ARKit cannot detect reference image - ios

I am trying to detect an image with my app. I added this one to my ARResources Assests:
It is a JPG with a white background.
But XCode is complaining when I try to scan it with this error:
Error Code=300 "Invalid reference image." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=One or more reference images have insufficient texture: Group (3), NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=One or more images lack sufficient texture and contrast for accurate detection. Image detection works best when an image contains multiple high-contrast regions distributed across its extent., ARErrorItems=(
"Group (3)"
), NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid reference image.}
I don't quite get it. Why can it not detect my image? What do I have to change? I already set the width and height in the inspector and made sure the image has high resolution (4096x2731)

ARKit's AI sees images in black-and-white spectrum, so the main idea behind image detection is rather a rich number of visual details (massive white BG area isn't a good idea, as well as repetitive texture pattern), high contrast, well-lit surrounding environment, calibrated screen (no bluish or yellowish tint). Also, there's no need to use Hi-Rez pictures for image detection – even 400-pixels-wide picture is enough.
Apple's recommendations can give you some additional info on this topic.


How to overlay the RTDOSE and Image data in the correct position?

I'm currently an MS student in Medical Physics and I have a great need to be able to overlay an isodose distribution from an RTDOSE file onto a CT image from a .dcm file set.
I've managed to extract the image and the dose pixel arrays myself using pydicom and dicom_numpy, but the two arrays are not the same size! So, if I overlay the two together, the dose will not be in the correct position based on what the Elekta Gamma Plan software exported it as.
I've played around with dicompyler and 3DSlicer and they obviously are able to do this even though the arrays are not the same size. However, I think I cannot export the numerical data when using these softwares.I can only scroll through and view it as an image. How can I overlay the RTDOSE to an CT image?
Thank you
for what you want it sounds like you should use Simple ITK (or equivalent - my experience is with sitk) to do the dicom handling, not pydicom.
Dicom has built in a complete system for 3D point and location specifications for all the pixel data in patient coordinates. This uses a bunch of attributes in the dicom files in the Image Plane Module set of tags. See here for a good overview.
The simple ITK library fully understands and uses the full 3D Image Plane tags to identify and locate any images in patient coordinates by default - irrespective of such things as the specific pixel spacing, slice thickness etc etc.
So - in your case - if you use SITK to open your studies, then you should be able to overlay them correctly "out of the box", because SITK will do all the work to parse the Image Plane Module tags and locate the data in patient coordinates - just like you get with 3DSlicer.
Pydicom, in contrast, doesn't itself try to use any of that information at all. It only gives you the raw pixel arrays (for images).
Note I use both pydicom and SITK. This isn't something bad about pydicom, but more a question of right tool for the job. In fact, for many (most?) things I use pydicom, but for any true 3D type work, SITK is the easier toolkit to use.

TensorFlow video processing, changes detection

I'm newbie with machine learning, and I have only basic knowledge in neural networks.
I have pretty clear task:
1. Video stream shows static picture (white area with yellow squares)
(in different videos squares located in different places)
2. In some moment content of the video changes, and starts to show white area without some of the yellow squares.
3. I need to create mechanism which can determines and somehow indicates that changes.
I'm going to use for that task TensorFlow framework. Could anybody push me in right direction? Or I'll be very happy to see list of steps to overcome the problem.
Thanks in advance.
If you know how the static picture looks beforehand, may be some background-subtraction would work? Basically you just subtract the static picture from every frame and check the content of the result. If the resulting picture is empty (zeros or close to it up to some threshold) there is no change to detect. If the resulting picture contains a region that is non-zero (may be above or below a certain manually tuned threshold), you detected a change in that region.

Is it possible for an iOS app to take an image and then analyze the colors present in said image?

For example after taking the image, the app would tell you the relative amount of red, blue, green, and yellow present in the picture and how intense each color is.
That's super specific I know, but I would really like to know if it's possible and if anyone has any idea how to go about that.
Sure it's possible. You've have to load the image into a UIImage, then get the underlying CGImage, and get a pointer to the pixel data. If you average the RGB values of all the pixels you're likely to get a pretty muddy result, though, unless you're sampling an image with large areas of strong primary colors.
Erica Sadun's excellent iOS Developer Cookbook series has a section on sampling pixel image data that shows how it's done. In recent versions there is a "core" and an "extended" volume. I think it's in the Core iOS volume. My copy of Mac iBooks is crashing repeatedly right now, so I can't find it for you. Sorry about that.
I got it to open on my iPad finally. It is in the Core volume, in recipe 1-6, "Testing Touches Against Bitmap Alpha Levels." As the title implies, that recipe looks at an image's alpha levels to figure out if you've tapped on an opaque image pixel or missed the image by tapping on a transparent pixel. You'll need to adapt that code to come up with the average color for an image, but Erica's code shows the hard part - getting and interpreting the bytes of image data. That book is all in Objective-C. Post a comment if you have trouble figuring it out.

GPUImage Different Preview to Output

For the first time when using a different GPUImage filter I am seeing strange performance where GPUImage is showing a fairly big difference between the live preview and outputted photo.
I am currently experiencing this with GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter as follows;
On the left hand side I have a screenshot of the device screen and on the right, the outputted photo. It seems significantly reduce the thickness and sharpness of the detected lines outputting a very different picture.
I have tried having SmoothlyScaleOutput on and off, but as I am not currently scaling the image this should not be effecting it.
The filter is set up like so;
filterforphoto = [[GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter alloc] init];
[(GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter *)filterforphoto setShouldSmoothlyScaleOutput:NO];
[stillCamera addTarget:filterforphoto];
[filterforphoto addTarget:primaryView];
[stillCamera startCameraCapture];
[(GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter *)filterforphoto setEdgeStrength:1.0];
And the photo is taken like so;
[stillCamera capturePhotoAsImageProcessedUpToFilter:filterforphoto withCompletionHandler:^(UIImage *processedImage, NSError *error){
Does anyone know why GPUImage is interpreting the live camera so differently to the outputted photo? Is it simply because the preview is of a much lower quality than the final image and therefore does look different on a full resolution image?
(p.s. Please ignore the slightly different sizing on the left and right image, I didn't quite light them up as well as I could have)
The reason is indeed because of the different resolution between the live preview and the photo.
The way that the edge detection filters (and others like them) work is that they sample the pixels immediately on either side of the pixel currently being processed. When you provide a much higher resolution input in the form of a photo, this means that the edge detection occurs over a much smaller relative area of the image. This is also why Gaussian blurs of a certain pixel radius appear much weaker when applied to still photos vs. a live preview.
To lock the edge detection at a certain relative size, you can manually set the texelWidth and texelHeight properties on the filter. These values are 1/width and 1/height of the target image, respectively. If you set those values based on the size of the live preview, you should see a consistent edge size in the final photo. Some details may be slightly different, due to the higher resolution, but it should mostly be the same.

cvCaptureFromCAM() / cvQueryFrame(): disable automatic image correction?

I'm using the two OpenCV functions mentioned above to retrieve frames from my webcam. No additional properties are set, just running with default parameters.
While reading frames in a loop I can see that the image changes, brightness and contrast seem to be adjusted automatically. It definitely seems to be a operation of OpenCV because the image captured by the camera is not changed and lit constantly.
So how can I disable this automated correction? I could not find a property that seems to be able to do that job.
You should try to play around with these three parameters:
CV_CAP_PROP_BRIGHTNESS Brightness of the image (only for cameras)
CV_CAP_PROP_CONTRAST Contrast of the image (only for cameras)
CV_CAP_PROP_SATURATION Saturation of the image (only for cameras)
Try to set them all to 50. Also (if it won't help) try to change another camera capture parameters from documentation.
To answer that for my own: OpenCV is buggy or outdated here.
it seems to be impossible to get images in native resolution of the camera, they're always 640x480; also forcing it to an other value by setting width and height properties does not change anything
it seems to be impossible to disable the automatic image correction, the properties mentioned above seem not to work
the brightness/contrast properties doesn't seem to work as well - or at least I could not find any good values for it or the automatic image correction always overrides them
To sum it up: I'd not recommend to use OpenCV for some more enhanced image capturing.
