Disable iOS Simulator auto focus when running the app - ios

I'm getting this warning on the console all the time:
console warning
I figure out that happens when I press any key on my keyboard and the focus is on the Simulator's device.
The problem is that when I run the app on Xcode the focus goes to the Simulator and every key that I type on my keyboard counts as an input to the Simulator's device because the focus is on it. Is there a way to prevent the auto focus on running the app on Xcode?
I found a similar question, but back them there was no answer telling if it's possible to do it on Xcode.


"Allow Full Access" for custom keyboard causes sigkill, device freezes up

Switching "Allow Full Access" to ON in my custom keyboard's settings is causing a sigkill in the parent app, and the whole device to sort of lock up.
I can access the home screen, but tapping on any app icon doesn't do anything, except the app icon gets "stuck" as appearing highlighted. Restarting the device fixes this, and then the keyboard is useable and everything appears to be back to normal.
From searching around it appears that the sigkill is expected (the app is supposed to restart with the new "allow full access" setting, from what I understand), but the device locking up is what I'm worried about.
This is happenings on a physical iPhone 6s+ and the 6s+ simulator. Xcode version 7.3 (beta).
While you are on debug mode and changing keyboards Full Access, it will cause the crash of extension but while you are release it will work just fine, please check it and give a follow up.

Refresh iPhone simulator with hardware keyboard disconnected

i'm testing a react-native iphone app on the xcode iphone simulator. i don't think this is a react-native specific problem, but included that info in case it's relevant.
i'm trying to create a page that autofocuses a TextInput when it loads, with the keyboard visible. Now, in order to get the simulator to auto-show the keyboard when a text input gains focus, I have to disonnect the hardware keyboard.
the catch is that with the hardware keyboard disconnected, i can no longer Cmd+R to refresh the app, which I have to do manually whenever I have an error.
is there some other way to refresh the simulator when the hardware keyboard is disconnected?
First right click your Simulator
Then Press Hardware
Press Shake Gesture
enter image description here
finally disable Live Reload
enter image description here
You can enabled live reload from the debug menu which causes the application to reload every time you make changes to the javascript.
In order to get the simulator to auto-show the keyboard when a text input gains focus, I just use the emulator option Hardware > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard.
I only toggle it once and keep the hardware keyboard connected, which allows me to do cmd + r and have the best of both worlds.
I can cmd+r as much as I want and the soft keyboard will still show up.

How can I disable autocorrect in iOS 8 simulator at run time?

I am automating functional tests in the iOS 8 simulator with Appium (Selenium Driver). Unfortunately, when I attempt to enter text into a text field on a login screen, the sim automatically corrects my text causing a login failure. How can I disable autocorrect at run-time?
This program resets the simulator after each test, so any changes to the device settings would be wiped. I would prefer to not have to modify the app itself and I need to use iOS 8 (iOS 7 works).
Can you tell me if there is another way to set this capability in Appium or through Instruments? Or, perhaps another way to send text with Selenium?
With open xcode you go on the storyboard. Do not select any view or table. Click on white. In the right corner you will in the first option and clear the "Use auto layout." Ready!

Custom keyboard doesn't load on device

I'm doing a custom keyboard for iOS and am pretty much finished. However, I did the debugging on the simulator, but when I tried to run it on a device, the keyboard simply won't load. The device is running on iOS 8.
I don't think I'm using any non-Cocoa Touch classes that would run on the simulator but not on a device. Also, the debugger won't attach to the app, so I don't know what's happening for sure. The view where the keyboard should be does show, but no content appears or is there a background color change.
Any ideas?
It's quite common even in iOS 8 GM.
Try to remove the keyboard in Settings, restart your phone and add the keyboard again. That works for me most of the time.

Xcode 5 and iPhone 5S - Running app "crashes" device (sort of)

I'm creating a new app. Very, very initial stages (i.e., it literally has no custom code yet). All I've done so far is a basic implementation of Urban Airship's libraries.
Sometimes (about 50% of the time?), when I push the app to my device, the following occurs:
App doesn't load on device
Xcode reports "failed to get task for process"
Device exhibits odd behavior.
"Odd behavior" includes:
Device wallpaper disappears and is replaced with an all black background.
Tapping on any icons gives them a pressed/shadowed look, but nothing happens.
Tapping on the icon again sets it back to its normal state. Again, nothing else.
Pressing home button does nothing.
Pressing lock button will lock device, but no attempt to unlock the device (home button or lock/unlock button) has no effect.
Attempting to use Siri gives the initial sound, but nothing further.
Hard rebooting the device gets it functional again. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to when this "bug" appears.
Has anyone else encountered this "bug"?
