thymeleaf authorization check always returns true - thymeleaf

I'm facing a strange problem with my reactive spring boot project. Here is a piece of code that I've written:
<a sec:authorize="isAuthenticated()" href="/user/account">Account settings</a>
<a th:if="${#authorization.expression('isAuthenticated()')}" href="/user/login">Login or Register</a>
The first link is only visible when user is logged in but the second link is always visible. My plan is to use th:unless for the second one but unable to do so. Does anyone have any idea on this?


Form Dynamic Tag Manager

I'm trying to tracking this form with Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM)of Adobe.
I've create a Rule Based Event like this:
Event Type --> Submit
Apply event handler directly... (In fact I try with check and uncheck)
Element Tag --> form
The same rule, with my personal page form is successful: (!Hablémos! link). As you can see I used form Tag selector, but also I tried other, button, div... and rule doesn't trigger ever.
However, in both pages the Click Map listener recognized event. Honestly I try all options and I can't see why. Can someone help me?
I'm trying to tracking this form
with Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM)of Adobe.
I took a look at your page and there it looks like DTM is not being loaded on that page. I could not find the _satellite object.
Dynamic form handlers on sites that have customized forms are fairly unstable, usually one or the other breaks. I did not look too deeply to the page, but it looks to me like JavaScript is used to override default behavior and this could be causing the problem. Clicks do get registered, but this would not solve your problems, as
What I would suggest is that you move the tracking to the next page, where the form has been submitted. This is far more reliable and has a lower chance of causing issues. Usually you can use URL parameters or page naming variables to target on these pages.

Grails Spring Security Switch User setup problems

I'm trying to configure the SwitchUser feature of the Spring Security plugin and not having success. For the most part, it seems simple and strati-forward but after getting all the code in place and clicking 'switch' button, it just redirects me to default home url without making the switch.
Does anyone have more info than what already exists on the official Spring Security Core plugin site? I've been Goggling and reading everything remotely related to it and not finding any original info -- most everything is a copy of Beckwith and Talbott's original documentation.
The following is the code for my app:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.useSwitchUserFilter = true
grails.plugins.springsecurity.interceptUrlMap = [
'/j_spring_security_switch_user': ['ROLE_SWITCH_USER', 'isFullyAuthenticated()'],
'/j_spring_security_exit_user': ['permitAll'],
I'm not sure if I should use interceptUrlMap or controllerAnnotations (?), or what criteria would determine which one to use.
The .gsp code:
Logged in as <sec:username/>
<a href='${request.contextPath}/j_spring_security_exit_user'>
Resume as <sec:switchedUserOriginalUsername/>
<sec:ifAllGranted roles='ROLE_SWITCH_USER'>
<form action='${request.contextPath}/j_spring_security_switch_user' method='POST'>
Switch to user: <input type='text' name='j_username'/><br/>
<input type='submit' value='Switch'/>
I'm not aware of any other code or settings involved. Let me know if you need more info.
It turns out, all the code for SwitchUser was implemented correctly. Although SwitchUser still doesnt behave consistently, the problem was not with the code included in the question. We had problems with the implementation of roles in Grails.
I wish I had a better answer. I would still like to know more about SwitchUser -- more than what I've found with the Googles.
It seems like the filter only accept switching between users with the role ROLE_SWITCH_USER

jquery mobile phonegap: page or element still in memory?

I have an issue I'm unable to solve.
In the page page2.html:
<span id="bubbledescspec">no content yet</span>
Now, dynamically from another page I go to page2.html through $.mobile.changePage("page2.html"), with a function called when 'deviceready' and 'init' are fired for the page2.html page.
This function contains the following code:
Now: the alert() output is ALWAYS correct ("no content yet", value of desc), but the text that I see in the bubbledescspec element SOMETIMES changes accordingly, SOMETIMES doesn't change. This is why I was thinking that another element, same ID, is changed in place of the one that I want to change.
I'm obviously sure that that ID is not duplicated (grep -R on the project's root directory).
I don't know when/why this happens so I'm not able to reproduce the issue.
I just want to add that I don't have errors in the javascript code and the HTML is validated.
The OS is Android 4.2.2.
Any tips?
EDIT 1: other information. Let's say that I am in the situation when the problem occurred. If I go in the landscape mode (and from that moment in every orientation), the information is correct in the <span>!

Twitter feed widget not working

Hello I am having some issue with the Twitter Feed Widget. After editing it I copy the code and put it on my page:
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="302125789070102528">Tweets by #TimIDCA</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>
but this error pops up in my console:
Failed to load resource…ack=twttr.tfw.callbacks.tl_302125789070102528&suppress_response_codes=true
What do I do?
The only thing that shows up is the link: Tweets by #TimIDCA
Go back to twitter where you configured the widget and set the domain you intend to use the widget in. You can list multiple domains. For example:
*, *
Where * is a wildcard for any subdomain you might have and want to apply the widget to. Reload and it should be working. At least, I've fixed two non-functional widgets by doing just this.

Refresh the browser once on load or clear DOM

I have a dynamic MVC4, jQuery Mobile application that works for the most part quite well. I have an auto posting dropdown list that selects a list from the database via the following code.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#TownID").live('change', function () {
//$("#TownID").change(function () {
var actionUrl = $('#TheForm1').attr('action') + '/' + $('#TownID').val();
$('#TheForm1').attr('action', actionUrl);
#using (Html.BeginForm("SearchTown", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "TheForm1" }))
#Html.DropDownList("TownID", (SelectList)ViewBag.TownId, "Select a Town")
The problem is it only works properly the first time a search is performed unless I click refresh. I don’t think this has anything to do with MVC, I think the problem is with AJAX and jQuery Mobile.
The first time I search yields a result and woks fine, but the second time something seems to be left behind in the DOM??? and it looks for: also
I get 404 errors in my log and “Error Loading Page” but it still finds the results and displays the page correctly!
Then with a third search I get the error 404’s in my log and “Error Loading Page” but it has grown and now looks for: also
This then continues to grow after every search until at some seemingly random point on each test, it seems to give up and I get error 505
Additional Edit:
The code works perfectly if I take jQuery Mobile out of the question
Can anyone tell me what might be going on here?
Get rid of: $(function () {
And replace it with: $(document).delegate('[data-role="page"]', 'pageinit', function () {
Please read the big yellow sections at the top of this page:
You can't rely on document.ready or any other event that only fires once per page. Instead you have to get used to using jQuery Mobile's custom page events like pageinit so your code will work no-matter when the page is added to the DOM (which you don't know when this will happen in a jQuery Mobile website). There are a ton of events, so again, please read the documentation I linked-to above.
Firstly, dynamically generated html using a server side templating engine blows. I really don't understand what value people see in it.
My guess is that it used to make sense 10 years ago before AJAX became popular, and has just hung in there ever since because people have this feeling that it is "the right way to do it". It isn't. ESPECIALLY for mobile web apps.
Secondly, it looks like you are trying to do pretty simple search. All this MVC4 garbage makes it difficult for you to see what is really happening though. You don't need to append parameters to your URL for a simple form submission like this. In fact your TownId should already be part of the POST data when you submit, so you can just remove the URL modification bit.
Alternatively, don't use a form submission, but just a GET and AJAX. I don't know what your app is doing here, but I imagine you want to display the results on the page dynamically somehow, so a GET is more than enough.
Use your developer browser tools (F12) to see what exactly is getting submitted when you do the submit - it really helps. And for your next project, abandon MVC4! "Well established design patterns" my foot.
I have been bothered by this problem for a long time
There are same select element in the DOM I think so...
and I used $('.SelectCSS:last').val()
It seen work well.
I come from China , English is poor...
I guess this is one for the future, MVC and jQuery Mobile don't seem to blend completely right now. Maybe MS's response to the issue is Single Page Applications!
SPA may satisfy Danial also?
