How to create a save game file editor - save

How do I create a save game file editor? I'd like some help , perhaps even some collaborators would be great. I don't know how to program and am totally new to this. I've opened up my save game file using the Acode editor app and the NMM app. Also opened up a terminal and attempted to open the file in there , but get inacessable or file not found


How to loading outside .love save file? (love2d+ LUA)

I write editor and game and it requires a save game option.
I Just want use a Save folder in game folder. not
How to get a bug.
Start game
Enter menu by Escape key
Press save game - this create savegame
Press Load game - you get an error "File not exist" but you write this file seconds ago.
I successful save a game in savesm2k folder but it folder outside .love file and i don't know how correct load saved game.
Used engine: Love2d 0.10.2
OS: Linux Mint 18.1 x64bit
I read many manuals and I'm stuck.
For loading save game i use this commands
data, size = (lsg);
leveldatacopy=freadbin (data);
Why does the program not try read existing file? and report no exist? I try using another command but using GetSaveDirectory broke function WriteMAP (requires for binary map and data writing) etc. but it write files which cannot be loaded in load section.
Maybe I should use LUA for reading files direct from folder but I don't know how to correct DO it.
example with bug.
At this moment on every saving i manually replace saved game inside love archive (!) . This is not normal.
Anybody can tell me how i get and correct open saved file? Not from inside .love file . from outside of course. If levels and configs can be readed from love file inside save files must be outside. I can only can create files outside love file . i know love file is a zip archive.
If required i can post a .love file but is game completely done and have 150kb of clean code.
You should not prefix paths with love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory() or love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory(). This is done automatically, internally to the love.filesystem functions. Saying
lsg = "/M2k-Saves/m2ksave"
data, size = (lsg)
leveldatacopy = freadbin (data)
should work, and will place the file in the save directory / outside of the .love file or game directory. (Love forbids writing anywhere except in the save directory.)
Love's filesystem model is like a "stack" of filesystems. For file reading, it first looks in love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory() with whatever path you pass in. If it finds a file, it uses that; otherwise it looks inside the love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory() (or – if packed – inside the .zip / .love file). Writing files always goes to love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory(), you cannot write to love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory() (because it may not be an actual directory but a zip file).

Sample files in the documents folder after installing the app

is there a way that I can add sample files to the documents folder of an iOS-app before the app is actually started for the first time. For instance at install time.
For instance, I am writing a text editor and want to have a sample document, that the user can look at showing some of the features of the app. Could this sample be placed in some folder in Xcode and added to the documents folder automatically or do I have to add it from my code, the first time the app starts?
You can access files in sandbox.
Add some resources files. You can load them and save them the way you want.

Can an iOS custom document editor return a file to the opening application?

I understand how to create an iOS application that is either a viewer or an editor of a document type. There are several good questions on how to do this:
How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?
How do I register a custom filetype in iOS
My Question is this: Once the "editor" application has received the file and made modifications to it, how does the file get back to the original application that requested the file be opened?
Restated: If application 'A' has a file that is edited by application 'Editor', then 'A' can use the UIDocumentInteractionController to open the file in 'Editor'. If I understand correctly, this causes the file to be copied into the "Documents" directory in the sandbox of the application 'Editor'. The application 'Editor' can then make modifications to that file. Once the 'Editor' is done making changes to the file, how then does application 'A' see those changes?
You could register your application as a document handler for any known file types. Then the user would 'Open in (your application)' from within the 'Editor' application once they were done making changes.
It's not ideal but it's the best I've come up with so far. I hope there's a better way.

Get file name of file used to open the associated application

I want to write a small app that does some data manipulation on the contents of a simple text file.
I just want to be able to right click such a file, choose 'Open with' in Windows, select my app, then the app opens, parses the file, does some stuff and closes immediately again.
Question: when my app starts, how do I get the file name that triggered the app to start?
You get the file as parameter number 1.
You can get it with the function ParamStr(1).
Have a look here for more details:
For your information, ParamStr(0) is the filename (including complete path) of your EXE application.

How to import tweenmax files to my project

while im working on simple animation like text rolling.. in that i created external xml for menus. As im new to flash im learning it from tutorial, but its not clear. I download tweenmax rar file. i dont know how to import that file into my project. guide me
when you want to use a tween class.
either save the FLA file in the same directory of the tweenlibrary so the .com folder(tween library) would be present next to your flash project file or go into the classpath of your document and link it there, your best to look at the documentation for this method through the provider of the tween class.
