Stuck on editing the MINIX 3 scheduler - minix

Im confused how how to possibly edit time_left and incorporate it into a for loop to get keep track of how much CPU time each user process has had recently then pick the user process that has used the least amount of time recently to be put into the schedule.


How to determine which processes are currently running

I'm trying to use Instruments to figure out what in my app is eating up all my battery life.
I thought Time Profiler would work here, but I can't figure out how to get it to tell me what processes are running after a certain point in time. Currently, Time Profiler tells me about all the tasks that have run since the app first launched, but I only want to know about the ones that are running right now.
Is there any way to filter Time Profiler in this fashion?
Found the answer - hold down the option key while dragging across the timeline.

In Rails, will database locking ensure only process is checking a attribute value at one time without being a giant bottleneck?

Our setup is Rails 3 with a 6 app servers behind a load balancer and one PostgreSQL database.
In our app, and user can "tip" and artist during a performance.
The process flow looks like this:
User clicks on "tip" button
Tip object is created
An after_create callback makes sure user account has enough money, if so a financial transaction moves money. Else, a Rollback exception is raised.
What can happen is that if the user "spams" the tip button, multiple tips can be in-process at once. When this occurs the "does this user have enough money?" check returns the same value for many tips since the financial transaction have not happened yet.
What I need is to make sure each "tip" gets process sequentially. That way, the balance check for tip #2 does happen before tip #1 updates the balance.
We're already using Resque for other stuff, so that might be one solution. Although I don't know of a way of making sure multiple works don't start processing jobs in parallel and cause the same issue. Having one worker do tip jobs would not be viable solution as our app processes a lot of tips at any given instant.
If you enforce this within database transactions it is a fairly simple problem to solve.

rails-how to update attributes based on time/day

How would you update attributes in your database based on the time of day or what day it is. I have three attributes energy, hunger, and happiness that I want to decrease by ten every hour but I don't quite know how to go about doing this. I know there are timestamps in the database but I don't really know how to use them. Also I want to change the players skills every day based on their job. So if you have this job, add 2 to intelligence every day. But I don't know how to add that 2 every day. I would love it if anyone could give me help on this problem. I would greatly appreciate it.
A couple of options:
cronjob: You could setup your cronjob to access the database directly through a SQL script (probably the simplest solution out of all in terms of setup) or go through your rails application first (e.g. in case you need to run additional business logic before updating the database - you mentioned something about updating the database based on the user job). See this post for the latter approach.
Background task: Take a look at Starling/Workling or Backgroundrb. You can use either of these to run a background task that could update your database at regular intervals.
There are two common but fundamentally different ways of achieving this:
During each request, simulate the amount of time which has passed since the last request. If a user makes two requests three hours apart, simulate three hours of time passing by subtracting 30 happiness (10/hour times 3 hours) all at once. This is less resource intensive, but requires a little more thinking on your part. It's not difficult for something as simple as "lower a value by 10 every hour", but more complex interactions are more difficult to model.
Run a cron job which invokes an action in your program every hour, on the hour, to deduct 10 happiness from each account. This is easier conceptually, but involves a lot of overhead if you have many users, especially when some of them are idle for long periods.

Timed server events with ruby on rails

I am attempting to create a web-based game in Ruby on Rails. I have a model named 'Game', which has a datetime in the database entry that corresponds to a time that I would like the server to call the Game model's update_game function. Depending on the game's settings, this could be every 30 seconds to every 12 hours.
Ruby on Rails only seems to work when it receives an HTTP request; is there a slick way to get my game to update on a periodic basis independent of HTTP requests?
I'd look into delayed_job for this. When the game starts, you can create a delayed_job for the first update, and every run after that can add a new job at the correct interval until it's done.
I'd do lots of testing though ;) - you don't want to let the jobs get away from you.
Rails itself doesn't do this; cron does this. Ruby does, however, have a gem named Whenever to make easier the declaration and deployment of new cron jobs.
However, if you are really going to expect a large amount of games to reliably update every 30 seconds, you may want to take a different approach if updating a game would take any significant amount of time. Perhaps once the game is accessed, the game could run the update as many times as necessary (e.g. if 3 minutes had passed and the interval is 30 seconds, run 6 updates once requested). This may or may not be a good option for your setup, however, so figure out which method is more viable for your purposes.
Look into background processing options and possibly cron.
I like the gem 'rufus-scheduler' which works within Rails, though I'm not sure you can programmatically add more tasks to it.

Letting something happen at a certain time with Rails

Like with browser games. User constructs building, and a timer is set for a specific date/time to finish the construction and spawn the building.
I imagined having something like a deamon, but how would that work? To me it seems that spinning + polling is not the way to go. I looked at async_observer, but is that a good fit for something like this?
If you only need the event to be visible to the owning player, then the model can report its updated status on demand and we're done, move along, there's nothing to see here.
If, on the other hand, it needs to be visible to anyone from the time of its scheduled creation, then the problem is a little more interesting.
I'd say you need two things. A queue into which you can put timed events (a database table would do nicely) and a background process, either running continuously or restarted frequently, that pulls events scheduled to occur since the last execution (or those that are imminent, I suppose) and actions them.
Looking at the list of options on the Rails wiki, it appears that there is no One True Solution yet. Let's hope that one of them fits the bill.
I just did exactly this thing for a PBBG I'm working on (Big Villain, you can see the work in progress at Anyway, I went with a commands table where user commands each generated exactly one entry and an events table with one or more entries per command (linking back to the command). A secondary daemon run using script/runner to get it started polls the event table periodically and runs events whose time has passed.
So far it seems to work quite well, unless I see some problem when I throw large number of users at it, I'm not planning to change it.
To a certian extent it depends on how much logic is on your front end, and how much is in your model. If you know how much time will elapse before something happens you can keep most of the logic on the front end.
I would use your model to determin the state of things, and on a paticular request you can check to see if it is built or not. I don't see why you would need a background worker for this.
I would use AJAX to start a timer (see Periodical Executor) for updating your UI. On the model side, just keep track of the created_at column for your building and only allow it to be used if its construction time has elapsed. That way you don't have to take a trip to your db every few seconds to see if your building is done.
