Splash screen prevent from hiding after ejecting expo - ios

Recently I have ejected my project from expo to dare and do all the necessary things like pod install and all.
When I run my project Its runs fine but as soon as I click on any modal or any other button its don't show any error logs and shows Splashscreen and it's not hiding the code which should be executed in the use effect is not excuting. Sometimes it's said.
'SplashScreen.show' has already been called for given view controller.
It works well on the real device but the splash screen not hiding on the simulator.
I am stuck in for the last 3 days and do all the necessary things. Check almost all the questions on StackOverflow regarding this.
I have also try below code but it doesn't work.
import * as SplashScreen from 'expo-splash-screen';
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(async () => {
await SplashScreen.hideAsync();
}, 10000);
}, []);
useEffect(async () => {
await SplashScreen.hideAsync();
}, []);
I have tried almost everything and all the things were working perfectly before ejecting;


React-Native Background State

My app seems to randomly get stuck in a loading state after a user goes to lock screen or another app and then returns on iOS.
User is using the app to view images then clicks lock screen button.
The user unlocks their phone and the app is now stuck infinitely loading.
The only way to end the loading state is by shutting the app down and restarting it. It then works as normal.
This doesn't always happen. But the issue only crops up after the app has idled.
Does anyone have any idea what I could do to 'wake up' the app? I'm finding it hard to debug as it doesn't happen on the emulator.
Use this code in your root container (main screen)
import { AppState } from "react-native";
useEffect(() => {
const subscription = AppState.addEventListener("change", appState => {
if (appState === "active") {
console.log("App has come to the foreground!");
// call the function to remove loader here
console.log("AppState", appState);
return () => {
}, []);
Ref : AppState React Native

React Native Detox - Local and CI have different outcomes

I am having strange issue with React Native Detox testing when being ran on local and CI environments.
Following is the piece of code being ran on both of the environments:
import { E2E_IDS } from './constants';
import {
} from './utils';
describe('User email sign in flow test', () => {
it('should login with provided user credentials successfully', async () => {
await tapById(E2E_IDS.SIGN_IN);
await waitForText('Welcome back');
await typeTextById(E2E_IDS.SIGN_IN_EMAIL, testAccount.USER);
await typeTextById(E2E_IDS.SIGN_IN_PASSWORD, testAccount.PASS);
await waitForText('You have no classes yet.');
On my local mac machine, e2e tests runs fine as expected.
On Github CI mac machine, e2e fails because single tap on SIGN_IN_LOGIN_BUTTON is not enough, if I do the following:
If we tap the button twice, then it passes the test. I wonder why the first tap is not being acknowledged by the CI machine, that we had to do twice.
If anyone could help narrow down the root cause of this behaviour that would be great.
The last issue was quite tricky, it was actually a UX bug. So, when user types their email and password in the login form, the keyboard doesn't drop when we tap on the login button, because we had a keyboard overlay which is blocking the login button being tapped. To circumvent this issue, we need to add keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled' to the top level scrollView which will trigger down the tap events to it's child which will result in closing the keyboard plus the tap to right element, all in one go.
It was strange why this didn't happen on my local simulator, perhaps, we can toggle the keyboard on/off which didn't help me to narrow down the issue at hand.
Why 2 taps?
Because, first one was to drop the keyboard (inactive state) then the next one was to tap on the login button.

Electron auto update fails silently when installing update on Windows

I have an electron app which uses electron-builder for building, packing & publishing the app.
I have the following auto-update code:
autoUpdater.logger = log;
autoUpdater.logger.transports.file.level = "info";
autoUpdater.autoDownload = true;
const updateCheck = () => {
autoUpdater.checkForUpdates().then(resp => {
log.info("autoUpdate response:");
app.on("ready", async () => {
log.info(`Version: ${app.getVersion()}`);
autoUpdater.on("update-downloaded", () => {
log.info("update downloaded");
setImmediate(() => {
try {
log.info("installing update");
// app.relaunch();
} catch (err) {
log.error("Error installing update");
autoUpdater.on("error", err => {
log.error("AutoUpdater error");
schedule.scheduleJob("*/10 * * * *", updateCheck);
When I publish a new version, the auto-updater detects it, downloads it successfully, and then tries to install it.
During installation of the update, the progress bar fills up halfway, then disappears.
The app remains closed and does not automatically relaunch after the progress bar disappears.
When I re-launch it manually, it is still the old version. It detects that there is an update which has already downloaded, and tries to install it, with the same result (progress bar fills halfway then disappears, app remains closed after).
My log file shows no errors, either from the catch block or the autoUpdater.on("error") callback.
The location C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\<app-name>-updater has an installer.exe file which installs the previous version, and a pending folder which contains an installer for the new version. Manually executing this installer causes the app to be updated with no errors.
I tried testing using checkForUpdatesAndNotify instead of checkForUpdates (and commenting out the call to quitAndInstall), and it worked as advertised, however I would like to ensure the update is installed immediately rather than wait for the user to quit on their own.
How can I debug this further? Why am I not seeing any errors? Where should I be looking for them? What am I doing wrong?
The problem turned out to be the fact that I created the window with the option closable: false, preventing the auto updater from closing it. The auto updater works perfectly after removing this setting
Quick question: have you used
this answer to make your App window closed and minimizable to tray?
If you did, You should application.isQuiting = true before calling autoUpdater.quitAndInstall();
otherwise the application.close() function is pretty much blocked from anywhere other then the contextMenu.
I was facing the same issue and I did a lot of RnD. After trying for few days I found that there was no issue with the auto updater instead it was the issue with the file name I was uploading on my server. Make sure your exe file name for every new version is different otherwise it will not install after auto update.
For eg.
setup_0.0.1.exe than your next version file should be setup_0.0.2.exe
Make sure to update the file name in latest.yml and blockmap file as well.

Can't click ok on Alert()

I've been using react native on windows everything was working good, I recently started to code react native on OSX to be able to see what my apps are working on IOS however since I started I'm getting through a lot a problem I can't fix...
One of them is that when I make an alert on the phone I can't click Ok... I to refresh the app if I want to close the alert. I can click the alert but I have to wait like 3 minutes it feels like the animation is super slow here :(
Is there something I set up wrong? I don't really understand
I did not really want to use alert as debug but since I can't see my log here as well it gives me no other choice.
Thanks in advance.
Animations slowing down could be because you have Debug JS Remotely option turned on from developer menu(the one that pops up after shaking the device). But it would be helpful to share the code here to make things clear.
I implemented an error popup in my app and it seems to work great, however it does not have any custom animation.
renderError() {
if (this.props.error) {
Alert.alert('Error', JSON.stringify(this.props.error), [
text: 'Cancel',
onPress: () => console.log('Cancel Pressed'),
style: 'cancel',
{ text: 'OK', onPress: () => console.log('OK Pressed') },

Showing splash screen in PhoneGap/Cordova 1.5.0

I'm trying to get my splash screen to show for my PhoneGap/Cordova native iOS app. The default or boolean for this behavior is set to 'YES'. I'm trying to get the screen to show for 2 seconds. At the moment, it only shows for a split second and then goes right into the app. Since my app does not download any data for the web on start, it loads pretty quickly.
According to this advice, this solution works for some. I'm using the latest Cordova 1.5.0 build: http://shazronatadobe.wordpress.com/2011/09/15/ios-phonegap-splash-screen-control/
I've turned the AutoHideSplashScreen to 'NO' in the Cordova.plist and I'm using this code:
function onLoad() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
I've tried putting the setTimeout function within a function, but to no avail. Like so:
function onLoad() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function hideSplash() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
And then loading the 'hideSplash()' when the Body loads. But to no avail.
Anything wrong with my code?
OK, I took RespectTheCode's advice and removed the device ready event out of the onLoad function. This is the working code. I'm putting the full code for other's who are learning:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
The 1000 is one second for those who don't know. Will not work for less than one second i.e 500. Splash screen just hangs.
This is working for me when I install and app works fine,however, when I restart the device (iPad2) the splash screen hangs like the previous problem (above paragraph) and will not enter the app. Weird bug.
Anyone else experience this?
I'm on iOS 5.1 building with Xcode 4.3.1 and Cordova 1.5.0
I am using Cordova 2.1.0 and now 2.2.0.
When calling navigator.splashscreen.hide(), the Splash Screen didn't disappear.
Using the following code, it worked:
private static native void hideSplashScreen() /*-{
$wnd.Cordova.exec(null, null, "SplashScreen", "hide", []);
Hope this helps
