Check options from iPhone settings (Text Live) - ios

In my application I want to use the live text option, but I have a conundrum, namely how exactly can I get the information if the user has the option enabled on the iPhone? I would not like the possibility of using this option to be visible for people who have this feature turned off.


Automatically enter name/phone/email etc

I may be searching for the wrong thing, which might explain why I can only find information on setting up password autofills.
I'm looking for the ability to for a user to enter email, phone, first + last names in an app, the same way some websites are able to do it, the options appearing above the keyboard.
I have the fields content type set in the storyboard (Name, Telephone Number, Email Address)
Can anyone advise if this is possible and how I go about doing this.
Password Autofill is the only feature that automatically does that on IOS Apps.
The other feature you are talking of "Contact Auto Fill" that you say happens on some websites on your mobile is a feature implemented in the Safari App.
If you go to your IOS settings and open Safari Settings, you'll see you can select a contact to use for contact and credit card autofill.
Safari Settings Screenshot Safari Settings Screenshot2
To get such a feature, you would have to manually implement.
Automatic availability of such feature would probably have privacy concerns to user (meaning you can auto extract true user contact information by just making such a form in your app).

Get all selected Accessibility Options in iOS app

I would like to check the user's accessibility settings like font size, inverted colors, and all the ones that are relevant.
I want to do this to evaluate and asses how to better my user experience based on the accessibility settings that users are using.
I could find the getResources() api for Android but nothing for iOS through a quick search online
I would like to check the user's accessibility settings...
Every accessibility options defined in the settings are not necessary reachable.
I suggest to take a look at:
This list containing all the accessibility options with their notification name (ObjC + Swift) to be informed when their state changes hereunder:
This detailed way of activating each one of them on your device settings.
This list of accessibility options is exhaustive until new features are exposed by Apple itself.
You might need to check for some of them individually.
A few examples:
Is Voice over running
Has the user inverted colours:
A few auto complete options for UIAccessibilityIs....

iOS - Restricting use to single app

I am developing a business app for use on an iPad/iPod Touch. I am wondering if there is a way to restrict usage on the device to my app only. In other words, we don't want employees installing other apps such as games and playing around with the devices.
Yes, that's possible.
Check out the iOS Configuration Profile Programming Guide.
Edit: See the section about restrictions, it will allow you to do exactly what you need. Note however that you'll need to have access to those devices, ideally the devices should be company property. And you need to distribute your app via Enterprise Distribution.
Edit 2: Since iOS6, this feature is available through the normal settings app. It is called "Guided Access" and is part of the Accessibility settings. It will let you disable the home button (cancel guided access by triple-clicking the home button and enter the preset code) and it will even let you define areas within apps which should be disabled.
I don't think so, unless their device is jailbroken.
If they're logged into an Exchange server you could remote-wipe their phone if they install anything.
Do you provide the devices? Or they bring their own?
If you provide the devices that would mean you can use your Apple-id. If an employee would try to download any other app he would need the password of your Apple-id. So thats a simple way to prevent that.
Im am not sure if there is a total "lock" of such type.

Is it possible to use Settings App to store preferences from external sensors like the Nike+iPod App?

Perhaps it is a silly question but I want to be sure about it.
I am developing an app which uses a pulsometer and I am interested in letting the user set the pulsometer which is going to be used in the app (each pulsometer has an unique ID).
As the pulsometer identifier is something that will be hardlyever changed (but it could be changed) Settings App would be the right place to manage that info.
I know I can use NSUserDefaults in a dictionary way to store values, but I don't want the user manually write the identifier code of the sensor in the Settings App. I want to detect the sensor from the app. I know how do that in my App, but is there any way to do it in the Settings App?
I think it is not possible because it requires including code for executing in the Settings App, but I don't know if it is a way to do it ("linking" the userdefaults with that code or something like that).
For example, the Nike + iPod App lets you detect the sensor in the way I want in the Settings App.
Can anybody confirm that it is not possible (of course, without being Nike and making an agreement with Apple to have the option included in Settings App XD)?
You can set up options for your own app "Settings" pane by using display options based on the pulsometer as soon as you startup your application. Your app would have to detect it when running (and determine the range/steps). After that, the user could change a pulldown/stepper in the settings pane from your app. If I understand you correctly.

How to set a specific keyboard inside an iPhone app?

In an iPhone app I want the user to do some input in a different language.
For example the user is an English speaker and has his(or her) device set with the English language. When running my app he(or she) will have to input some French and some Japanese.
Is there a way I can bring the proper keyboard from inside the app without forcing the user to change his(or her) usual settings. According to what I have read up to now, I am not sure there is a good answer. I still hope.
Thanks for any tip.
You can usually pick certain keyboards (numeric, email, etc) from the interface-builder-like aspects of UITextFields, so take a peek at the code options for setting those things. You may be able to pick it that way.
