How can I deploy my website to from CircleCI via GitHub? Are there any integrations I need? - circleci

I've been looking to deploy my website which is stored on and i've got a version now on GitHub, I was thinking of using CircleCI to deploy it as I use that to run cypress tests that are ran after I push to my GitHub repo.
I am just unsure where to begin on this and initial searches have come to a dead end.
So far I have:
Website deployed to
GitHub repo with website code
CircleCI can see the repo
I just need to plug it all together but unsure how, any advice is appreciated.


Is it necessary to use both Jenkins and GitHub?

My former web developer setup my site so that it uses Jenkins and GitHub. I understand the very basics of GitHub and even less of Jenkins. But in theory, when I make minor text changes to my website, can't GitHub manage the process of pushing those changes to the server? Or is there some good reason that Jenkins is also involved?
Thank you.
Yes. It's not a must but using both Jenkins and Github will make your life easy. Github and Jenkins are two tools that help you to do different functions.
Github will mainly help you to manage your codebase, resolve conflicts, etc. So it will basically behave as a repository. You can commit your changes and get other's updates and always be up to date. There are tons of other advantages but I'll keep it simple for understanding purpose.
Jenkins is an open-source automation server. In your case, you can automate the product building. For example if you have a test environment or even when you deploy the changes t live, you can do all that with just a click. And you can separately build tests and live environments and With concepts like pipeline, you can even integrate the building with tests, etc.
But if you are talking about your local environment, yes git is enough because you can build the project manually. but in production have git and jenkins both will be a handy option.
Read more on Jenkins

How can PHP doctrine/phinx migrations be deployed?

I am trying to setup a fairly simple CI/CD toolchain in TravisCI for a PHP project using composer libraries, resulting in deployment on a baremetal server via rsync.
Steps are:
Getting the code from the Github Repo upon git push.
Run composer install to get the dependencies.
(Perform Unit tests - Integration tests) - Not setup yet
Lint, codequality steps
Deploy the code to a remote apache server via rsync, using ssh keys.
Toolchain works OK so far, but I can't seem to get my head around on how the SQL migrations (in Doctrine or Phinx) can be executed automatically on the remote server.
Is the strategy of executing doctrine:migrations:migrate via ssh as the last step on the deploy section of TravisCI the best choice, or is there another better option? How do you deploy your migrations?
Thanks a lot
I once deployed to Heroku using Travis.
It was for a project using Laravel.
Because Heroku is sofisticated I have been able to tell it (from its configuration) to migrate your database after you have deployed.
However, with a classic rsync server you would need to connect to it from travis using SSH in order to migrate. (If your are as lazy as me and want to automate everything).
According to this doc you can add a after_deploy or after_success step. From this step you would run your ssh commands and migrate your database.
Apparently you can even run commands or a script via ssh so it might not be that hard. Look at the following:
You have to pay EXTRA attention at what you put in your github repo in order to avoid security troubles with your rsync server.
Whether use this way to provide credentials to your Travis Job or that way

Implement Dart workflow in Travis CI to deploy in Firebase

I'm new to both Firebase and Travis CI. Done some home work with Dart for sometime.
I'm trying to implement Travis CI for building my Angular Dart Project and deploying to Firebase.
It is going through the build and test fine, and while deploying i'm getting the below message.
Error: Specified public directory does not exist, can't deploy hosting
I have chosen build/web as my public directory while creating the firebase.json file. Seems like build directory is a different one in Travis CI.
What is the build directory?
Can i see some build files done in Travis CI for my project?
If so how?
Below is my GitHut Repository which i'm trying to automate the workflow.
Git Hub:
And Travis CI Build page shows the error here.
Travis CI :
Kindly help!
Please find the answer to my question below
Currently Travis Doesn't build the dart project, hence script for same has to be added.

Deploying Github Repo to Heroku without downloading git

Is there a way to deploy a GitHub repository to Heroku without using git? I tried the link at but it's not seeming to work, can anyone help with this issue? And I know it's possible, i'm just not entirely sure how.
It looks that you can't push from Github directly to Heroku: Push from github to heroku without downloading repo
This has also been discussed here: Github straight to heroku

Track a Rails project on private repo on GitHub with Redmine and Integrity deployed on Heroku

Project A is a Rails application:
Code hosted on GitHub on a private repo.
Deployed on Heroku (which has a readonly file system).
Project R that is an instance of Redmine, used to manage my project A:
Code hosted on GitHub on another private repo (same GitHub account).
Deployed on Heroku (which has a readonly file system).
Project CI that is an instance of Integrity, used to continuous integrate (by running tests) my project A:
Code hosted on GitHub on a third private repo (same GitHub account).
Deployed on Heroku (which has a readonly file system).
What I want
I want to be able to:
Use the Repository feature on Redmine on project R (in essence, to be able to see the repository from project R).
Run the tests on CI.
My problem
To clone and keep up to date the code of project A on both project R and project CI.
What I tried
For the 1. point, I've tried to follow the instructions found on, with the only difference that I've created the local bare copy of A into the root of R (because of Heroku's constraints on file system), which caused the creation of /A.git dir.
After that, I've re-deployed on Heroku the project R, and in the Redmine's project A settings I've configured as SCM "Git" and A.git as Path to .git directory (I've also tried ./A.git).
However, when I point to the tab Repository of A project on Redmine, I got a 500 with message:
"The entry or revision was not found in the repository."
Where am I wrong?
Any suggestion?
Thank you!
I think it is currently impossible to integrate Git or Mercurial repos with a Redmine instance running on Heroku due to the read-only filesystem constraint. I asked Eric Davis and he thinks so too. SVN and CVS don't require Redmine to have a local copy of the repo, and so I think they work, whereas Git and Hg don't.
