Telegram API swift (or objective-c) client, to read channel messages - ios

I'm wondering if it's possible the read messages from telegram channel from the iOS app.
I want to parse public channel to implement an application which will show a map with latest Air-Raid sirens in Ukraine. There's official channel here -, which I'd like to parse, and then draw an overlay on the map in an iOS app, like on the following web-site.
I know that there's telethon client for python, but running python inside iOS app isn't a very good idea and perhaps there's a better way. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Video call and chat using WebRTC and Pubnub in native iOS Swift

I'm working on a doctor-patient appointment app on native iOS Swift project. Here I want to implement a live video call with chat using WebRTC and PubNub signaling server. I'm totally new to it. I don't know how to implement this. I have seen some of the Objective-C codes but still I didn't understand. Please help if any of you implement the same in swift.
Highly recommend you reach out to a service such as Vonage ( who can provide HIPAA compliant WebRTC video service for you.
Once you have a set of keys on Vonage, you can use PubNub to move the video session details around the channel in question.
Traditionally I use a JSON object model that looks like this:
channel: "UUID of medical session"
messageID: "MessageID on your platform"
messageType: "videoInvite"
sender: "Hilaj"
sessionDetails: "session JWT and/or session token"
timestamp: "1597347054"
This means you can send text based messages as well as video invites in the same channel and write the event to logs.
I have implemented this in Swift (and previously in Objective C) but it is completely proprietary.
You are going to have to download the Google WebRTC framework.
Taking a quick look at PubNub, it looks like it just does signalling. You are still going to need an actual WebRTC server (eg, Janus). There are others and I'm not really sure which ones support PubNub.

Is it possible to stream voice to directline API from native app on iOS using Swift or Objective-c

I have a bot that leverages all the cool tech that comes with botframework, e.g. LUIS, QnA maker, adaptivecards, etc. The bot works well and I can use WebChat to connect to and ask questions and get responses. However, I now need native iOS (and eventually Android) app that can perform much like webchat does but I do not want to embed webchat in a web control in native app. I plan to have voice always on leveraging something like snowboy or picovoice for hotword to wake app and send commands to bot - users would ask things like "hey bot what is weather in Boston" and get presented with result message or adaptivecard.
Is voice steaming to directline API from Swift on iOS possible (I know most things are possible so any pointers would be greatly appreciated)? Or am I approaching from wrong angle and perhaps there is better/easier way to achieve my goal?

Draw annotation on Twilio Video Chat

I want to use twilio for Remote assistance.
Where user can share camera feed and Technician can assist by drawing annotations on the screen.
similar to the demo video on
I was able to get the Video Chat running on my iOS devices.
Can you please guide me how to make annotations on one device which will be shown on the other device.
Twilio Video does not provide support for annotating videos as part of the SDK. There is also no current support for using the WebRTC data channel to send that across. You need to provide your own websocket solution for this I'm afraid.
Twilio Video does support the data channel now, under the Data Tracks API. You can see the documentation here:
You might also consider using Twilio Sync for something like this too.

Using Socket I/O client in Objective-c

HI i'm new to using socket I/O.
I would like to use the socket send and receive functions in multiple screens like a chat app. I'm not understanding how to handle it. can anyone help me.
I'm using the socket from
I'm using objective-c coding
My dear friend,
Links below are links I've read when I developed iOS Chat Client using recently,
If you're a project based learner, you can see full working iOS Chat Client Using sample here:
Just try to build and run it. It helps me a lot, but unfortunately it's written in Swift. Hope you can translate it to Obj-C by yourself.
for your information, for chat view, you can use this library:
or if you like to create your own code for chat view, you can read this tutorial:

Video(with Audio) chat for iOS

I"m trying to build an app for iOS which includes video(with audio/voice) and text chat. The chat will be one-on-one chat. One source for video is surely coming from desktop/laptop camera(or IP Camera). How can this be achieved for iOS devices? Any open source/ free library as solution available will be welcomed.
You can try these
ooVoo provides free sdk for video chat implementations its very easy to use. But for free sdk it will have ooVoo logo at the bottom of the screen. For more information go to this link:
If you want to implement your own video chat application. You can use xmpp, this link has a good example for xmpp implementation on iOS : [it doesn't have video chat implementation you have to modify it].
Or you can write your own custom socket program. In which you will be able to send and receive UDP packet which will contain the video data.
