Trouble with HomeBrew - homebrew

I'm having trouble searching for the list of all casks when I run the command for it.
brew search --casks
I get the error you see in the picture.
Error: Invalid usage: This command requires at least 1 text or regex argument.
If anyone has had similar problems please share.

You need at least one string to search for.
$ brew search --casks fire
==> Casks
firefly firealpaca firestorm
firefox-beta firebase-admin firestormos
firefox-developer-edition firebird-emu fireworks
firefox-esr firecamp multifirefox
firefox-nightly firefox ✔ spitfire-audio
If you really need to find all available casks, you can use an empty arg like this:
brew search --casks ''


I changed a file incorrectly in vi when trying to install ifuse on OSX and don't know how to get the original back

I'm very inexperienced, and was following directions here ---
Installing ifuse with Homebrew results in ERROR message
I believe I made some unintended changes when I was editing the file in
$ vi `brew formula ifuse`
without understanding what I was doing. When I went to install ifuse, it just give me an error. Is there any way to get back to the original file/undo my edits?
Homebrew formulas are in a local git repository. You can restore the original formula by typing:
cd `brew --prefix`/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula
git checkout ifuse.rb

Anyone else get this error "Error: invalid option: --with-passenger"

Can not get NGINX to install with passenger
Following the steps you are supposed to...
brew install passenger
Then you run the following command...
brew install nginx --with-passenger
But I get:
Error: invalid option: --with-passenger
Could not find any resources about this online, so asking here.
$ brew install nginx --with-passenger
Usage: brew install [options] formula
Install formula.
formula is usually the name of the formula to install, but it can be specified
in several different ways.
-d, --debug If brewing fails, open an interactive
debugging session with access to IRB or a
shell inside the temporary build directory
--env If std is passed, use the standard build
environment instead of superenv.If super
is passed, use superenv even if the formula
specifies the standard build environment.
--ignore-dependencies Skip installing any dependencies of any
kind. If they are not already present, the
formula will probably fail to install.
--only-dependencies Install the dependencies with specified
options but do not install the specified
--cc Attempt to compile using provided
compiler. compiler should be the name
of the compiler's executable, for instance
gcc-7 for GCC 7. In order to use LLVM's
clang, use llvm_clang. To specify the
Apple-provided clang, use clang. This
parameter will only accept compilers that
are provided by Homebrew or bundled with
macOS. Please do not file issues if you
encounter errors while using this flag.
-s, --build-from-source Compile the specified formula from source
even if a bottle is provided. Dependencies
will still be installed from bottles if
they are available.
--force-bottle Install from a bottle if it exists for the
current or newest version of macOS, even if
it would not normally be used for
--include-test Install testing dependencies required to
run brew test.
--devel If formula defines it, install the
development version.
--HEAD If formula defines it, install the HEAD
version, aka. master, trunk, unstable.
--fetch-HEAD Fetch the upstream repository to detect if
the HEAD installation of the formula is
outdated. Otherwise, the repository's HEAD
will be checked for updates when a new
stable or development version has been
--keep-tmp Don't delete the temporary files created
during installation.
--build-bottle Prepare the formula for eventual bottling
during installation.
-f, --force Install without checking for previously
installed keg-only or non-migrated
-v, --verbose Print the verification and postinstall
--display-times Print install times for each formula at the
end of the run.
-i, --interactive Download and patch formula, then open a
shell. This allows the user to run
./configure --help and otherwise
determine how to turn the software package
into a Homebrew package.
-g, --git Create a Git repository, useful for
creating patches to the software.
-h, --help Show this message.
Error: invalid option: --with-passenger
This is supposed to work... so yeah.
A late answer. Obviously the documentation on the passenger site is outdated at time of this writing.
According to phusion's github site
the config option --nginx-with-passenger is not valid anymore.
Instead do:
brew install nginx passenger
When using google search for results currently the old page comes up at the top of the list. Here's the currently maintained page with the accurate information:

Can I brew link only files without conflicts?

Is there a way to brew link just those files without conflicts?
As near as I can tell, the only options are to force an overwrite of all conflicting roles, or to link no files at all. For example I have an existing compare that I need to keep, but need ImageMagick's convert. When I brew install imagemagick I get
Error: The `brew link` step did not complete successfully
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
Could not symlink bin/compare
Target /usr/local/bin/compare
already exists. You may want to remove it:
rm '/usr/local/bin/compare'
To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:
brew link --overwrite imagemagick
To list all files that would be deleted:
brew link --overwrite --dry-run imagemagick
Possible conflicting files are:
/usr/local/bin/compare -> /Applications/Araxis
But the only way offered to proceed is either to leave all of ImageMagick unlinked, or to overwrite my existing compare.
How do I brew link everything but the existing compare? Is there a way to install only convert perhaps?
Here's a shell function I wrote to do this (for the zsh that's now standard on macOS, but it will run on Bash with small adjustments 1):
local targetdir
targetdir=($(brew --cellar $1)/*/bin) || return
local linksdir=$(brew --repo)/bin
for ex in "$targetdir"/*(^/) # files (and symlinks), not subdirectories
local exname=${ex##*/}
if builtin which "$exname" &>/dev/null
echo " $exname already available in the path - skipped"
ln -s "$ex" "$linksdir/" && echo "$exname linked from $linksdir"
I saved it as a shell function called blink and when I call it with a package name, like
blink binutils
it symlinks only the binaries whose names aren't already available in the $PATH.
1The adjustments to make it work on Bash: remove the final (^/) form the for ex... line, and the builtin 3 lines further down.

'Zsh: command not found: valet' - unable to install Valet

I just tried installing valet for a very long time, - and I couldn't find any help anywhere. No matter what I tried, then it kept saying:
Zsh: command not found: valet
I'm running Zshell (instead of Bash) and OSX. I've had Brew installed for quite a while.
I'll answer this myself, - so hopefully people in the same situation can find this in the future.
I had a very similar problem under Zsh, but my solution was easier. Rather than adding ~/.composer/vendor/bin to my $PATH, I needed to use the full directory name; i.e., /Users/[your-user-name]/.composer/vendor/bin.
Everywhere it says to 'Check that your path is right'. And yup - if you haven't done that, then you should start there. The easiest way is to go to your terminal and write:
echo $PATH
... And then you should see ~/.composer/vendor/bin in between two colons in there. If that isn't there, then you should go to your ~/.bashrc-file (or ~/.zshrc-file) and add this line:
export $PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
And then it may be fixed.
My problem had deeper roots, though. Even though my path was right, then I still got the error:
Zsh: command not found: valet
And if I wrote: which valet - then it (obviously) just responded with valet not found.
Removal of Composer
What fixed it was to remove all my composer-installations. Composer can be located in several different locations (and installed by brew). So in order to remove it, then do this (inspired by this post, but it lacks a couple of steps):
Remove your composer- or -composer.phar-file. You can find them by running which composer and/or which composer.phar.
Remove your .composer-folder (usually located here: ~/.composer).
Then make sure that there isn't an installation done with Homebrew (this was what I think made the collision for me). You do it by running brew unlink composer followed by brew remove composer.
Then, - if you want to be 100% sure that it's all gone, then go to your root (cd /) and run this command: find ./* -name 'composer.phar' and this find ./* -name 'composer'. That should tell you of all the locations where the Composer-installation can be installed.
When all that's removed, then you should be rid of Composer (entirely).
... Then install it again, - and see if you can get valet to work (it did for me).
The solution was adding composer bin to the path. You can use the following commands
From the terminal
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
valet install
Issue Ubuntu: no command valet
Valet on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libnss3-tools jq xsel
composer global require cpriego/valet-linux
.composer/vendor/cpriego/valet-linux/valet install
Now command valet should work, but if still not:
sudo cp .composer/vendor/cpriego/valet-linux/valet /usr/local/bin/

How to update Homebrew SHA256?

This seems like a very noob question but I can't find an answer anywhere!
I'm very new to developing packages for Homebrew but when I edit my formula and come to update my package I get the following error
Error: SHA256 mismatch
My question is, how do I generate the expected SHA256 value?
After editing the formula, you can run brew fetch your-formula --build-from-source to fetch the tarball and display the new checksum. If you've already downloaded the tarball somewhere, you can calculate the hash with openssl sha256 < some_tarball.tar.gz or shasum -a 256 some_tarball.tar.gz.
For casks, I prefer to change the cask sha256 to something wrong and then run brew cask fetch {caskName}, which then throws an error that shows the "Actual" sha256 for the downloaded file. You can just copy and paste that.
