Spyder IDE Console and Filename fonts are super huge - spyder

I opened Spyder IDE (Anaconda) and found that the console font and icons are super huge (see image).Spyder IDE font is huge
I tried looking through Preferences but couldn't find anything to reset things to normal.
Thanks for the help
I tried modifying the DPI as suggested here:https://superuser.com/questions/1473131/control-font-size-of-spyder-python-ide-on-everything-except-the-editor-code
But that still leaves the same result.


Android Studio renders file content with unreadable characters

Any file from any project I open is rendered with these weird unreadable characters.
It seems only constant field names are displayed correctly, as can be seen in view ids scroll and resultados and the layout name activity_main.The rest of texts in the IDE are correctly rendered. But the file contents are displayed with these strange characters.
However, when I copy and paste them somewehere else outside Andrid Studio, (for example, Notepad++ or Word) they are displayed correctly.
I can't fix it any way! I've tried changing the file enconding, opening a new project, creating a new project, restarting and invalidating cache, rebooting my PC. Only thing I'm left to do is reinstalling Android Studio.
The problem was the font was corrupt. I remembered that I had recently reinstalled the Hack font on my Windows, and it seems there is some issue regarding the way you install it. You cannot copy the font files to the Fonts folder in Windows. You must use an installer provided by Hack developers and restart after installing.
So just either change the font under File > Settings > Editor > Font or use the Hack installer to get it working correctly

How to make Delphi XE2 look good on 4k monitor with 200% text size?

I have the new Dell XPS 15 Kaby Lake version with 3840x2160 resolution and text size set to 200%. Now, the Delphi XE2 looks terrible, some parts:
or I tried to set various settings via it's shortcut in Properties->Compatibility, I also tried to search the internet, but I only found that people care about the look of their applications, but our application looks well. Problem is only with the Delpi XE2 loooking so bad it's unusable on my laptop.
Any help how to easily fix it?
EDIT: I have Windows 10 installed.
Ok, I fixed it without help from internet by trying various settings of the shortcut:
It was needed to disable "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" and also to enable "Combatibility mode" and set it to "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)", both settings were needed together, the program loads very slowly now, but good enough and the GUI is displayed perfectly.

Best way to add icon to delphi 2007 app (win7)

I want to add icon to my delphi app. Icon was generated from image via ICOFX, including 128x128 and 256x256 (Vista) icons. I tried to add icon several times:
First of all, using Code Gear IDE: Project Options->Application->Icon. This was an easy way, but Vista-sized icons (128x128 and 256x256) were not added. When scaling in Windows Explorer Ctrl+Wheel, icon stoped increasing in size after 64x64. This happens because Delphi does not support big icons.
Then I tried to change icon in MyProject.RES file (using ResourseExplorer). It did not helped much.
When changing .exe-file icon using ResourseExplorer problems seems to be solved, but this is not a Path of a jedi, obviously. And some problems appears/remains, such as:
when changing .exe-file name (ex: from MEPROG.EXE to _MYPROG.EXE), file icon is changing either (128x128 and 256x256 icons disappeare).
when using MouseRightButton->Send to->Desktop to create a label, label's icon is of small resolution.
copy-pasting exe-file into some other directory(not in deplhi project output dir), could also change icon.
Is there a better way to do this, or I am doing this wrong way?
The Delphi 2007 IDE cannot handle large Vista icons, which use PNG compression. And neither can the brcc32 resource compiler that ships with Delphi 2007.
My solution, when I was still using legacy Delphi versions, was to make a .rc file containing the icons, and compile using the MS resource compiler, rc. The MS resource compiler does support such icons, and is readily available, for example with the Windows SDK.
See the change-log around 2.7 version
it seems you just try to use Delphi without installing necessary fixes
PS. another way might be to make some command-line utility replacing icon resource and then auto-call it after compilation phase. Still ugly, but better than manually launchign ResEdit each time.
If you do not see the icon, you can just run the following command to clear the icon cache:
ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache
For Windows 10, use:
ie4uinit.exe -show

How to change the font size of the editor tabs in Delphi 2010 IDE?

Does anybody knows a way to change the font size of the editor tabs in Delphi 2010 IDE?
With my 1080p 22' monitor the font is too small to read and it causes pain in the eyes.
Some notes
It doesn't respect the system's DPI settings so changing that system setting doesn't help, moreover, I'm using 140% DPI already now, and it's Win7.
I couldn't find any existing 3rd party tools to tweak that.
I'll be willing to write an IDE expert to fix that problem if I know how to do it...
There is not an option to change the font size of these elements, but as you say this can be done writting an expert. Some time ago I started to write an Delphi IDE Expert (This project is not finished yet) which allow you to change the apparence of the Delphi IDE (here you can found the Source Code) , try using some of the code of this project to write your own. Check this image which shows the result of modify the code of the project to increase the font of the TIDEGradientTabSet.

Delphi 2006 Application messing up the GUI on Windows 7

I've been searching the Internet for a solution. Also here on Stackoverflow. But I haven't had any luck so far.
We're having a problem with a Delphi 2006 application running on Windows 7. Some ComboBoxes are not shown. The exactly same application runs fine on Windows XP.
I been trying to locate any patches. Do any one of you know any links or hack to make to GUI look as it should when running a Delphi 2006 application on Vista/Windows 7?
I've found this link: http://www.theabsolute.net/sware/delphivista.html. But it doesn't solve my problems.
Any help are welcome.
This may be one of a couple of issues; you haven't given much in the way of details. "Some comboboxes are not shown" doesn't help a lot.
The things I've run across that caused these kinds of problems:
Large fonts when the app was designed with normal fonts
Custom DPI settings (eg., 120 DPI instead of the "standard" 96 DPI)
EDIT after Brian's comment:
That's really strange. I've never seen visual differences between apps compiled in the IDE and command-line.
The only thing I can think of is that the command-line version might have some compiler defines that are affecting the comboboxes (unlikely), or the command-line version is seeing a different version of the .pas and .dfm and that version doesn't have the comboboxes on the form.
You might try making sure that there is only a single copy of the affected .dfm and .pas files on the build machine, and then verify they have the right appearance before compilation. (Use Windows search to check for multiple copies of the source files, and search the entire system just to make sure.)
I've never had this issue with visual controls, but have had it with source changes that didn't seem to take effect, or breakpoints that didn't break because the compiler was seeing a different version of the file than I was... I don't know if that's the case here, but it might be worth checking.
