I'm using winform richtextbox control to display image. I want to insert 2 or more images in one time but when I select image, I just select 1 image.
Is there any way to fix this?
Can you please help me to understand how to build a diagram (smooth line) that is basing on RED values (BLUE category) per GREEN month?
Table in google sheets
I have no idea by this time how to do it - I think diagrams cannot understand multiple values if I just select them separately.
I tried to select individual cells that I need to build diagram for, but it does not work, since it cannot understand that I need to bind the selected cells with months and category names..
The way of doing this would be:
Select the first cell of the series
Insert chart
Select type: smooth line chart
Click on Select data range (button on the right of the Data range input)
Click Add another range and add the other cells one by one, and then click OK
Set Combine ranges to Vertically
And the graph should appear
On IBM SPSS I am trying to create four simple scatter graphs for the following data.
I want to plot weight on one axis, carbohydrates on another axis, but I want a graph for four different seasons.
I have tried making a simple scatter, by putting weight on x axis and carbs on the y axis but am unsure how to create the four different seasons.
I tried putting seasons in the panel - column, but I just get four graphs on one single line.
Can anyone help with this?
In the menus, select Data>Split File, click on the Compare groups option on the right, move the season variable into the Groups Based on box, then click OK. Then just run the simple scatterplot and you'll get one for each season. Make sure to go back and select the "Analyze all cases, do not create groups" option in the Data>Split File dialog box before you do further analyses where you want to include all cases. The split status is displayed in the lower right corner of the Data Editor window. Reopening the file will automatically turn off the splitting.
We're trying to stack data from multiple sources using Grafana. Currently we use 1 query for all of the data (SELECT value FROM source1, source2, source3, ...) but when enabling 'stack' on 'multiple series', it shows the wrong values (blue shows the value for blue + yellow).
I can't get the graph to work when using multiple queries (if we use multiple queries, it only shows us the first one, never both at the same time).
Any clue on how to get this working? The end result should look like the image but the values should display correctly. If yellow is 10 and blue is 10, they should both show 10, instead of yellow showing 10 and blue showing 20.
You must select "individual" instead "cumulative" in "Stacked Values" ("Display Styles" tab) to keep original values instead sum of previous values.
Does anyone know how to change graph style from graph 1 into graph 2. I tried to do reverse the axis however still can't get the it. Thanks for the help
Plot the first chart (which I assume you know how to do), enter -1 in a cell, copy it, select the x-axis data and Paste Special, Multiply.
Then take your maximum y-value from the original data (say 600), enter that in a cell, copy it, select the x-axis data and Paste Special, Add.
I'm having a select element bound to an observableArray. When the array length exceeds some limit (I think 3 is minimum), the select turns into a select with multiple choices. Happens on iPhone 5.
Here the Fiddle
And here an image of what's happening.