Jenkins Build Parameter dynamically from API - jenkins

In Jenkins, when someone selects "Build with Parameters" options, how can I:
call an API that returns an Array
use that Array values list dynamically as checkboxes
get selected values in the job execution

You can do something like this and This is just generalised overview of you problem statement
arrayName = functionWhichReturnsArray()
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
booleanParam(name: 'NAME_OF_CHECKBOX_YOU_WANT', defaultValue: arrayName, description: 'Tick the box to exceute the checkbox')
stages {
stage('Test') {
def functionWhichReturnsArray() {
add your api logic and return what you want to return


Jenkinsfile: parameter precedence

Say I have a Jenkinsfile with stages based on a conditional such as the following. Then, in the Jenkins UI for a particular Pipeline Project, I may or may not have a (Global Variable String Parameter) parameter named CITY defined for a particular job.
If the CITY parameter is defined in the Jenkins project in the UI, I'd like it to use whatever city the user inputs. If the user doesn't input anything, I'd like it to default to a value in "Global Properties" (in "Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Global Properties")
If the CITY parameter is NOT defined in the UI (like if someone forgot to define that parameter in the Pipeline Project UI), I'd like it to somehow default to a value defined in the Jenkinsfile.
Simply put, I'd like to define a default in the Jenkinsfile such that if someone forgets to configure a Global Variable String Parameter in the Job UI, the default will be used.
I'm pretty new to Jenkins and Groovy, I'm not quite sure how to do this. How can I go about defining a default parameter in a Jenkinsfile that can be overridden by user input in the UI or a default from "Global Properties"? Any advice is appreciated.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Always') {
steps {
script {
sh 'echo Welcome CITY=$CITY'
stage('Chicago') {
when {
expression {
params.CITY == "CHICAGO"
steps {
script {
sh 'echo Welcome to Chicago "CITY=$CITY"'
stage('NYC') {
when {
expression {
params.CITY == "NYC"
steps {
script {
sh 'echo Welcome to NYC "CITY=$CITY"'
there is no need to declare each city just add a string parameter with a default value and create a single stage that will take the default parameter if the user did not enter one
if this works for you please mark answer as correct :-)
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'CITY', defaultValue: 'TEL_AVIV', description: 'this is the default if user dosnt enter parameter in the UI')
stages {
stage('CITY') {
steps {
script {
sh 'echo Welcome $CITY'

fetch source values from jenkins extended choice parameter

I have added an extended choice paramter. Now the source values are lin1, lin2, lin3 as listed in screenshot
now when I run,
If I select lin1 then I get param3 = lin1,
If I select lin1 and lin2 then I get param2 - lin1,lin2 ( delimiter is comma )
The question here is, inside jenkins pipeline how can get what all source values were set when the param was created. In short, without selecting any of the checkboxes, want to get the list of the possible values probably in a list
list1 = some_method(param3)
// expected output >> list1 = [lin,lin2,lin3]
Let me know if this description is not clear.
The user who runs this does not have configure access ( we dont want to give configure access to anonynmous user ) Hence the job/config.xml idea will not work here
As requested you can also get the values dynamically:
import hudson.model.*
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.*
import com.cwctravel.hudson.plugins.extended_choice_parameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition
def getJob(name) {
def hi = Hudson.instance
return hi.getItemByFullName(name, Job)
def getParam(WorkflowJob job, String paramName) {
def prop = job.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class)
for (param in prop.getParameterDefinitions()) {
if ( == paramName) {
return param
return null
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(name: 'FOO', choices: ['1','2','3','4'])
stages {
stage('test') {
steps {
script {
def job = getJob(JOB_NAME)
def param = getParam(job, "FOO")
if (param instanceof ChoiceParameterDefinition) {
// for the standard choice parameter
print param.getChoices()
} else if (param instanceof ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition) {
// for the extended choice parameter plugin
print param.getValue()
As you can see it requires a lot of scripting, so just must either disable the Groovy sandbox or approve most of the calls on the script approval page.
I couldn't find any variable or method to get the parameter list. I guess it's somehow possible through a undocumented method on the param or currentBuild maps.
A possible solution to your problem could be defining the map outside of the pipeline and then just use that variables like this:
def param3Choices = ['lin1', 'lin2', 'lin3']
pipeline {
parameters {
choice(name: 'PARAM3', choices: param3Choices, description: '')
stage('Debug') {
steps {
echo param.PARAM3
print param3Choices

how to get jenkins parameter's default value

I want to have a check in jenkins job, where if the jenkins parameters have been modified then I want to display an Input modal to proceed or abort the job .But for that I need to verify if the parameters have been modified.
So, I can get modified parameters value in jenkins job, but how to retrieve default values of those parameters so that I can verify if any parameters have been modified?
def DEFAULT_VALUE = "42"
pipeline {
agent any
parameters { string(name: 'MY_PARAM', defaultValue: DEFAULT_VALUE, description: '') }
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
script {
if (params.MY_PARAM == DEFAULT_VALUE) {
echo 'Default value used'
} else {
echo 'Non-default value used'

Jenkins run job with different parameter one by one

I have a job with multiple parameters, but one is a choice parameter and it contains 10 choices, i need to build this job with all these choices one by one.
is that possible?
You can achieve this by using Jenkins Declarative Pipelines.
Here is an example pipeline which iterates through selected multi-choice parameter:
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(name: 'CHOICE', choices: ['One', 'Two', 'Three'], description: 'Please select one/multiple options.')
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
for (String selectedChoice : params.CHOICE) {
// do something

Jenkins pipeline: return value of build step

In this integration pipeline in Jenkins, I am triggering different builds in parallel using the build step, as follows:
stage('trigger all builds')
def myjob=build job: 'componentA', propagate: true, wait: true
def myjob=build job: 'componentB', propagate: true, wait: true
I would like to access the return value of the build step, so that I can know in my Groovy scripts what job name, number was triggered.
I have found in the examples that the object returned has getters like getProjectName() or getNumber() that I can use for this.
But how do I know the exact class of the returned object and the list of methods I can call on it? This seems to be missing from the Pipeline documentation. I am asking for this case in particular, but generally speaking, how can I know the class of the returned object and its documentation?
The step documentation is generated based on some files that are bundled with the plugin, which sometimes isn't enough. One easy way would be to just print out the class of the result object by calling getClass:
def myjob=build job: 'componentB', propagate: true, wait: true
echo "${myjob.getClass()}"
This output would tell you that the result (in this case) is a which has published Javadoc.
For other cases, I usually have to dive into the Jenkins source code. Here is my general strategy:
Figure out which plugin the step comes from either by the step documentation, steps reference, or just searching the internet
From the plugin site, go to the source code repository
Search for the String literal of the step name, and find the step type that returns it. In this case, it looks to be coming from the BuildTriggerStep class, which extends AbstractStepImpl
public String getFunctionName() {
return "build";
Look at the nested DescriptorImpl to see what execution class is returned
public DescriptorImpl() {
Go to BuildTriggerStepExecution and look at the execution body in the start() method
Reading over the workflow step README shows that something should call context.onSuccess(value) to return a result. There is one place in that file, but that is only on the "no-wait" case, which always returns immediately and is null (source).
if (step.getWait()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
Ok, so it isn't completing in the step execution, so it must be somwhere else. We can also search the repository for onSuccess and see what else might trigger it from this plugin. We find that a RunListener implementation handles setting the result asynchronously for the step execution if it has been configured that way:
for (BuildTriggerAction.Trigger trigger : BuildTriggerAction.triggersFor(run)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "completing {0} for {1}", new Object[] {run, trigger.context});
if (!trigger.propagate || run.getResult() == Result.SUCCESS) {
if (trigger.interruption == null) {
trigger.context.onSuccess(new RunWrapper(run, false));
} else {
} else {
trigger.context.onFailure(new AbortException(run.getFullDisplayName() + " completed with status " + run.getResult() + " (propagate: false to ignore)"));
The trigger.context.onSuccess(new RunWrapper(run, false)); is where the RunWrapper result comes from
The result of the downstream job is given in the result attribute of the returned object.
I recommend to use propagate: false to get control of how the result of the downstream job affects the current build.
stages {
stage('Dummy') {
steps {
echo "Hello world #1"
stage('Fails') {
steps {
script {
downstream = build job: 'Pipeline Test 2', propagate: false
if (downstream.result != 'SUCCESS') {
unstable(message: "Downstream job result is ${downstream.result}")
In this example, the current build is set to UNSTABLE whenever the downstream build has not been successful.
For your other question see Is there a built-in function to print all the current properties and values of an object? and Groovy / grails how to determine a data type?
I got the class path from build log:
and then I found the doc from, you can get all you need from this page
