How to integrate Bitbucket Server login in Rails application - ruby-on-rails

In our Ruby on Rails 6 Application, I want to integrate the Bitbucket Server login (login with bitbucket(cloud) is different from bitbucket server).
We have login with Bitbucket, which works for Bitbucket cloud users but not for Bitbucket server users.
I also searched over internet but I didn't found any reference or documentation for the same.
Can anyone help me on this, maybe some reference or any idea


Unable to connect JIRA Cloud

I installed JIRA Cloud for sheet add-on. While connecting with JIRA instead of connecting using Atlassian account I used the google account and thus not get authenticated and got this error message.
Now the problem is, even if I try the the same again and wants to use Atlassian account, its still throwing the same error and not allowng me use Atlassian account. Cleared cache, reinstall JIRA Cloud for sheet add-on but no luck.
Any idea?
I doubt you are still logged in with your google account into the Atlassian cloud Jira.
Wonder how? Can you try opening At the very left bottom corner, click on your profile pic and logout. Login again with your correct id and password and you should be able to use your Jira cloud as usual.
Remember, when you login into any Atlassian Cloud instance you actually login into account which is used for authentication by all other atlassian cloud sites. To logout completely, change account login you need to go to
I hope this helps you.

Microsoft Graph API on existing MVC application

I am implementing a webhook using a Microsoft Graph API using the tutorial on
I have made a demo version to work on my localhost. I have an existing web application host on Mircosoft Azure.
The issue or rather concern is that do I use the Account Controller provided by the link Or Merge it with my existing application
I have merged it but having trouble with the login process. The existing login is troubling with the login using office365. note that the office365 users are not part of the users table yet

How can I give a bug tracker access to my Google Developer Respository?

I'm using Google Cloud Platform. I have a Google App Engine project with its code stored in a git repo in my Google Developer Repository. I then use YouTrack to track bugs and would like to integrate it with my Google Developer Repository VCS. I'm able to use git repos with YouTrack, but it requires an Oauth2 Token.
It seems Oauth2 tokens are available for most Google APIs, but I don't know what API should be used by a 3rd party tool wishing to watch for commits. I assume this is the same problem faced by those wanting to use Jenkins to monitor their Developer Repo and perform testing and deployments accordingly.
How is this normally done? (ie get Oauth2 token and allow repo access to a 3rd party tool)
YouTrack only supports integration with GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket directly, so solving the login issue does not unfortunately make any sense.
A workaround would be to use TeamCity or Upsource as sort of a bridge between YouTrack and your VCS. For more details see The answer only mentioned TeamCity, since Upsource had not been released at that moment.

How to handle Twilio postbacks in Cloud9 IDE dev server?

I'm building a Rails app in Cloud9 IDE, and part of the application involves interactive voice response. The end-user calls the Twilio phone number, and then Twilio POSTs into the Rails app.
The app is working fine when deployed on Heroku, but the deployment process is an extra step. I would like to point Twilio directly at the app running in Cloud9, but it doesn't work. Cloud9 requires one to be logged in to access the dev-server URL, and Twilio can't log in.
Is there a way to tell Cloud9 not to require login to access my dev server? I'd love to just make an edit, click run, call my Twilio number and test. As it is now, I have to git commit and deploy to Heroku on each iteration.
Help! ;)
In a private workspace, you can enable your app to be accessible publicly by clicking the 'Share' menu, and making your application public. Doing so will not make your project public, but your running server would become accessible without authentication.

Kicked out of JIRA when using API

I'm using the JIRA REST api in an IOS app I'm building.
Every time I connect to the API using basic authentication with my credentials I'm kicked out of JIRA on my desktop.
Any ideas how I can stop this.
JIRA happily lets me log in using more than 1 client, it's only when I use the api through my app that it kicks me out.
