I can't figure out how to transpose unique values based on specific critera in Google Sheets - google-sheets

I'm trying to create an inventory system for my business. For example, our SKU codes start with "LMS" "RSP" and "CON" for specific locations where we're working.
I'm trying to take all unique "LMS" codes, and copy them to a single sheet from our raw scan data. I've tried variations on REGEXMATCH, and UNIQUE, and TRANSPOSE, IF statements, and , but I'm totally lost. This is not my normal preview.
For example, I've been trying things like:
The second example returns all values in RAW!B, while the first one does nothing. Any help would be appreciated.

Try below formula-
Or QUERY() function with wild card match-
=UNIQUE(QUERY(Raw!B2:B,"select B where B like 'LMS%'"))


GoogleSheets - bringing back last "n" characters that are uppercase only

I have data that brings back a name plus the ticker code. I need to extract the ticker code only into google sheets.
using: =IMPORTXML("https://www.coingecko.com/?page=5","//tr") I bring back 100 coins but the first column is for example
Ethereum ClassicETC
I would like to create a column that simply has DOGE or ETH or ETC, anyone know of a way to manipulate the 1st column to get to that?
the webpage looks like it is 2 separate columns but the extract does not work that way. I was trying to think of a way to count the uppercase values and then maybe use a RIGHT(len(uppercasevalues)) but not sure how to get there.

Taking Column A values comparing to Column B values if they are the same post to Column C

I'm trying to take the names from column A compare them to the names in column B and then have the similar names get listed in column C.
The problem is these names are automatically updated and out of order, and I need the function in column C to update with them. Also, the names will not be in order, this is why I can't use A=B function. The picture shown is an example of what the solution would look like or something similar. After completing this, I would like to continue using the same function to break down the name data even more. Watched a lot of videos on this, can't find anything specific enough to work.
Side note, I have found a way to do this using different pages within the sheets but not in the same sheet side by side. ex. of what solution
I have tried watching lots of YouTube videos, but nothing goes into detail enough and seem to only explain when similar values are next to each other in column A and B.
This is what I use for 2 different sheets but can't find / understand why when changing values in function to single sheet it wont work:
Also, another side note: Can't use True or False. And for uneven number of names in the list ex. Column A has 10 and B has 7 it sorts A for names in B and post similar in C.
Try below formula-
You can use VLOOKUP to check common values between columns and store them in another column.
Although this will create gaps in the output column. you can get rid of it by by simply using a filter or so.
all you need is:

How to pick one of the results of UNIQUE() in Google Sheets

I have a column with duplicate items in Google Sheets, and I would like to get one of the unique values (say, the last one) in the cell of the formula. Is there a way to do this with just formulas (i.e., no scripts/macros)?
What I've tried
Not sure if this is the best way, but I've tried using the UNIQUE(range) function, which returns a list of distinct values, and I tried to pick one with FILTER(range, condition1, [condition2, …]), but I've only managed to do it when I know in advance and hard-code in the number of unique values.
Since I can get the length of the unique list with =LEN(UNIQUE(my_range)), I tried using the REPT(text_to_repeat, number_of_repetitions) function.
For example,
=REPT(0&";",2) & 1 returns "0;0;1"
=FILTER(UNIQUE(A$1:A$26), {REPT(0&";",2) & 1})
(or any variation I tried) doesn't quite work.
I realise this is not the most suitable problem for a spreadsheet, and I do wish I was using something like Python, but this is the restriction at the moment.
=QUERY(UNIQUE(A1:A), "offset "&COUNTA(UNIQUE(A1:A))-1)
Or more old-school using index:
You can also just enter a number fot the one you want e.g.


In column B are listed IDs of Google Sheets. In column C are listed cells, from which I want to import data.
Screenshot of the table
In column D is shown the result of using IMPORTRANGE() by simply dragging it. e.g. for D1 it looks like:
for D2:
and so on.
In column E I want to display the same result but using ARRAYFORMULA that looks like:
but the function displays only the data from the first spreadsheet.
People complain about this permissions issue a lot, but it's not hard to solve. What I do is have a sheet which I name "Splash sheet" into which I paste the URLs of the documents I wish to link. To its right is a column headed "permit to connect" which contains IMPORTRANGE formulas importing a single cell from each sheet -- usually a cell containing a confirmation code, number or document name -- on a sheet also named "Splash Sheet." For example,
=IF(B3="enter URL",,CONCATENATE(IMPORTRANGE(B3,"Splash sheet!A1")," ",IMPORTRANGE(B3,"Splash sheet!B1")))
So, when you first connect a spreadsheet via its URL, you get those messages telling you you need to connect, you click the Permit Access, the confirmation code/number/document name appears in the second column, and voilá, your sheets are connected forevermore! Now all your other IMPORTRANGEs referencing that URL will work, and you can use IMPORTRANGE formulas that reference the URL-containing cells on the "splash sheet."
As for the OP's original question, I came here seeking an answer to the same problem, and after more research have realized that we are attempting the impossible here. No way to do this an ARRAYFORMULA. No way around writing formulas that reference every single cell a document's URL may go into.
Problem is you can't make arrays of arrays in spreadsheets; that would involve multiple dimensions, and the medium is inherently two-dimensional. This is what people use databases for.
ARRAYFORMULA doesn't work when importing data (I think it relates to permissions). You could use something like this, =IFERROR(IMPORTRANGE(B5:B7;C5:C7)) and pre-fill the column first, but still there would be the permissions issue. Each new imported sheet needs it's permissions granted by a user.
TLDR: If I understand your intention correctly when you say you would like to see
=ARRAYFORMULA(IMPORTRANGE(B2:B4,C2:C4)), I believe you can make that
happen using the following.
Use IMPORTRANGE with INDIRECT to create ranges inside ARRAYFORMULA
Call INDIRECT with the ADDRESS function
Call ADDRESS with the ROW and COLUMN functions since they take ranges via ARRAYFORMULA
IMPORTRANGE's two parameters are the spreadsheet url stored in B2:B4 for this example and the range (e.g. sheet!A1:B2) stored in C2:C4.
Since IMPORTRANGE doesn't take a range reference directly as you mentioned, you'll need to build it for each row with ARRAYFORMULA using the INDIRECT function.
INDIRECT can be used to compose a cell reference using A1 notation, for instance
will produce the same result as
Since this produces the same result, we now just have to find a way to make INDIRECT work with ARRAYFORMULA
Use ADDRESS to build the parameters for INDIRECT
Next you want to use ADDRESS to build the A1 reference for INDIRECT. For the current purposes, ADDRESS takes a numerical value for row and column as parameters
will produce the same result as
=INDIRECT("B" & 2)
Since these two are interchangeable, now we just need to find a way to get the numerical row and column values out of ARRAYFORMULA.
Call ADDRESS using the ROW and COLUMN functions
From there, you can get the row and column indexes from standard A1 notation using the ROW and COLUMN functions. While this may seem like we're pointlessly going in circles, the difference now is that ROW and COLUMN perform as expected with the ranges provided by ARRAYFORMULA. So given that ADDRESS will return $B$2 using using either method below
we now know that
will produce the following array of addresses
{ $B$2; $B$3; $B$4 }
Final Assembly
So when we put this all together, we get
where INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(B2:B4), COLUMN(B2:B4)) is more or less interchangeable with what you might expect from B2:B4 inside ARRAYFORMULA and represents the url parameter
and INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(C2:C4), COLUMN(C2:C4)) is roughly interchangeable with what you might expect from C2:C4 inside ARRAYFORMULA and represents the range parameter.
Suggestions on organization
I recommend using the indentation (Alt +Enter to create a new line ) above along with your indentation of choice to keep it easier to read. In the end it's just a bit more syntactic sugar and if spaces are used well it shouldn't be much harder to understand and make changes to 6 months later.
RE: Permissions - as mentioned by Atiq Zabinski, just placing a simple
IMPORTRANGE("http:/xxxx", "A1") somewhere on the sheet will provide a
means to know if the sheet is connected or not and the error message
should give you a context menu for connecting the sheet. You'll might
want to stay away from error handling in these scenarios as it will
slow down the process of connecting the sheets.

Google Sheets Formula for Pulling Specific Values in Two Ways

I'm trying to do a couple of different things with a spreadsheet in Google and running into some problems with the formulas I am using. I'm hoping someone might be able to direct me to a better solution or be able to correct the current issue I'm having.
First off all, here is a view of the data on Sheet 1 that I am pulling from:
Example Spreadsheet
The first task I'm trying to accomplish is to create a sheet that lists all of these shift days with the date in one column and the subject ("P: Ben" or S: Nicole") in another column. This sheet would be used to import the data via a CSV into our calendar system each month. I tried doing an Index-Match where it used the date to pull the associated values however I found that I had to keep adjusting the formula offsets in order to capture new information. It doesn't seem like Index-Match works when multiple rows/columns are involved. Is there a better way to pull this information?
The second task I am trying to accomplish is to create a new tab which lists all the dates a specific person is assigned too (that way this tab will update in real time and everyone can just look at their own sheet to see what days they are on-call). However, I run into the same problem here because for each new row I have to change the formula to reflect the correct information otherwise it doesn't pull the correct cell when it finds a match.
I would appreciate any and all information/advice on how to accomplish these tasks with the formula combination I mentioned or suggestions on other formulas to use that I have not been able to find.
Thanks in advance!
Brandon. There are a few ways to attack your tasks, but looking at the structure of your data, I would use curly brackets {} to create arrays. Here is an excerpt of how Google explains arrays in Sheets:
You can also create your own arrays in a formula in your spreadsheet
by using brackets { }. The brackets allow you to group together
values, while you use the following punctuation to determine which
order the values are displayed in:
Commas: Separate columns to help you write a row of data in an array.
For example, ={1, 2} would place the number 1 in the first cell and
the number 2 in the cell to the right in a new column.
Semicolons: Separate rows to help you write a column of data in an array. For
example, ={1; 2} would place the number 1 in the first cell and the
number 2 in the cell below in a new row.
Note: For countries that use
commas as decimal separators (for example €1,00), commas would be
replaced by backslashes () when creating arrays.
You can join multiple ranges into one continuous range using this same
punctuation. For example, to combine values from A1-A10 with the
values from D1-D10, you can use the following formula to create a
range in a continuous column: ={A1:A10; D1:D10}
Knowing that, here's a sample sheet of your data.
First Task:
create a sheet that lists all of these shift days with the date in one
column and the subject ("P: Ben" or S: Nicole") in another column.
To organize dates and subjects into discrete arrays, we'll collect them using curly brackets...
Dates: {A3:G3,A7:G7,A11:G11,A15:G15}
Subjects: {A4:G4,A5:G5,A8:G8,A9:G9,A12:G12,A13:G13,A16:G16,A17:G17}
This actually produces two rows rather than columns, but we'll deal with that in a minute. You'll note that, because there are two subjects per every one date, we need to effectively double each date captured.
Dates: {A3:G3,A3:G3,A7:G7,A7:G7,A11:G11,A11:G11,A15:G15,A15:G15}
Subjects: {A4:G4,A5:G5,A8:G8,A9:G9,A12:G12,A13:G13,A16:G16,A17:G17}
Still with me? If so, all that's left is to (a) turn these two rows into two columns using the TRANSPOSE function, (b) combine our two columns using another pair of curly brackets and a semicolon and (c) add a SORT function to list the dates in chronological order...
Second Task:
create a new tab which lists all the dates a specific person is
assigned too (that way this tab will update in real time and everyone
can just look at their own sheet to see what days they are on-call).
Assuming the two-column array we just created lives in A2:B53 on a new sheet called "Shifts," then we can use the FILTER function and SEARCH based on each name. The formula at the top of Ben's sheet would look like this:
Hopefully this helps, but please let me know if I've misinterpreted anything. Cheers.
