Ingress Controller in AKS (Application Gateway) / Define custom names for http settings and rules - azure-aks

I have deployed an application gateway with ingress controller for my AKS Cluster.
Once I deploy the ingress resource the underlaying resources are then visible in the Azure portal like listner, http settings,rule, etc.
My "problem" is that I would like to have more controll over the respective names of the rules and http settings.
The names that Azure is using for the respective http settings and rule names, are a bit unclear when there are multiple such http settings, rules and listners. The names that azure used are for example like this:
Listener: fl-e1903c8aga3446b783607aec6d6ecba8a
Rule: rr-u1903c8aa8446b8b32078ec6d6ecba8a
Having it like this, makes it extreemly difficult to keep track which is which.
I have looked in the doku [1] and [2] but I wasnt able to find an option where I could set this up in the ingress resource.
Do you have any idea where can I set this up, if at all?
Thank you,


Rails APIs and path based load balancer routing

We're breaking our monolithic Rails application in to microservices. Our services are hosted on AWS and are behind ALBs. We cannot use host based routing as we are multi-tenant via subdomain, and it would be an SSL nightmare to maintain the required certs for each tenant/environment/service combination. So we are using path-based API routing with rules on the load balancer. A request looks like this:
Client -> -> ALB -> route to rails service by name of :service_name
Because ALB cannot modify the path of a request before it sends it on to the serive, when it reaches the Rails services the path is still /api/:service_name/the_rest_of_the_path . This means in order to route to the proper controllers/actions in this case, we'd need to actually create a rails scope on namespace of /api/:service_name . This would work in theory but it has two drawbacks.
Firstly it means local developers have to deal with ALB/client specific concerns -- the path used for external service/cluster routing for ALB.
The second is that it couples the application to that path. If the load balancer decided the path should be /:service_name/the_rest_of_the_path instead then it would mean changing the application code in conjunction with the load balancer rules to accommodate it. It's not optimal and I'd prefer to avoid it if at all possible.
I thought then perhaps we could introduce a webserver to the mix, in between the load balancer and the application layer. I worked on a proof of concept for this and had it stripping out /api/:service_name before it got to the service -- leaving the Rails app with just "the_rest_of_the_path" which is all it cares about. Great! Perfect! Or so I thought.
It works well enough to route initial requests to, It however falls flat when any sort of redirects or links are used by taking the current path (as Rails sees it) in to consideration.
In the event /api/:service_name is stripped off before it hits the service, any subsequent links or redirects made from the Rails server itself naturally do not include it in there any longer. You may be on but Rails only thinks you're at /foo/bar. When it tries to tack something on to the path for a redirect or link like /foo/bar/baz, it loses the thing that identifies what service to send it to so the route dies at the load balancer.
This has particularly been an issue with Omniauth/Oauth2 flows for us. Omniauth wants to live at /auth/:provider by default. If the request path is actually /api/:service_name/auth/:provider then it won't match and the Oauth flow wont initiate. Further if there is a failure with the Oauth flow, Omniauth will hard redirect to -- which of course does not resolve as the LB does not know where to route the request to.
If we provide a path_prefix to Omniauth as /api/:service_name/auth then it wont match when testing locally at /auth and it won't initiate the flow there.
We won't have control over all of the gems we use and where they redirect to so my question is: Is there a proper way of hanging Rails API microservices off a path on a load balancer, and not have to pull teeth to preserve the necessary prefix in all routes and links and redirects? Something that is essentially a global base href that we can set there, but not set locally so that we can continue to develop at localhost:3000/path instead of remembering to use (and coupling with) an LB path like localhost:3000/api/:service_name/path ?

how to customize the ribbon load balancer in Zuul server

As I understand the default load balancer using in Zuul proxy server as DynamicServerListLoadBalancer and it use ZoneAffinityServerListFilter rule to choose server. However, is there any way I can customize the loadbalancer used in zuul proxy server
I have tried to add following configuration to change to loadbalancer Rule:
But seems it still stick with default configuration.
Any advice is highly appreciated.
To change load balancing rule with configuration, you should define ribbon configuration like below.
your_ribbonclient_name shoud be replaced with the proper one for your configuration. In Zuul, ribbon client name is same with service id for each route.
You can also provide your own IRule bean for load balancing rule with #RibbonClient like the following.
#RibbonClient(name = "your_ribbonclient_name", configuration = YourConfigurationClass.class)
You can find an example code here
If you want to apply your Ribbon config to whole ribbon clients in your server,
you can do that with #RibbonClients (not #RibbonClient).
#RibbonClients(defaultConfiguration = DefaultRibbonConfig.class)
You can find the example code here, and the related issues is here.

Route 53 - Special domain for a single page on existing server

I have a complex web app at, hosting fully on AWS using ELB and Route 53 for DNS. It's a Rails app.
I'm running an experiment that I'm using in the rails app, at I want to set up, to point at, and have the URL cloacked to always be It's a single page site, so it shouldn't require any navigation.
I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to set up my DNS on Route 53 to accomplish this. Does anyone have good ideas on what this Route 53 configuration should look like?
AWS offers a very simple way to implement this -- with CloudFront. Forget about the fact that it's marketed as a CDN. It's also a reverse proxy that can prepend a fixed value onto the path, and send a different hostname to the back-end server than the one typed into the browser, which sounds like what you need.
Create a CloudFront web distribution.
Configure the new domain name as an alternate domain name for the distribution.
For the origin server, put your existing hostname.
For the origin path, put /test -- or whatever string you want prefixed onto the path sent by the browser.
Configure the cache behavior as needed -- enable forwarding of the query string or cookies if needed and any headers your app wants to see, but not Host.
Point your new domain name at CloudFront... But before you do that, note that your CloudFront distribution has a hostname. After the distribution finishes setting up (the "In Progress" status goes away, usually in 5 to 20 minutes) your site should be accessible at the hostname.
How this works: When you type into the browser, CloudFront will add the origin path onto the path the browser sends, so GET / HTTP/1.1 becomes GET /test/ HTTP/1.1. This configuration just prefixes every request's path with the string you specified as the origin path, and sends it on to the server. The browser address bar does not change, because this is not a redirect. The host header sent by the browser is replaced with the hostname of the origin server when the request is sent to the origin.
What you are trying to do is not possible. Route53 is a DNS system, and you can not configure a hostname (e.g. to point to URL (e.g. using DNS.
However, you are probably using a wrong tool for the job. If is indeed a simple, static, single page site, then you do not need to host it inside Rails app. Instead, you can host it on AWS S3 bucket, and then you can point to that bucket using Route53.
See the following for details:
DNS knows about Domains, not url's. DNS simply converts names to IP addresses.
You can't do what you are asking for just using DNS and ELB, however, what you can do is have a seperate VHOST for that points to your site and accomplishes what you want using some sort of redirection rule that only fires for
I'm not sure that this qualifies as an SO question, and more likely is a serverfault question. Specifics about your webserver and OS platform would be helpful in getting more specific advice.
So here's some details:
You already have setup and working
You create a CNAME entry pointing to or you can make an A record pointing to the same IP. If you already have pointing to a different IP address, then use a subdomain ( to isolate it.
Setup a new vhost on your server that basically duplicates the existing vhost for The only thing you need to change is the server name configuration.
Why does this work? Because HTTP 1.1 included the HOST header that browsers send along, and web servers use in vhosting to determine which virtual host to route an incoming request to. When it sees that the client browser wanted "" it routes the request to the appropriate vhost.
Rather than having to do some fancy proxying, which certainly can be used to get to a similar result, you can just add a redirection rule that looks for requests for the host and redirects those to In apache that uses mod_rewrite which people often utilize by putting rules in the ubiquitous .htacess file, but can also be done in nginx and other common web servers. The specifics are slightly different for each.

ELB not routing traffic to healthy instance

This seems to have something to do with the subnet/availability zone, but I'm new to using a VPC and it's eluding me.
subnet: (us-east-1b)
subnet: (us-east-1a)
All instances are Windows Server 2012.
I have an internet facing ELB created within my VPC ( There is one instance added from AZ us-east-1a, which is on subnet The instance is running IIS 7.5, with an app running on port 80 and /health.aspx set up for use as the ELB health check.
Internal traffic on the VPC is flowing normally (unrestricted). I can request health.aspx from this instance from another instance in us-east-1b ( I can also copy files from one instance to another.
Outbound traffic is unrestricted. I can RDP to the instance (when connected to our VPN) and open a browser and request a web page and get it.
The ELB says the instance is healthy and I can see the requests to health.aspx in the IIS logs. Both the ELB and the instance are configured with a security group that allows 80 and 443.
But if I try to request {elb-url}/health.aspx over the open internet the request just times out. Similarly, with an elastic IP associated to the instance, a request to {elastic-ip}/health.aspx times out.
#Chris, thanks for the it happens, I've already worked it out with some help from a friend. I'll post my findings here for posterity (in case anybody else was similarly confused about how ELB works).
This would be more clear with a diagram. But the summary is that in each availability zone, you need to create both a public and a private subnet. When you add availability zones to your ELB, you need to select the public subnet for the zone. This had already been done in us-east-1b before I got to this setup, and I had simply missed this nuance of ELB configuration. So for the new availability zone, I had to do this...
private subnet (using nat instance as default route)
public subnet (using internet gateway as default route)
Then my instance goes in the private subnet as expected.
And the lynch pin of this whole thing is (drum roll....)
When I add us-east-1c to my ELB, I have to select the public subnet... Otherwise the instances will pass the health check (since the ELB can communicate with any instance within my entire VPC) but the responses from the servers cannot make it back out to the public internet.
This is what is so confusing. And I still don't fully understand it. The instance can make a request for, say, I can RDP to it and open a browser and get the web page. But a request from a host (like my laptop at my house) will die. strange.
PS: another note...make sure you are using enough NAT instance for your load. I think we ran into an issue where our NAT instance simply ran out of ports because too many web servers were trying to route outbound connections to 3rd party APIs through it. Quite honestly, I'm not good enough at this level of network/OS troubleshooting to be sure. But my theory is that our 8 instances of IIS were holding too many connections open to the NAT instance. We were also abusing the NIC on that micro instance. I upped us to two large instances, one per AZ and things smoothed back out. Both NAT instances are humming and we're not seeing the hung processes in IIS anymore.
Debugging this kind of issue is always a challenge. I have a few ideas to suggest based on what you have written (and generally apply to trying to solve this problem) that come from dealing with this a number of times.
Have you checked both the security groups and network ACLs? Bear in mind that all network ACLs need to be specified in both directions, as they are stateless. Also bear in mind that ELBs are a bit unique in this regard. While they are associated with your VPC, they sometimes need extra rules to ensure connectivity. In the past I have debugged this by opening all network ACLs on all ports, then removing these rules until it has stopped working in order to identify where the block was.
Security groups should be checked too. They are stateful but ensure that your load balancer has permissions to be hit from the web.
Have you checked this isn't an application configuration problem? I don't know how IIS comes out of the box but I would check it is setup to respond to all hostnames.
Check the ELB isn't an internal one, as that wouldn't be publically addressable.
You say the ELB is configured with the health check, but it's worth checking you also have the listener setup for port 80? It's in a separate tab on the dashboard and you will need this in addition to the health check for connectivity through the ELB.
Hope one of these tips is useful to you.

Multiple domains powered by one rails app

I am creating a blogging-like application where we allow our customers to use their own custom domain names such as, so each different domain serves the same application but with different content.
However I am struggling to figure out how to set this up on a production server. If my production server has a static IP then I can surely just set an a-record on each domain to the ip of the production server.
But what if the production server does not have a static IP. For example if we want to host it on heroku or engineyard? I have seen a few solutions online that require using rewrite rules but they require server restarts and cant really dynamically add and remove new domains as new users sign up. Does anyone know any good solutions to let multiple domains hit one rails app?
Heroku isn't your only option. If you can anticipate your customer's domains, have a look at this. If you can't, Rails routes constraints and a combination of the accepted answer to the question linked above should get you where you need to be going. Sounds like you wouldn't want to restart your server--so no editing of the routes. You might also make domains part of your models, or distinguish at the controller level or use URL rewriting in your web-server layer.
The problem, as I see it, is that Rails breaks its mantra of opinion over configuration here. There are many ways of serving up from multiple domains. That might be an intrinsic complexity, but the Rails Guides could at least document one possible solution.
If your customers just CNAME to your domain or create the A record to your IP and you don't handle TLS termination for these custom domains, your app will not support HTTPS, and without it, your app won't work in modern browsers on these custom domains.
You need to set up a TLS termination reverse proxy in front of your webserver. This proxy can be run on a separate machine but you can run it on the same machine as the webserver.
CNAME vs A record
If your customers want to have your app on their subdomain, e.g. they can create a CNAME pointing to your proxy.
If they want to have your app on their root domain, e.g. then they'll have to create an A record on pointing to your proxy's IP. Make sure this IP doesn't change, ever!
How to handle TLS termination?
To make TLS termination work, you'll have to issue TLS certificates for these custom domains. You can use Let's Encrypt for that. Your proxy will see the Host header of the incoming request, e.g. or etc., and then it will decide which TLS certificate to use by checking the SNI.
The proxy can be set up to automatically issue and renew certificates for these custom domains. On the first request from a new custom domain, the proxy will see it doesn't have the appropriate certificate. It will ask Let's Encrypt for a new certificate. Let's Encrypt will first issue a challenge to see if you manage the domain, and since the customer already created a CNAME or A record pointing to your proxy, that tells Let's Encrypt you indeed manage the domain, and it will let you issue a certificate for it.
To issue and renew certificates automatically, I'd recommend using Caddyserver, greenlock.js, OpenResty (Nginx).
tl;dr on what happens here;
Caddyserver listens on 443 and 80, it receives requests, issues, and renews certificates automatically, proxies traffic to your backend.
How to handle it on my backend
Your proxy is terminating TLS and proxying requests to your backend. However, your backend doesn't know who is the original customer behind the request. This is why you need to tell your proxy to include additional headers in proxied requests to identify the customer. Just add X-Serve-For: or X-Serve-For: or whatever the Host header is of the original request.
Now when you receive the proxied request on the backend, you can read this custom header and you know who is the customer behind the request. You can implement your logic based on that, show data belonging to this customer, etc.
Put a load balancer in front of your fleet of proxies for higher availability. You'll also have to use distributed storage for certificates and Let's Encrypt challenges. Use AWS ECS or EBS for automated recovery if something fails, otherwise, you may be waking up in the middle of the night restarting machines, or your proxy manually.
Alternatively, there have been a few services like this recently that allow you to add custom domains to your app without running the infrastructure yourself.
If you need more detail you can DM me on Twitter #dragocrnjac
