Does esbuild provide a feature like the resolve.alias option in webpack? - esbuild

Does esbuild provide a feature like the resolve.alias option in webpack?
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
Utilities: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utilities/'),
Templates: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/templates/'),
Now, instead of using relative paths when importing like so:
import Utility from '../../utilities/utility';
you can use the alias:
import Utility from 'Utilities/utility';

esbuild does currently not offer a dedicated way to resolve aliases but does support paths in tsconfig.json.

esbuild have no similar option in build options but it provides hancy way to control paths resolving via plugins. You can either write simple own plugin or use existing one such as esbuild-plugin-alias


How to disable strictMode in Babel.confict.js for Rails? [duplicate]

I'm using function form of "use strict" and don't want global form which Babel adds after transpilation. The problem is I'm using some libraries that aren't using "use strict" mode and it might throw error after scripts are concatenated
As it has already been mentioned for Babel 6, it's the transform-es2015-modules-commonjs preset which adds strict mode.
In case you want to use the whole es2015 preset without module transformations, put this in your .babelrc file:
"presets": [
["es2015", { "modules": false }]
This will disable modules and strict mode, while keeping all other es2015 transformations enabled.
Babel 5
You'd blacklist "useStrict". For instance here's an example in a Gruntfile:
babel: {
options: {
blacklist: ["useStrict"],
// ...
// ...
Babel 6
Since Babel 6 is fully opt-in for plugins now, instead of blacklisting useStrict, you just don't include the strict-mode plugin. If you're using a preset that includes it, I think you'll have to create your own that includes all the others, but not that one.
There's now a babel plugin that you can add to your config that will remove strict mode: babel-plugin-transform-remove-strict-mode. It's a little ugly in that the "use strict" gets added and then removed, but it makes the config much nicer.
Docs are in the GitHub repo:
Your .babelrc ends up looking like this:
"presets": ["env"],
"plugins": ["transform-remove-strict-mode"]
I also came accross this rather ridiculous limitation that you cannot disable or overwrite settings from an existing preset, and have resorted to using this preset instead:
plugins: [
strictMode: false
You can tell babel that your code is a script with:
sourceType: "script"
in your babel config file. This will not add use strict. See sourceType option docs
Babel 6 + es2015
We can disabled babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs to require babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode.
So comment the following code in node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs/lib/index.js at 151 line
//inherits: require("babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode"),
just change .babelrc solution
if you don't want to change any npm modules, you can use .babelrc ignore like this
"presets": ["es2015"],
"ignore": [
ignore that file, it works for me!
the ignored file that can't use 'use strict' is old code, and do not need to use babel to transform it!
Personally, I use the gulp-iife plugin and I wrap IIFEs around all my files. I noticed that the babel plugin (using preset es2015) adds a global "use strict" as well. I run my post babel code through the iife stream plugin again so it nullifies what babel did.
gulp.task("build-js-source-dev", function () {
return gulp.src(jsSourceGlob)
.pipe(babel({ presets: ["es2015"] }))// compile ES6 to ES5
.pipe(iife()) // because babel preset "es2015" adds a global "use strict"; which we dont want
.pipe(concat(jsDistFile)) // concat to single file
This is not grammatically correct, but will basically work for both Babel 5 and 6 without having to install a module that removes another module.
code.replace(/^"use strict";$/, '')
Since babel 6 you can install firstly babel-cli (if you want to use Babel from the CLI ) or babel-core (to use the Node API). This package does not include modules.
npm install --global babel-cli
# or
npm install --save-dev babel-core
Then install modules that you need. So do not install module for 'strict mode' in your case.
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions
And add installed modules in .babelrc file like this:
"plugins": ["transform-es2015-arrow-functions"]
See details here:
For babel 6 instead of monkey patching the preset and/or forking it and publishing it, you can also just wrap the original plugin and set the strict option to false.
Something along those lines should do the trick:
const es2015preset = require('babel-preset-es2015');
const commonjsPlugin = require('babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs');
es2015preset.plugins.forEach(function(plugin) {
if (plugin.length && plugin[0] === commonjsPlugin) {
plugin[1].strict = false;
module.exports = es2015preset;
Please use "es2015-without-strict" instead of "es2015". Don't forget you need to have package "babel-preset-es2015-without-strict" installed. I know it's not expected default behavior of Babel, please take into account the project is not mature yet.
I just made a script that runs in the Node and removes "use strict"; in the selected file.
file: script.js:
let fs = require('fs');
let file = 'custom/path/index.js';
let data = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
let regex = new RegExp('"use\\s+strict";');
if (data.match(regex)){
let data2 = data.replace(regex, '');
fs.writeFileSync(file, data2);
console.log('use strict mode removed ...');
else {
console.log('use strict mode is missing .');
node ./script.js
if you are using (v7.8.6 as of this writing), you can remove "use strict"; by selecting Source Type -> Module.
Using plugins or disabling modules and strict mode as suggested in the #rcode's answer didn't work for me.
But, changing the target from es2015|es6 to es5 in tsconfig.json file as suggested by #andrefarzart in this GitHub answer fixed the issue.
// tsconfig.json file
// ...
"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"target": "es5", // instead of "es2015"

How to setup development environment?

I want to use library to create modifications of BPMN modeling elements.
How do I set up a development environment with the folders bpmn-js, bpmn-moddle and diagram-js, such that I can modify any of the source files?
Please contact, if you can do this for me as a paid job.
This example extends the bpmn-js viewer via custom modules and shows how Rollup can be used to generate a UMD bundle of that custom viewer.
Create a sub-class of Viewer or Modeler, depending on which variant you would like to extend:
import inherits from 'inherits';
import Viewer from 'bpmn-js/lib/Viewer';
import ZoomScrollModule from 'diagram-js/lib/navigation/zoomscroll';
import MoveCanvasModule from 'diagram-js/lib/navigation/movecanvas';
import CustomLoggingModule from './features/logging';
* A viewer that includes mouse navigation and other goodies.
* #param {Object} options
function CustomViewer(options) {, options);
inherits(CustomViewer, Viewer);
module.exports = CustomViewer;
Add additional modules to your custom bpmn-js prototype:
CustomViewer.prototype._customModules = [
CustomViewer.prototype._modules = [].concat(
Package the file as UMD for the browser, using a module bundler such as Rollup, Browserify or Webpack.
We're using rollup to bundle the files based on this configuration:
rollup -c
Include the bundle in your webpage, as you would include our pre-package distributions:
<script src="dist/custom-viewer.bundled.js"></script>
var viewer = new CustomBpmnJS({
container: '#canvas'
// ...
Build this Example:
npm install
npm run all

How to share variables and functions across multiple client side JavaScript files with Webpacker in Rails 6?

Webpacker packs files like so
(function(module, exports) {
function myFunction() {...}
a consequence of this is that functions and variables from one file are not accessible from another. Or the console.
What's the "rails way" to address this?
Once you move over to Webpacker, you can write your Javascript with modern ES6. This way, we can export and import modules in conventional ES6.
// app/javascript/some_module.js
import moment from 'moment';
const SomeModule = {
someMethod() {
return someResult;
export default SomeModule;
And you can now import this into another module:
// app/javascript/another_module.js
import SomeModule from './some_module';
Notice the folder structure as comments in the file.
You could load the required variables/functions as Webpack plugins using environment.plugins.append in your `config/webpack/environment.js' file.
So, for example, if you wanted to expose $ and jQuery functions from the jQuery module, the file would look like this:
const { environment } = require('#rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require('webpack');
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: 'jquery',
jQuery: 'jquery'
Hope it helps!

Rails 5.1 Angular templateUrl

What do I need to do to get my Angular application to allow me to use the templateUrl property of the Component decorator? When you create a new Rails 5.1 application and use the flag --webpack=angular, it gives you a proof of concept Angular application, but as soon as I started creating more components, I began to recognize that I don't know how to refer to the correct path that the templates are being served. I'm not even sure if they are being served, to be honest.
What I've tried
Tried many different variations of the path, from just the file name all the way to the root of the application, one folder at a time.
Googling for someone else running into the same problem.
include the CommonModule in my imports in app.module.ts.
I'm really used to using the Angular CLI and I don't remember ever having an issue using the templateUrl property. What is different about an Angular CLI project to what's given to you in a Rails 5.1 app in terms of configuration affecting templates? Would I be able to use Angular CLI in a Rails 5.1 app without having to change much of the Rails app itself?
Can be done. But this needs a different webpack loader setup and several minor tweaks.
But first: shopping!
$ yarn add \
html-loader \
awesome-typescript-loader \
angular2-template-loader \
#types/node \
With all required packages installed replace config/webpack/loaders/angular.js with this:
const {env} = require('../configuration.js');
isProd = env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
module.exports = {
test: /\.ts$/,
use: [
loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader',
options: { useCache: !isProd }
angular2-template-loader scans your Component decorators for the templateUrl argument and replaces it with something like template: require('...')'. The require() call is the reason for installing #types/node by the way.
awesome-typescript-loader is a bit more optimized than the default ts-loader (which will probably work here as well, but I didn't test it).
So far so good. Next we need to tell webpack how to actually load HTML files. Add config/webpack/loaders/html.js with the following content:
module.exports = {
test: /\.html$/,
loader: 'html-loader',
Nothing obscure here. Moving on.
In your Javascript app add type informations for *.html files to app/javascript/hello_angular/html.d.ts:
declare module "*.html" {
const content: string
export default content
This tells the TypeScript compiler that require('template.html') returns a string.
Last but not least you have add .html to the recognized extensions in config/webpacker.yml:
default: &default
# ...
# ...
- .html
# ...
Now you should be good to go:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'hello-angular',
templateUrl: './template.html'
export class AppComponent {
name = 'Angular!';
Don't forget to restart bin/webpack-dev-server.
Theoretically you could do the same for styleUrls. But this is more tangled with rails/webpacker and you would loose some of it's features.

Webpack 2: CommonsChunkPlugin issue

I would like to ask a question about CommonsChunkPlugin
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports = {
entry: {
vendor: ['moment'],
app: ['./www/build/main.js']
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: '[name].bundle.js'
module: {
rules: [
{ test: /\.(js)$/, use: 'babel-loader' }
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'chunk'
After i run the webpack script, there are 3 files generated (vendor.bundle, app.bundle, chunk.bundle). My questions are:
What is the usage chunk.bundle and why it is generated? I set the config in "entry" and output is depends on the [name] of entry
How can i run the script to all files under a folder? The current setting needs to input one by one.
If my file is too large, how can i split is into some smaller files?
1) The chunk.bundle.js is being generated by the plugin. It operates a little outside of the usual Webpack flow.
2) Not sure what you're getting at, here. You probably need to look at the minChunks setting, or chunks.
3) You can use multiple instances of the plugin. I've found that you have to use the chunks setting on every instance except for one to avoid getting an error. Basically that specifies on what entry files the plugin will operate. You can specify all your entry files in chunks, and then use a function with minChunks to filter out what you want to include in that file.
