How to link Kalendar AI with Salesflare CRM using Zapier zaps? - zapier

On Kalendar AI if someone books a call those details should be forwarded to the Salesflare CRM tool using Zapier zap.
On the Salesflare it should first create an account and then create a contact under that Account.
I am unable to test the zaps because I can't create a manual event on the Kalendar AI. I have created Zap and thought that I would work and should be suffice to sync kalendar AI with Salesflare but it doesn't work, because I have checked after few days, there are few calls booked from Kalendar AI but those didn't sync with the Salesflare.
Any help, where I am getting it wrong.
I am ready to provide any additional details if required.


Ruby on rails. Pay to post articles

I am have been using rails for about a week now and have created a website/app which for simplicity's sake we can call a job board. Users can create listings which other users can then apply for. Everything is working as desired. The next thing that I want to set up is the ability to charge users to create the listings.
After extensive searching, I can't find any tutorials that explain this process, just the typical cart and checkout for selling physical products.
I have been pondering solutions but I wanted to consult here for pro advice.
For the payment process (at least for now) I will most likely use active merchant and Paypal as I am based in Europe.
My current doubts are with setting up the modeling.
Would it be better to create a new model eg. 'credits', have users purchase 'credits', then run a variable when trying to create a 'job', eg. if_user_has_credits post the job else link to buy_credits_path, or is there a more direct way of achieving this through the already functional user and jobs models?
Any advice on setting up this functionality would be greatly appreciated.
I would try to create a credit system, so users just have to purchase credits and you can just drive the user to purchase credits in case they do not have enough for create a listing:
Simple one: Store the user' credit as balance field in the database, and all actions ("add", "deduct") are logged but not used to compute the latest balance. The balance-based way gives you fast access to the current amount
History based: Don't store the balance in database. The balance is computed by looking at the history of transactions, e.g. ("add", "deduct"). The history-based way gives you auditing. The history table should store the transaction, a timestamp, the balance before the transaction happened, and ideally a way to track the funds' source/destination.
You can use both. See the Ruby toolbox for bookeeping and Plutus
I recommend also using logging, and ideally read about secure log verification and provable timestamp chaining.
For logging details see techniques for ensuring verifiability of event log files

TFS 2013 Team Rooms not reporting events (anymore)

We have been using TFS 2013 for over a year now and have been using the Team Rooms (basically an IRC clone) without any problems. Additionally, I set up an automated build of our main project whenever anyone checks in a change. I then configured the Team Room to post a notification in the chat room whenever a build completed. Everyone appreciates this feature because it lets us know that there is a new update, and it lets us know if there is a problem compiling the current code base, usually prompting ridicule of the poor fool for being so careless.
Unfortunately, I recently took a two week vacation and while I was gone the Team Room stopped reporting build completions. Everyone claims there were no changes. I am the senior dev and the junior guys don't have access to the server anyway. I have verified in the "Manage events..." dialog that the room is still configured to post a notification when a build is completed, and I have been unable to find any trouble shooting guides on where else to look.
Is there a service I should be looking for? An error log somewhere? Has anyone else seen something like this?

Paypal recurring payments with variable amount

First, notice I have read many post regarding this topic, but the info provided is not enough for me or is not accurate.
I´m developing a website with AngularJS and Ruby on Rails that offers different services. Users can subscribe to these services (one or many) and they get a Paypal Recurring Payment (through a profile) to pay these services (using merchant API). For a fixed amount the service is working ok for me.
The problem is, the amount can be different from one period to another, depending on the number of services the user is subscribed.
I have read Paypal docs, but It´s still not clear to me what is the right approach.
My approaches are:
Once a user subscribes a new service, I can remove the existing recurring payment profile (with fixed amount) and create a new one. This would be ok, but I have read I can´t delete a profile automatically from my application. I can only create. In order to delete an existing profile, I have to do it manually, by login in my business paypal account and delete it. If true, then this is not a solution for me, because I can´t do all flow automatically. However, this is quite strange for me. Is this true? If not, could you please let me know how to do it?
Although, I have not read deep on it, I read on a post I can use Reference transactions to implement this. Is this right?
As far as I understood, Reference transactions let me vary the amount to get from the buyer when I run it, but the problem is that this operation does not executes recurring (managed by Paypal). I should keep the logic in order to execute it from my application. Right?
Any other approach or clarification is welcome.
My first approach is to create just one variable recurring payment with the amount of all services subscribed. But, maybe the solution is to create a recurring payment profile per each service?
1) This is true if you're using Standard Subscription buttons, but if you're working with the Recurring Payments API you can cancel the profile using ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus.
2) Yes, with reference transactions you can charge any amount you need to at any time, but it would be left up to you to build your own recurring payments system, basically, utilizing reference transactions. You could have a script run each day that goes through all your accounts and processes due payments accordingly.
Another option would be to have your users create a Preapproval profile and then use the Pay API to process payments using the preapproval keys. This is very similar to reference transactions.

Access Transactions in Quickbooks Online

I'm using trying to interface with Quickbooks Online for an internal application that will push and pull transactions using qbXML. My problem is that I can't figure out which message I need to send in order to list and add the items listed under the "Banking" > "Registers" page. I've gone through the messages listed in the Onscreen Reference for Intuit Software Development Kits and none of them seem to give me this information.
Also, does anyone know of a list that explains what each message does?
If you're in a bank account register, you're writing checks. There are 3 kinds of checks in QuickBooks:
Expense checks - if you added a check directly in the register window, you would be adding an expense check.
Bill payment checks - these appear in a check register, but you can only add them with a bill payment operation.
Payroll checks - these appear in the check register, but they can only be added using the Intuit Payroll Service or by enabling manual payroll (almost no one does manual payroll in actual practice, but it is good to know about for testing purposes).
The first 2 types of checks have their own message type: the Add/Mod Check and Add/Mod BillPayment messages respectively. Payroll checks can't be added by the SDK. You can query all 3 types using a Transaction query message. I should also mention that it's possible to add an entry in any register using a journal entry, but that's not a good idea unless you are certain you know what you're doing.
I hate to tell you this, but the best reference for QuickBooks messages is the one you're already using. There are also XML files in the <sdk root>\docs directory that describe SDK operations. But there is really no substitute for understanding how QuickBooks operates from a user's perspective.
If you're going to be working with QuickBooks integration, it's a good idea to make friends with one or more QuickBooks Pro Advisors so you can run these kinds of issue by them. The relationship is generally mutually beneficial, since QuickBooks Pro Advisors often find it handy to have access to an SDK programmer.

Service to manage newsletters but allows per user database driven data

If this is off-topic, I'd be glad to close the question. It is related to software development in that I'm looking to send out an email blast each week to subscribers for my service. The catch is, I need to put custom data in the blast such as, "You've done these things last week, here's what I'm going to recommend you do this week!". All of the data is determined by my application. The question is, do I have to build my own subscription management service in order to handle this level of granularity? I am not interested in doing that and would rather pay a mailing service to handle opt in/might opt, and I want them to handle all the mail infrastructure. I have to be able to supply the data / templates that are going out though.
Is there a service that's good for this these days?
