I want to draw an ER diagram for a company where there are engineers and architects as workers. I created three entites and I want to create an ISA inheritance from engineers to workers. All the workers have a unique worker_id. All the engineers also have a unique engineer_id. How can I show that each engineer has both unique worker_id and engineer_id with using ISA inheritance?
Background: I am trying to design a star schema for a data warehouse. We have the following business model where we have few products that our customers can buy and then use. The customers are companies and then they have people in their organization who can be mapped to the licenses they have brought for products.
I have the following dimensions.
Account_dim: The dimension contains all the list of companies that have are our current/prospective with our company. It could have companies who still don't have a contract with us and are still in a discussion phase. so some rows might not have a contract.
User_dim: This is the list of users the company has nominated point of contacts for their company. So a user will belong to one particular Account in the Account_dim. One account can have many users.
Product_Dim: This dimension contains all the information regarding all the products we sell. The cost of a license and how many users are allowed on a license.So if for example he brought product A a max of two users can use it.
Now I have three tables that have data regarding the contract.
Contract: It contains information regarding a contract we have which will include the contract start date and end date and the account which this contract is assigned to.
products_bought: This table contains the product brought under a contract. A contract can hold multiple products bought.Each product row will have the product start date/end date and the price of the asset the client has paid.
allocated users:Each product bought can have users mapped to it who are allowed to use the product which is the user in user_dim for that account. Basically attaching a license to a user.
I am trying to model the contract, product bought and allocated user so I can generate the following data.
The amount of money a account has spend on products.
THe utilization of licenses by an account. for example an account has a product that allows 3 users but has only one user mapped to it will show the product is under utilized.
I tried denormalizing all three tables into one fact table but the I am running into problem where the contract end date can be changed if it is extended. As well as new assets can be mapped to it. Also last be not least, the company can remove a user and then map another user to the product or remove users because they left the company or add more users.
How can this be best modeled. Because they contract and asset users can change they should be SCDs rather than fact table or how should I implement a fact to handle these changes as well which must be captured as well to maintain history of usage over time.
your best bet is to read a book on how to go about designing a data warehouse: The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit as this will give you all the information you need to be able to answer questions like this.
However, to specifically address your question, the best way to approach this is as follows:
Define your measures: what are the values that you wish to be able to aggregate in your reports
Define the grain of each measure: what are the dimensions that uniquely identify each measure. For example, a transaction amount might be defined by Store, Customer and Date/Time; if you dropped any of these then the transaction amount would change; if you added another dimension, such as rainfall, it would not change the transaction amount (n.b. having defined the grain of a measure you should never add dimensions that would change the grain e.g. Product Dimension, in this example)
Once you have defined your measures and their grains you can add all the other dimensions to them (that won't affect their grain) andn then decide whether to hold them in separate fact tables or combine them into one fact table:
Rule: if two measures don't have the same grain you must not put them in the same fact table
Guidance: for measures that meet the above rule, if there is also significant overlap in the other dimensions you want to use for each measure then consider combining them into a single fact table. My rule of thumb is that if you have 2-3 dimensions that don't apply to all measures then that's OK; if you hit 5 or more then you probably need to be thinking of splitting the measures into separate facts
In the book Neo4j in Action by Aleksa Vukotic and Nicki Watt, the authors say:
In our experience, it is less common for relationship indexes to be good solutions. We are not saying that relationship indexing is poor practice, but if you find yourself adding lots of relationship indexes, it is worth asking why.
It sounds that the authors do not recommend to index relationship in a graph database but no explanation is given thereafter. Does anyone know why?
I've voted for this question to be migrated to SO, and answering it while hoping it to be really migrated. I used Neo4j a couple of years. Although it has changed a lot since then, the principles of being a graph database won't alter much I believe. In my opinion, if you need a lot of indices to promptly query the relationships between the nodes, you could have designed your data model in some other way such that it focuses more on the graph nodes (just for example, relationships being your nodes, and nodes being your relationships as in line graph); because the querying mechanism (e.g. Cypher query) is generally optimised for the nodes.
First, it's important to understand the role of indexes in Neo4j, in that indexes are used to find starting points in the graph, after which relationship traversal and filtering are used to perform the remainder of the pattern matching and to complete the query.
The advice therefore is about the same as: "we do not recommend using relationships as starting points in the graph", and we find that true more often than not.
Usually when you need to do index lookups, you have certain "things" in mind as your starting places, and important things in graphs are typically represented by nodes. If we're asking "what employees are connected to this particular company" we're interested in starting quickly by finding that particular company and expanding out, not in finding all :EMPLOYED_BY relationships in the graph and filtering by the connected company, which would take far more time.
Often we find that those who encounter this restriction, and need this kind of fast lookup of relationships anyway, may need to rethink their model. Often when there is a need to lookup relationships as starting places in the graph, it is an indication that the thing represented by a relationship is important enough that it really should be a node in the graph (with its own relationships to the previously connected nodes), so this becomes a "modeling smell" that drives refactoring changes to the model. Often this kind of change feels more natural after, and affords more capability for the thing as a node that wasn't available when it was being modeled as a relationship (for example, the ability to apply multiple labels to it, or to connect it via relationships to more nodes than just the original two).
All that said, there will be cases where a relationship really does just need to be a relationship (either for business reasons, or because it truly is most practical modeling-wise for it to be kept as a relationship), and using those relationships as starting points in the graph make sense.
With the fulltext schema indexes introduced in Neo4j 3.5, we added the capability to add relationship indexes by relationship type(s) and property(or properties). So the capability is there, if needed, after you've ruled out refactoring of your model.
I am currently creating a datwarehouse for a (coffee) aggregator in latin america. They have two main business operations:
buying coffee from farmers and selling it in the international
market and
providing micro-credit loans to these farmers to
increase their yield.
My plan is to create a datawarehouse on top of their operational systems/dbs.
The first business process I will integrate is the credit operation, after that I will add the buying of the coffee of individual farmers.
For the credit operation I envision a single fact table which consists of the loan-amount, with dimensions to farmer, loan-officer etc. But before getting into the fact table concerning loans, I am currently working on the creation of the farmer dimension.
I have a nice little farmer dimension with some keys, geograhical location, sex, education, etc etc
I also would like to include the "economic production" of the farmer. This is information that is captured in the loan application process and basically says what kind of coffee they produce and the size of the land they produce this on. The relation between farmer and economic production is thus 1:n
Furthermore, this changes from year to year and is obviously only known for farmers that have done a loan application.
The goal of this information, is to be able to (even before the credit fact table is created) create some basic figures / insights on the farmers, their spatial distribution and their economic activity/output.
Iam thus thinking of having a farmer dimension connected to a "production dimension". This production dimension would be (1) time varying and (2) multivalued. The time variance I plan to implement according to type 2 (valid_from, valid_to and currently_valid columns).
Since I am rather new to the whole datawarehouse scene I have been reading a lot up on common techniques and principles, mainly from Kimball's excellent (!) book. However, I havent come across anything which describes such a dimension-dimension connection.
My questions therefore are:
is this common and considered a good approach?
where can I find some information on best practices concerning this matter
EDIT: A second possibility that I am thinking about would be to create some kind of a factless fact table which deals with "customer interaction" (e.g. the loan application process in which such information from farmers is collected). This fact table would then have a FK to the farmer and FK to the production dimension as well as a FK to a time dimension table. As it has no facts associated with it, this would only form some kind of a 1:n linking table. The only difference with the former method would be that the time-dimension is now in a seperate table as opposed to be included in the production table in my opinion..
EDIT2: Or should I create perhaps a production fact table, although it does not coincide with a business process of the aggregator. In that case probably the surface area to produce a certain crop would become the measure, and potentially the crop types / varieties etc would go into a seperate dimension.
Hi I am new to conceptual data modelling and is currently working on entity-relationship diagrams. Just some questions that I am not able to find an answer to:
I am designing an E-R diagram based on a given scenerio and as I match my answers against the 'model answer', it is quite different, especially the terms I use within the diamond shapes representing the relationship between 2 entities. Am i right to say that the choice of words representing the relationship can be anything so long as it is logical?
I noticed different tutorials uses different means of representing cardinality. Some uses crow foot, some uses M:N to represent many-to-many. As there are so many standards, which is the recommended standard to follow for a beginner?
Thanks in advance
A Conceptual Model is used to represent a domain of discourse to aid you and the users understand that domain. As such the wording and form of that representation should be that most aids you and the users in that understanding.
Therefore, should you choose to include an Entity Relationship Diagram as part of the Conceptual Model, the terms, notation and diagrammatic conventions used should be those that make most sense to you and the users. The terms used may be specific to your organization or business.
There is no particular best practice to recommend. As long as you and the users are happy that your Conceptual Model adequately explains the domain of discourse then the production of the model has fulfilled its objective.
I'm new to data warehousing. First, I want to precise than my copy of The Data Warehouse Toolkit is on it's way to my mailbox (snail mail :P). But I'm already studying all this stuff with what I find on the net.
What I don't find on the net, however, is what to do when you seems to have more than one fact in a DW. In my case (insurance), I have refunds that occur on a non regular basis. One client can have none for 3 months and then ten in the same months. On the other hands, I have "subscription fee" (not sure what is the correct english term, but you get the point), that occur every month or every three months. That seems clearly like two distinct facts to me.
Those two are kind of loosely coupled by some dimensions, like the client or the "insurance product". Now are these two different warehouse, on which I have to produce two different report and then connect the reports outside of the DW ? Or is there a way to design this to fit a single descent DW. Or should I combine these two facts in one? I would probably lose granularity on refunds then.
Some blog I read said a DW always has one fact table. Others mention the step of designing what are the fact tables with a S, but there is no clear instruction of if there is a link between them or they are just distinct components of a same DW project.
Does anyone know some references on that precise part of DW design?
I realize that I am answering an old post, but I am not satisfied with either of the answers provided. I feel that neither answered the question.
A schema can have one or more facts, but these facts are not linked by any key relationship. It is best practice not to join fact tables in a single query as you would whey querying a normalized/transactional database. Due to the nature of many to many joins, etc - the results would be incorrect if attempted.
The answer you are looking for is that you need to "drill across" which basically means that you are querying each fact table (schema) separately and merging the results. This can occur using SQl or preferably via a reporting/analytics tool that you may have which referenced the data warehouse. Instead of duplicating the answers on how to do this, I will direct everyone to two very good articles:
Three ways to drill across by Chris Adamson
The Soul of the Warehouse - Drilling Across by Ralph Kimball
You can have as many fact tables as you like. In your example you may have something like:
dimProduct lists several products -- subscription being one of those.
dimTransactionType would list possible transactions (purchase, refund, recurring subscription fee ...)
Now suppose you are interested in simplified subscription reporting, you could add a factSubscription like this:
Taking your questions backwards.
A data warehouse can have more than one fact table. However, you do want to minimize joins between fact tables. It's ok to duplicate fact information in different fact tables.
Of the objects you mentioned:
Refund is a fact. Timestamp is the dimension of the refund fact.
Subscription fee is a fact. Timestamp is the dimension of the subscription fee fact.
A refund can happen more than once. I'm guessing that each customer has one subscription fee. So it appears we have two fact tables so far, customer, and customer refund.
If you knew that there could only be at the most 3 refunds (as an example), then you would eliminate the customer refund fact table, and put 3 refund columns in the customer table.
You also mention insurance. A customer can have more than one policy. So we have a third fact table.
A data warehouse is usually designed using a star schema. The star schema is basically one fact table connected to one or more dimension tables. You'll probably have more than one star in a data warehouse, since we already defined 3 fact tables.