Property redefinition extension Swift - ios

I have a project A in which I have defined a struct, that only exists in project A, as follows
public struct Foo: RawRepresentable {
public typealias RawValue = String
public var rawValue: RawValue
public init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public static let bar = Foo(rawValue: "bar")
Now, when I create an extension in project A that redefines the bar property, this will generate an error, which is logical.
extension Foo {
// Invalid redeclaration of 'bar'
static let bar = Foo(rawValue: "foo")
My real question comes when I define a new project B, that depends on A. I declared the same extension there, but no compiler error was given. Why is that?
import A
extension Foo {
// No error, but shouldn't it give me one?
static let bar = Foo(rawValue: "foo")

Well, there's two ways to look at this. One is that it's a bug, the other is that it isn't. :) The canonical report is probably the one at [WARNING: that URL may go bad when Apple moves over to GitHub Issues for its Swift bug reporting]. But read also the discussion of the underlying mechanism from Jordan Rose in the comments to, where it seems that the real issue is how to maintain Objective-C compatibility.
So yes, Apple knows about this, and they know it would be nice to issue a warning about doing something iffy, but you are in fact allowed to create what amounts to a same-named but different method/property in a different module, so on your head be it if you do so.


Dependency injection with associated types causing arguments without type names (undescores) in Swift

The situation is following: I'm using a protocol to inject dependencies and the best way I found to implement this in Swift is to use the associatedtype keyword. I am also using protocol composition since some implementations of TestProtocol need more than one dependency.
protocol TestProtocol: class {
associatedtype Dependencies
func inject(_ dependency: Dependencies)
protocol HasSomething {
var something: Something { get set }
protocol HasSomethingElse {
var somethingElse: SomethingElse { get set }
To use this I found that I'll need to use generics like this:
class TestService<T> where T: TestProtocol, T.Dependencies == TestService {
weak var testProtocol: T?
init(with testProtocol: T) {
self.testProtocol = testProtocol
Now when I want to use this service somewhere else and I'm trying to initiate it I get following problem:
The parameter is displayed as _ and not as the protocol name TestProtocol.
Let's say I would use this code in a library. How would a user know (without reading the documentation of course) what type could be used in this context when he is not even knowing what protocol he has to implement?
Is there a better way on how to use dependency injection with the type actually being displayed to the user, or am I doing something wrong in the where clause of the TestService class, or is this simply not possible in the current versions of Swift?
There is nothing wrong with your code, this is simply not possible.
class TestService<T> where T: TestProtocol
The where clause means T could be anything, with the constraint that the given object must conform to TestProtocol.
The Xcode autocomplete feature only displays the resolved type when available, but it doesn't show the constraints on a generic, and unfortunately there is nothing you can do about that.
You have the exact same issue in the swift standard library, with Dictionary for example
public struct Dictionary<Key, Value> where Key : Hashable {
public init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...) {
// ..
The generic Key as a constraint to Hashable, but Xcode still shows _ in the autocomplete list.
I guess Swift developers are use to this behaviour, so it won't be a big issue, even if your code is embedded in a library.
How would a user know (without reading the documentation of course) what type could be used in this context when he is not even knowing what protocol he has to implement?
Because Xcode is pretty clear about the protocol requirement.
If I try to initialize the TestService with a String I'll get the error:
Referencing initializer 'init(with:)' on 'TestService' requires that 'String' conform to 'TestProtocol'
Which is pretty self explanatory.
Actually at the time of init(with testProtocol: T) Compiler doesn't know about T of course because it is generic
if you provide directly class it will show you in suggestion
For example
class TestService<T:Something> {
weak var testProtocol: T?
init(with testProtocol: T) {
self.testProtocol = testProtocol
Now you will see compiler know that it need SomeThing at T
For your case For TestProtocol You can replace with with something user readable world. for next time compiler will give you provided type as suggestion
For Example
class TestService<T:TestProtocol> {
weak var testProtocol: T?
init(with testProtocol: T) {
self.testProtocol = testProtocol
func add(t:T) {
class Test {
init() {
let t = Something()
let ts = TestService(with: t)
In Test class you can type ts.add now it knows

Hide logic that class conforms to protocol

Are there any ways to hide that class conforms to some protocol? Like in Objective-C - just used to add Protocol in .m file and other classes (from another files) didn't see it.
For example. I have a test cell which has a textfield. I want to hide, that this cell conforms to protocol. Something like that:
class TestCell: UITableViewCell {
fileprivate extension TestCell : UITextFieldDelegate {
But compiler swears me. Any elegant solution?
This capability has been stated by the Swift team as "unlikely" to be implemented. Here is the original thread about it:
The specific statement about this particular scenario was:
Private conformances
Right now, a protocol conformance can be no less visible than the
minimum of the conforming type’s access and the protocol’s access.
Therefore, a public type conforming to a public protocol must provide
the conformance publicly. One could imagine removing that restriction,
so that one could introduce a private conformance:
public protocol P { }
public struct X { }
extension X : internal P { … } // X conforms to P, but only within this module
The main problem with private conformances is the interaction with
dynamic casting. If I have this code:
func foo(value: Any) {
if let x = value as? P { print(“P”) }
Under what circumstances should it print “P”? If foo() is defined
within the same module as the conformance of X to P? If the call is
defined within the same module as the conformance of X to P? Never?
Either of the first two answers requires significant complications in
the dynamic casting infrastructure to take into account the module in
which a particular dynamic cast occurred (the first option) or where
an existential was formed (the second option), while the third answer
breaks the link between the static and dynamic type systems—none of
which is an acceptable result.

How to organize swift source code in pattern?

I have some codes in java which organized well, so it helps me manage source code as well as extend in future easily. These codes as follow
public interface IDataModel<T extends IDataModel> {
void copyData(T data);
long getUpdatedTime();
public abstract class AbstractDataModel<T extends IDataModel> implements IDataModel<T>{
protected long updatedTime;
public long getUpdatedTime(){
return updatedTime;
public class concreteDataA extends AbstractDataModel<concreteDataA>{
String property1;
public String getProperty1(){
return property1;
public void copyData(concreteDataA data){
property1 = data.getProperty1();
updatedTime = data.getUpdatedTime();
Now i want to port into iOS swift 3.0. Is it possible to organize code in swift 3.0 as above? Or is there any equivalent way in swift to organize code as above? I'm quite new to swift iOS, so it makes me hard to organize source code in pattern. Thanks you.
You haven't provided much in the way of context, but it seems like you're struggling developing a "protocol-oriented" solution, as Swift folks like to call the pattern. Here are a couple of options that might solve your problem (spoiler – I think the problem is in your design):
Interface: Protocol, Abstract Class: Protocol Extension
Like #sulthan mentioned, you can certainly get to a similar place using protocols with default implementations, like so:
protocol DataModel {
mutating func copy(data: Self)
var updatedTime : Float { get }
extension DataModel {
var updatedTime : Float { return 0 }
However, you'll run into a problem when you try to implement the ConcreteDataModel since you want to specialize it to account for the property1 value that isn't mentioned in the protocol. Your options are to relax that requirement in ConcreteDataModel (aka don't do that) or use typecasting. Please note, fighting the typing system in Swift is a sure sign that your code is not idiomatic! You should see this difficulty as the language nudging you to reconsider your approach.
Use immutable data types
This is the most straight-forward answer. If what you've described above is actually a concrete example from your app, then you don't really need protocols at all. (In fact, your Java implementation is certainly over-abstracting.) Swift structs are immutable, which means that whenever you change them, you are actually changing a copy.
struct DataModel {
let updatedTime: Float
mutating func update(time: Float) {
self = DataModel(updatedTime: time)
var data1 = DataModel(updatedTime: 3)
var data2 = data1
data2.update(time: 17)
print(data1.updatedTime) // 3.0
print(data2.updatedTime) // 17.0
Model your behavior apart from your data
This is the generalized solution. From a design perspective, it's clear that you have two distinct concerns. You want something copyable, and you want something that tracks "time." Why not just let your code reflect that?
protocol Copier {
associatedtype Data
func copy(from: Data) -> Data
protocol Clock {
var time: Float { get }
class AlarmClock: Clock, Copier {
let time: Float
let alarm: Float
init(time: Float, alarm: Float) {
self.time = time
self.alarm = alarm
func copy(from: AlarmClock) -> AlarmClock {
return AlarmClock(time: from.time, alarm: from.alarm)
Of course, you could even go the last step and provide the default implementation for Clock.time if you really needed it.

"fatal error: array cannot be bridged from Objective-C"—Why are you even trying, Swift?

I have declared a Swift protocol:
protocol Option {
var name: String { get }
I declare multiple implementations of this protocol—some classes, some enums.
I have a view controller with a property declared as so:
var options: [Option] = []
When I try and set this property to an array of objects that implement the Option protocol in another VC's prepareForSegue, I get a runtime error:
fatal error: array cannot be bridged from Objective-C
Why doesn't this work? The compiler has all the information it needs, and I don't understand what Objective-C has to do with it at all—my project contains only Swift files, and these arrays aren't coming in or out of any framework methods that would necessitate them being bridged to NSArray.
I have found a solution. It is quite... unsatisfying, but it works. Where I set the array on the destination view controller I do:
destinationViewController.options ={$0 as Option})
the compiler knows I'm passing in an Array of things that implement Option
You've let slip there a very revealing remark, which suggests the source of the issue. An "Array of things that implement Option" is not an Array of Option.
The problem is with the type of options back at the point where you create it (in prepareForSegue). You don't show that code, but I am betting that you fail to cast / type it at that point. That's why the assignment fails. options may be an array of things that do in fact happen to adopt Option, but that's not enough; it must be typed as an array of Option.
So, back in prepareForSegue, form your options like this:
let options : [Option] = // ... whatever ...
Now you will be able to assign it directly to destinationViewController.options.
Here's a quick test case (in a playground; I detest playgrounds, but they can have their uses):
protocol Option {
var name : String {get}
class ViewController : UIViewController {
var options : [Option] = []
enum Thing : Option {
var name : String {
get {
return "hi"
case Thing
let vc = ViewController()
let options : [Option] = [Thing.Thing]
vc.options = options // no problem
(I also tested this in an actual app with an actual prepareForSegue, and it works fine.)
I was having the same problem and fixed it marking my protocol with #objc, in your case it would look like this
#objc protocol Option {
var name: String { get }
Got the solution from this answer
This one also works fine
destinationViewController.options ={$0}

What is the cause of EXC_BAD_ACCESS crashes for classes declared in separate files?

I have come across this problem several times now, without ever finding the cause.
When attempting to access a property of ClassY in ClassX I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. This happens even if I instantiate a clean copy and attempt to access the property immediately:
let classY = ClassY()
As far as I am aware this error should only be caused by trying to access a deallocated instance, which presumably cannot be the case in the above code.
Where it gets strange, is that if I declare ClassY in the same file as ClassX then the problem disappears. (ClassY does have some private properties, but I am not trying to access these and anyway, making them all public does not solve the problem)
I am not including the source code here since there is more of it than is practical to isolate. I have not been able to reproduce this reliably in a standalone project because I am unable to find any kind of pattern.
Has anyone come across a similar kind of problem, and does anyone have an idea for a solution (obviously I can include the definition in the same file, but that is a workaround rather than a solution)?
I am currently running iOS 8.3 / Swift 1.2 but had this problem already in iOS 8.1.
Following lots of trial and error, it seems that the problem comes from lazy properties and protocol conformance. Again this is not something I can reproduce in a plain playground (perhaps the declarations need to be in different files).
My ClassY conforms to ProtocolY which has several properties:
protocol ProtocolY {
var number: Int { get }
var text: String { get }
When ClassY conforms to ProtocolY, if it implements either of the properties as a lazy property then accessing a property causes the EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash. If ClassY is not marked as conforming to ProtocolY or if none of the properties declared in ProtocolY as implemented by ClassY are lazy properties then no crash occurs.
Obviously this is just narrowing down but still does not give me an explanation. I know of no reason why implementations of protocol properties should not be lazy.
UPDATE Here is an example of properties on ClassY:
private(set) lazy var currentPage: Int = {
let subject: RACReplaySubject = RACReplaySubject(capacity: 1)
return subject
var currentPage: Int {
didSet {
(self.currentPageSignal as? RACSubject)?.sendNext(self.currentPage)
currentPage is set in the init method.
If I use instead:
private(set) var currentPage: Int = {
let subject: RACReplaySubject = RACReplaySubject(capacity: 1)
return subject
var currentPage: Int {
didSet {
(self.currentPageSignal as? RACSubject)?.sendNext(self.currentPage)
(and do a sendNext in the init method) then everything works fine.
I'm fairly confident that the fact that I'm using ReactiveCocoa is irrelevant - I have also tried lazy properties which are simple Strings, with the same result.
