Multiple Partial Views in 1 View Controller Swift - ios

I would like to know how can I achieve this in Xcode? I've been searching for days and I can't find any tutorials on how to implement it.
When I click balance, another view (1/3 of the whole view) is coming from left side and replaces the current view and vice versa but the bottom part of the page doesn't change.
Thanks in advance!


how to bind object beneath another object in XCode Swift 3 so object below transition with the above one

I want suggestions to achieve this. See below in attachment
What i did in "Details section" is i placed a tableview with one row in it to make it look like collapsable/expandable view.
Next section ("Buy Shares") is placed beneath it in view controller.
But when tableview row is collasped. The next view beneath it ("Buy Shares") is not going up with "Details view" section .
I want to move Buy shares view upwards too when details view is collasped.
No transition is applied to Buy shares view.
I am new in Swift IOS development. Any direction or any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

How do i make View Controllers's Animation as like in Inshorts App but in horizontal direction

I'm working on an ios(Swift) project. In this project i want to read stories by fetching from a particular api.
But the problem is that i want only one story on my View and when i swipe right the another view with another story come from left with the effect that it is overlapping the story which is on the present view and so on until the story persist on the api.
And again when i swipe left, the most recent view(which was most recently get overlapped) with their respective story will come from right and give the effect like, it is overlapping the view which is present view at now.
And vice versa mentioned in above two points.
How can i achieve this in ios i don't. If anyone knows how to do it, please help me. I'm waiting for answers
NOTE: I don't want the pushing effect like in horizontal ScrollView. I only want the overlapping effect.
You should use 'UIPageViewController' and adjust 'transitionStyle' what you want.

How can I implement this navigation style used by the InList app?

I'm trying to recreate a navigation feature similar to the one used in the InList app. They have quite a nifty way of sliding from one screen to the other.
Basically, the main screen is a table view with different events for a given city. Tap the button in the top left “London” and the table view ​zooms​ out to show the table views for the other cities.
You can scroll right/left to select a different city.
Tap on and the screen ​zooms​ back in with the new table view.
My questions:
a) Does anybody know if this is a plugin? If so, can you please link it?
b) If it's not a plugin. Can you outline the basic steps you'd take to approach developing this solution for yourself?

How can I have multiple viewcontrollers in UIPageViewController display at once

I'm trying to have multiple viewControllers show in a single frame of a UIPageViewController. With the current page being centred in the UIPageViewController and the previous and next cards showing on the edge of the screen
I've been struggling to find a solution. Any help would be much appreciated.
-> Like this <-
I don't think you can do what you are describing. A page view controller shows one page, or 2 pages with a spine in the middle. It has pages "waiting in the wings" for when the user flips/slides new pages, but I don't think it supports showing pages off the edge.
That said, it wouldn't be that hard to create your own parent/child view controller arrangement that does what you want. you might even be able to base it off of a UICollectionView.

Pager Sliding TabStrip in ios

I would like to use Pager Sliding TabStrip in my project.Pager Sliding Tapstrip is there for android. Can we define like this? I have taken one scroll view, added subviews on it for tables and take one uivew, added buttons as subviews and added uilabel as subview for tabstrip . While using the scrollview means dragging the scrollview, the tabsrip has to be moved.I have been stuck to this concept and i am not getting any idea to solve this issue. How do i get this concept? Please give any idea to me anyone.
Can't you use UIPageControl for this ?
From Apple example:
And to have a custom UIPageControl, like this .
You can try UIPageViewController to manage your tabs.
I'm not sure how many tabs do you have. If you have many tabs and you add all tables into the scrollView at the beginning time, the performance and memory usage would be really bad.
So you'd better reuse controller and views for your tabs. If you use UIScrollView and manage them by yourself, what you can do is calculate current page according to the contentOffset, and load the current page, previous page and next page. Because three pages is enough to cover what user will see. However the better solution is using UIPageViewController, it will deal with contentOffset and pagination, what your need to do is just provide previous controller and next controller according to current controller. Then update your tab view according to current controller.
BTW, if by "the tabstrip has to be moved" you mean when you drag the scrollView, your tabstrip moves as well, that's because you added your tabstrip to the scrollView. What you need to do is add it to the root view, and the scrollView and the tabstrip should be siblings rather than parent and child.
I am developing application which required same features as asked by you.
I am using SHViewPageController. You can find it from following link.
I hope it will help you. Thanks.
This may help you....
you can change the tab at top or bottom. also it has got some nice customizations
