WebSocket connection to 'wss://postfacto.[mydomain].de/cable' failed - ruby-on-rails

I've deployed postfacto version 4.3.11 by using the official docker image.
Additionally I did the following:
Added google Auth
Set DISABLE_SSL_REDIRECT to "false" (Not sure what this does)
Set USE_POSTGRES_FOR_ACTION_CABLE to "true" ( to not have a separate message queue via redis as documented in section Removing Redis dependency.
Added nginx-tls-proxy server as reverse proxy
Everything seems to be working just fine, but when checking google-chrome dev-tools, I can see the error message shown in the attached screenshot
Could any of you please tell me, what is causing this and if I can solve it?
Just let me know if you need more information :)


Cannot access Keycloak account-console in Kubernetes (403)

I have found a strange behavior in Keycloak when deployed in Kubernetes, that I can't wrap my head around.
login as admin:admin (created by default)
click on Manage account
(manage account dialog screenshot)
I have compared how the (same) image (quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:17.0.0) behaves if it runs on Docker or in Kubernetes (K3S).
If I run it from Docker, the account console loads. In other terms, I get a success (204) for the request
GET /realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/login-status-iframe.html/init?client_id=account-console
From the same image deployed in Kubernetes, the same request fails with error 403. However, on this same application, I get a success (204) for the request
GET /realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/login-status-iframe.html/init?client_id=security-admin-console
Since I can call security-admin-console, this does not look like an issue with the Kubernetes Ingress gateway nor with anything related to routing.
I've then thought about a Keycloak access-control configuration issue, but in both cases I use the default image without any change. I cross-checked to be sure, it appears that the admin user and the account-console client are configured exactly in the same way in both the docker and k8s applications.
I have no more idea about what could be the problem, do you have any suggestion?
Try to set ssl_required = NONE in realm table in Keycloak database to your realm (master)
So we found that it was the nginx ingress controller causing a lot of issues. While we were able to get it working with nginx, via X-Forwarded-Proto etc., but it was a bit complicated and convoluted. Moving to haproxy instead resolved this problem. As well, make sure you are interfacing with the ingress controller over https or that may cause issues with keycloak.
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: haproxy

Failed to connect Hyperledger Explorer to Fabric project

I have a Fabric project up and running with 7 org/5 channel setup with each org having 2 peers. Everything is up and running. Now i am trying to connect Hyperledger Explorer to view the blockchain data. However there is an issue i am facing in the configuration part.
Steps i performed:
Pulled the images and added the following containers in a single docker-compose.yaml file for startup: hyperledger/explorer-db:latest, hyperledger/explorer:latest, prom/prometheus:latest, grafana/grafana:latest
Edited the created containers with the respective configurations needed and volume mounts.
Since its a multi-org setup i edited the config.json files and accordingly pointed them to the respective connection profiles as per the organization setup
"network-configs": {
"org1-network": {
"name": "Sample-1",
"profile": "./connection-profile/org1-network.json"
}, and so on for other orgs
Edited the prometheus.yml to put in the static configurations
targets: ['localhost:8443','localhost:8444', and so on for every peer service]
targets: ['orderer0-service:8443','orderer1-service:8444', and so on for every orderer service]
Edited the peer services in my docker-compose.yaml file to add in the below values on each peer config
CORE_METRICS_PROVIDER=prometheus # Prometheus will pull metrics
Issue: (Now resolved - see below)
It seems that explorer isn't able to find my Admin#org1-cert.pem' path in the given location. But i double checked everything and that particular path is present and also accessible. All permissions to that path is also open to avoid any permissioning issue.
Path in question [Full path is provided not the relative path]: /home/auro/Desktop/HLF/fabricapp/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1/users/Admin#org1/msp/signcerts/Admin#org1-cert.pem
The config files is also setup properly. I am unable to find a way to correct way. Would be really glad if someone can tell me what is going on with this path issue, because i tried everything i think i could but still not able to get it working.
Other details:
Using Hypereldger Explorer - v1.1.0 - Pulling the latest docker image
Using Hyperledger Fabric - v.1.4.6 - Pulling the specific version from docker hub for this
Update: Okay, i managed to solve this. Apparently the path to be given in the config file isnt that of the local system but of the docker container. I replaced the path with the path to my docker container where the files are placed and it worked.
New Problem -1: (Now solved) Now i am getting an error as shown below. Highlighted in yellow
I had a look at peer-0-org-1-service node logs when this happened and this is the error it had logged.
2020-07-20 04:38:15.995 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 028 TLS handshake failed with error tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
Update: Okay, i managed to solve this too. There were 2 issues. The TLS handshake wasn't happening because the TLS certificate wasn't set to true in the config. The second issue of STREAM removed happened because the url in the config wasnt specified as grpc. Once changes were done, it resolved
New Problem -2: (Current Issue)
It seems that the channel issue is there. Somehow it still shows "not assigned to this channel" and a new error of "Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: failed to connect to all addresses". This same error happened for all the peers across 7 orgs.
And not to mention suddenly the peers are not able to talk to each other.
Error Received: Could not connect to Endpoint: peer0-org2-service:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0-org2-service:7051, PKI-ID: , Metadata: : context deadline exceeded
I checked the peer channel connection details and everything seems to be in order. Stuck in this for now. Let me know if anyone has any ideas.
As you can see from the edits i got one problem solved before another came along. After banging my head for a lot of times, i removed the entire build, rebuilt it again with my corrections given above and it simply started working.
You seem to be using old Explorer image. I strongly recommend to use the latest one v1.1.1. Note: There are some updates of settings format in connection profile (e.g. login credential of Explorer). Please refer README-CONFIG for detail.

Kibana not ready yet - OK ah why?

I just installed Kibana after installing log stash on my Mac. I used brew install kabana. Then I used brew install start service cabana. Then I see the error message Kibana not ready when I access on localhost:5601. Ok, so where do I go and find why Kibana is not ready yet? I dont see any logs for it under /var/logs.
So what I need is to know where to check the logs to see what is wrong. I have already checked that log stash is running on expected port. I have seen one other response and it was some cryptic reply that it could not find it under the service name logstash. Yet no mention anywhere of service names for install. Also can we have more useful information then Kibana not ready yet like Kibana not ready yet because it could not find X or Y. Something that at least looks like its trying to help us during install. Who decides this kind of thing. Like we just see not ready yet with no mention of logs files or where they are located. Why not just startup and provide the start logs of Kabana? Would this not make more sense then just a meaningless message?
Steven$ brew services stop kibana
Stopping `kibana`... (might take a while)
==> Successfully stopped `kibana` (label: homebrew.mxcl.kibana)
coffee:log Steven$ brew services start kibana
==> Successfully started `kibana` (label: homebrew.mxcl.kibana)
I mean what a worthless error message. In fact its ambiguous as to whether there is an error at all. The absurdity is that a logging app and we are trying to hunt down the logs for this. Madness.
Found the solution reading this article:
Looks like kibana file needs some updates before its ready. Not sure why that is not the message with a reference to the config file. Anyway still looking for kibana startup logs. I dont see them anywhere.

Nextcloud in docker behind traefik on unraid

I'm running traefik as a reverse proxy on my unraid (6.6.6)
Apps like, sonarr/radarr, nzbget, organizr, all work fine. But that's mostly due to the fact that these are super easy to set up. You only need 4 traefik specific labels and that's it. 
traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix: /radarr
So far so good, everything is using ssl and working great. 
But as soon as I have to configure some extra stuff for the containers to work behind a reverse proxy I get lost. I've read dozens of guides regarding nextcloud, but I can't get it to work. 
Currently I'm using the linuxserver/nextcloud docker and from my internal network it's working great. I got everything set up, added users and smb shares and everybody can connect fine. But I can't get it to work behind traefik using a subdirectory. It's probably just some traefik labels I need to add to the nextcloud container, but I'm simply too much of a newb to know which ones I need. 
My first issue was that nextcloud forces https, which traefik doesn't like unless you configure some stuff. So for now I'm just using the traefik.frontend.auth.forward.tls.insecureSkipVerify=true label to work around this. I know it's potentially a security issue, but if I'm not mistaken it only opens up the possibility of a man in the middle attack. Which shouldn't be too much of an issue since both traefik and nextcloud are running on the same machine (and besides everything else is going over http). 
So now that I got that working I get a Error 500 message when I try to open mydomain.tld/nextcloud. 
The traefik log says "Error calling . Cause: Get : unsupported protocol scheme \"\""
I tried adding some labels I found in a guide (https://www.smarthomebeginner.com/traefik-reverse-proxy-tutorial-for-docker/#NextCloud_Your_Own_Cloud_Storage)
I just thought I'd try it, maybe I get lucky.
Sadly I didn't. Still Error 500. 
In your traefik logs enable using:
loglevel = "DEBUG"
More info here:https://docs.traefik.io/configuration/logs/
After doing this I realized that my docker label was not correctly applying the InsecureSkipVerify = true line in my config. The error I was able to see in the logs was:
500 Internal Server Error' caused by: x509: cannot validate certificate for 172.17.0.x because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"
To work around this I had to add InsecureSkipVerify = true directly to the traefik.toml file for this to work correctly.

WebSocket connection failure. Due to security constraints in your web browser

Today I download neo4j-community-3.2.0 in windows, when i start the server, i meet one problem in browser, i meet this problem in neo4j-community-3.1.2 and i had solved it by Ticking the "Do not use Bolt" option in settings solved the issue. But in neo4j-community-3.2.0 , i can't see "Do not use Bolt" option ,and i don't know how to do.
N/A: WebSocket connection failure. Due to security constraints in your web browser, the reason for the failure is not available to this Neo4j Driver. Please use your browsers development console to determine the root cause of the failure. Common reasons include the database being unavailable, using the wrong connection URL or temporary network problems. If you have enabled encryption, ensure your browser is configured to trust the certificate Neo4j is configured to use. WebSocket readyState is: 3
This happens because the browser is trying (under the hood) to also access the bolt port, which uses an unsigned certificate.
You probably allowed the browser to access the SSL 7474 port through allowing the unsigned certificate as an exception on your browser (and if you didn't, you should in order to make it work).
The url was:
Do the same for the bolt certificate, allow it as an exception for url:
I ran into the same problem trying to use Neo4j Community Edition on an AWS Ubuntu 16.04 instance. The key thing that solved it was to open port 7687 (the bolt port) in the AWS security group settings.
Found this based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/45234105/1529646
Thus, full answer is:
Make sure to configure Neo4j correctly, ie. uncomment the line dbms.connectors.default_listen_address= AND the line dbms.connector.bolt.listen_address=:7687
Open ports 7474 AND 7687 in the AWS security group settings.
In the lower left corner of the browser gear, select do not use bolt.
Open your ${NEO4J_HOME}/conf/neo4j.conf file and edit the bolt settings. It is just about uncommenting this line dbms.connector.bolt.address=
Change the version of Neo4j
Check your JDK version, use JDK1.8
Adding another option, which worked for me. If your bolt's tls_level is set to REQUIRED, you need to change it to OPTIONAL, if you are not using it with SSL certificate; to get this working.
If you are using Neo4J Community Edition (ver 3.5.1 - in my case) from AWS Marketplace, you need to change the configuration in:
Change this line:
echo "dbms_connector_bolt_tls_level" "${dbms_connector_bolt_tls_level:=REQUIRED}"
echo "dbms_connector_bolt_tls_level" "${dbms_connector_bolt_tls_level:=OPTIONAL}"
You can find more about Neo4J connector configuration option here. Ideally as per docs, by default bolt.tls_level should have been OPTIONAL only. But I'm not really sure what exactly happened in my case, which got it changed to REQUIRED. Or if it came as is from AWS Marketplace.
Assuming you have valid certs and placed them under the correct certificates directory:
Version 4.0. Took it from this article.
I shared my full ssl config on this other answer.
I had the same error. New to Neo, so take this with a grain of salt, but my solution didn't match these above idea. But thanks as they did lead me to the right "water". So
I went into the conf file, noticed that there was the same port number (previously, the Neo desktop had been constantly telling me it'd needed to update the port numbers...I never checked to verity, but they'd be #, #+1 and #+2. But that didn't work yet that'd happened again and again...but now, after checking the conf file myself, I noticed that the number was the same for all three port requirements for BOLT. Tried that and it didn't work either...but maybe that was important in what did:
In the folder, where the specific database is housed, named "..neo4jdatabases/[GUID Value]" there were two directories titled "/installation-3.4.0" and "...1". I removed the ".0", restarted things and IT WORKED.
So, either there should NOT be two versions under the same database collection OR that's true AND you need the three ports to be the same.
Final add for any Neo4j experts who actually know what they're doing, I have three databases running, two without issue. This occurred AFTER I was messing around trying to see how PowerShell might be useful. Not sure if this is related, but the other databases have worked fine...but, this db is the original playground/sandbox I'd had since the beginning. Not 100% sure, I made the version update before or after, creating the other two databases. HTH.
Using a windows trial version on a Windows 10 machine. Current N4j version is 3.4.1.
Do love what I see so far with Neo BTW!!!
Please mention the correct bolt port under the Connect URL textbox.if you are using the service port the mention the service port in place of bolt port.
Then finally I resolve it by replacing the bolt port with service port inside k8s.
user: neo4j
password: neo4j
I resolve this error by replace the port 7687 with node port 30033 inside Neo4j
then it works fine.
I was facing the same issue with Neo4J version 4 installed on an Ubuntu 18 EC2 instance. Tthe workaround that did the trick for me was to replace the entries in /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf with the actual private IP of my instance.
Following are the lines where the replace happened:
Post restart of the DB, the Connect URL when accessing from browser should also use the private IP instead of localhost.
