ARSCNView as VRView - ios

Long things short:
I want make my iOS application Mac friendly. In my case I want (I don‘t know how to do) to use my ARSCNViews as an view that presents me everything in VR.
I don‘t want to have any special room. I only want to show SCNNodes.
I have got an ARSCNView so I see things in AR,
*but I want to see the things(SCNNodes) in VR, so that the users don’t have to continue using camera.
I want to see make an VRView from my AR(SCN)View.
I couldn‘t find any information how to do that.
I tried hard for 4 days.
Does somebody know how to do that?
I already tried:
create a new camera
Use some not helpful code from Stackoverflow and  Dev Documentation
Like Stereo
Tried to create to ARSCNViews to give one as the input for the other on (I gave the first non camera input
(Something really stupid) I wanted to use an SCN

The simplest solution for nonAR (a.k.a. VR) app is to use SCNView.


iOS8 - Crop and Straighten image as built in photos tool

In my app, i want users to click a photo, then i want to allow them to edit it for crop/rotate/straighten. Can i use built-in photos app for that? or is there any open-source/api to have similar view controller.
I know it's a possible duplicate of Is there a view controller for image crop and rotate works like iOS 8 but i found no answer here as well.Please let me know if it's possible?
Unfortunately, no.
UIImagePickerViewController allowEditing property, when set to YES, provides you a very simple cropping UI, but it doesn't support advanced rotation as iOS Photo app.
So you'll have to make it yourself.
The github projects in the question you linked might be a good starting point for that. (here's another one)
Good luck !
I wrote one in Swift, you can continue to develop based on this: QCropper

How do I get rid of the bar on the bottom of the screen that allows you to take pictures in xcode?

I want the user to be able to see the content from the back camera but I do not want them to be given the option of taking a picture of it. Is there a function that I can call to turn this feature off?
I have run into a similar situation. You will want to use AVFoundation to construct your own interface. Your question was not nearly specific enough, so I'll give you my assumption of your situation: you are trying to hide the UIImagePicker button so the user cannot take a picture. UIImagePicker does not offer much in the way of customization, so AVFoundation will be your best bet. Check out this tutorial from Jameson Quave and it should help you understand what direction to be headed in. Cheers!

iOS programmatically capture image

This is more of a theoretical question. I'm fairly new to iOS programming so haven't nailed fully the terms to use in scenarios like this. I've been asked to create an application where I need to fire an event to capture an image programmatically. The application will be in the foreground, and will have the requisite permissions to use the camera. I've been unlucky with my searches so far - likely because I haven't termed them correctly.
My question is this; Given an application with a camera view, set up to capture images - is it possible for me to fire an event within said app to capture the image, without a button necessarily being pressed? If so, how would I go about finding documentation to guide me through?
In an ideal world, I'm hoping for something as simple as cameraObject.capture() or something of that ilk - but an ideal world is a rarity!
Thanks in advance!

blackberry camera Application

I am implementing camera application using then example comes with blackberry plugin for eclipse named "CameraDemo" the problem is that when the screen loses focus It does not display the camera view istead of it shows like this
has anybody faced such problem whats the solution?
This way of taking picture (using the Player and VideoControl.getSnapshot()) does not work nice on all BB models. I'd even say it works nice only on a narrow set of BB models. So if you are going to use your app on a wide range of BB models, then this is not the right way to go.
Instead to take a picture use a built-in Camera app. Here is a starting point on how to do that.
Basically you invoke the built-in Camera app and listen for the file-system changes to detect a new image file path. Then you need to close the built-in Camera app somehow - it's possible to do that by simulating two 'Esc' button presses.
Yes, this sounds a bit hacky/over-complicated, but that's how BB engeneers arranged that for us. :) BTW, this is actually not so bad if compare with Android where different device manufactorers violate the common rules and implement the Camera app in their specific way so you are not able to write the code once covering all Androids.

iPad Music app like interface

I'm making internet radio app for iPad and I was wondering if there are standard or custom implementations of iPad Music app-like interface. I mean thumbnails of albums and when you tap on a thumbnail - cover animation and presenting another controller. Is there something for that? Thanks a lot
Nope. There are bits and pieces of code that don't really work (those are all separate links), but they're a good start for getting something like coverflow working.
Also, you might want to try showing examples of what you have already found in your searching, or any code/UI you've already implemented. Most people on SO are happy to help, but don't take well to 'I haven't put any effort into this yet, please show me all the code I need for my project'. Even if you have put effort in, if you post a 2 sentence question with no demonstrable work, people will assume the worst. Best of luck.
