
2nd picture from 2nd value
3rd picture from 2nd value
You also need to have a list list_of_values = [1st value, 2nd value, ...]. Then your generator is defined in a following manner:
def regression_flow_from_directory(flow_from_directory_gen, list_of_values):
for x, y in flow_from_directory_gen:
yield x, list_of_values[y]
And it's crucial for a flow_from_directory_gen to have a class_mode='sparse' to make this work. Of course this is a little bit cumbersome but it works (I used this solution :) )
There's just one glitch in the accepted answer that I would like to point out. The above code fails with an error message like:
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
This is because y is an array. The fix is simple:
def regression_flow_from_directory(flow_from_directory_gen,
for x, y in flow_from_directory_gen:
values = [list_of_values[y[i]] for i in range(len(y))]
yield x, values
The method to generate the list_of_values can be found in

Why doesn't Mahout logistic regression give a good AUC when the model is tested on training data?

I'm using the logistic regression of Mahout (version 0.9) but when I check the created model on the same data set it was trained for, I do not see a high value for AUC. I would expect it to be very high since it is the same data set.
My data set is a CSV file with about 7 million lines and has 18 attributes, some numerical and some categorical.
This is how I create the model for logistic regression (I ignore some of the attributes):
$ mahout trainlogistic --input train.csv \
--output ./model \
--categories 2 \
--predictors attribute1 ... attribute15 \
--types w w w n n w w w w w w w n n n \
--target is_delayed \
--rate 100 \
--passes 2 \
--features 500000
And then when I check the AUC value using the model on the same data set:
$ mahout runlogistic --input train.csv --model ./model --auc --confusion
MAHOUT_LOCAL is not set; adding HADOOP_CONF_DIR to classpath.
Running on hadoop, using /usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop and HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf
MAHOUT-JOB: /usr/lib/mahout/mahout-examples-0.9-cdh5.3.0-job.jar
AUC = 0.48
confusion: [[1703477.0, 761921.0], [3034369.0, 1137161.0]]
entropy: [[NaN, NaN], [-16.5, -17.4]]
15/01/18 06:50:50 INFO driver.MahoutDriver: Program took 98213 ms (Minutes: 1.6368833333333332)
I'm really confused why I only get AUC = 0.48, instead of a value of 1.00 or something very close since it is the same data set.
Do I miss something?
I tried with only a few attributes but still very low AUC, around 0.47, that means the model is almost guessing randomly.

Image filtering - wrong results?

I'm experimenting with convolving an image with a user-supplied mask, in this case
u = array([[-2,-2,-2],[-2,25,-2],[-2,-2,-2]])/9
using the commands
In[1]: import scipy.ndimage as ndi
In[2]: import as io
In[3]: c = io.imread('cameraman.png')
In[4]: cu = ndi.convolve(c,u)
In[5]: io.imshow(cu)
I'm checking this against commands in GNU Octave:
Octave-3.8: 1> c = imread('cameraman.png');
Octave-3.8: 2> u = [-2 -2 -2;-2 25 -2;-2 -2 -2]/9
Octave-3.8: 3> cu = imfilter(c,u)
Octave-3.8: 4> imshow(cu)
But here's the thing: Octave seems to give the correct result, but Python doesn't, even though the commands convolve and imfilter are supposed to be implementing the same algorithm. (Well in fact imfilter performs a correlation, which in this case is the same as a convolution.)
The Octave output is:
and the Python output is:
which as you can see is very different to the Octave result. Does anybody know what's going on here? Or is there a better way of convolving with a user-supplied linear filter than using convolve?
The problem may be the result of your convolution taking your image luminance values out of bounds. I ran the example below in Matlab (~=Octave) and for an image that initially has grey values 0-255 so in normalised range [0,0.99] the result ends in with pixels in range [-0.88,2.03].
>> img=double(imread('cameraman.tif'))./255;
>> K=[-2 -2 -2 ; -2 25 -2; -2 -2 -2]/9;
>> out=conv2(img,K,'same');
>> max(max(out))
ans =
>> min(min(out))
ans =
It could be that Python has a problem visualising images with out of range grey values <0 or >255 and this is causing a clamping of values resulting in black/white halos in those areas. Perhaps Octave normalises the image prior to displaying it resulting in few artifacts. If you normalise you image in Python prior to displaying it, do you still have this problem?
