Jenkins respect HEAD or default branch when cloning repo to workspace - jenkins

Jenkins provides lengthy documentation regarding how to specify which branches it will build from.
None of that though answers this specific question, or if it does, I cannot seem to achieve this.
How to specify that Jenkins will use whichever branch is normally checked out when cloning, such as the default branch specified in Github
Does this even make sense or is this even possible?
EDIT: specifically what should go in the red circle to checkout the default branch in Github

Jenkins respects the default branch over HEAD. Also, it depends how you configure you Jenkins job if it's a mulit-branch pipeline then you don't need to specify which branch it should build, by default it will scan you GitHub repo and build the changes made on branch and it will trigger the build.
If it's pipeline job then you can specify which branch it should built by editing the job configuration on Jenkins job and specifying the particular branch name in the section Branches to build
I hope this is what you are looking for.


Jenkins Pipeline from SCM. Can we select branch

We have our pipelines groovy scripts for Jenkins in SCM (git). I believe it currently gets the scripts from master as default.
Are we able to specify the branch we want to use for the groovy scripts?
There is a setting in the particular section but that seems to be for build branch if I understand correctly (as it allows for setting of multiple branches)
It appears that the branch option is the branch for the pipeline script.
I assume that multiple branches means you can run multiple branches of the different versions of that script. I suspect I am missing when that would be used but it does answer my original question.

Why would a job in Jenkins multibranch pipeline gets disabled

We are using Jenkins(v2.235.1) and BitBucket cloud combination. We have BitBucket Team/Project type job which has created multi-branch pipelines. Some of the jobs corresponding to individual branches are getting disabled even these branches in the Git repo are active. Not sure why this is happening.
Can you please share some insight on this and how we can prevent this from happening.
Below are my versions
Jenkins v2.235.1
Bitbucket Branch Source plugin v2.9.7
Bitbucket plugin v1.1.27
Thank you
If there is no Jenkinsfile at the root of the repository or if the name is misspelled or is with different letters casing, like JenkinsFile, the job will be disabled.
Presence of the Jenkinsfile in the root of a repository makes it eligible for Jenkins to automatically manage and execute jobs based on repository branches.
Make sure you have only one jenkinsfile in your root directory. it is not a good idea to have more than one file with the name jenkinsfile which causes jenkins to disable the job. this could be one the reason why your job is getting disabled.
In addition to previous answers.
Jobs (branches/PRs/tags) also can be marked as disabled if you first start using all available discovering options (Bitbucket Team/Project -> Configure -> Behaviors -> Within repository -> Discover ...) and after that removed one or some of them. In this situation, a Child project of Bitbucket Team/Project indexes all branches/PRs/tags first (keep them active), and after the configuration was changed, it reindexes and disables unneeded items.
Also, jobs can be marked as disabled when Bitbucket Team/Project is configured in a way when both branches and PRs are discovered, but for branches configured the "Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs" strategy. In such a case, the branch that becomes a PR (a branch from which PR has been created) will not be tracked by Jenkins.

How to build Jenkins after each push in any branch?

Is there any way to make Jenkins builds after each commit in any branch ?
Because i found in my project's configuration that Jenkins run build only after detecting commits in specific branch or in the default ( eq to master in git ).
PS: i'm using mercurial and Jenkins file.
Should i change project type ( new item type in Jenkins ) or are there any modifications in configs.
There are two things that you should check for this (I haven't work with Mercurial)
Does Mercurial has the option to create webhooks?
There is a jenkins plugin for Mercurial? (I think there is)
You must configure on the mercurial site the webhook pointing to Jenkins and give the point to the job you want to run, and on which events does it will fire. On the Jenkins side you must configure on the job who it will behave.
For example, with GitLab, the plugin has an option configured on the "Build Trigger" section where you configure the events and the branches that fires the job. In GitLab, in the repository you create the webhook, that is only a URL pointing to the Jenkins job.
I got this solution and it worked for me.
with Mercurial, we can use the "tip" keyword.The tip revision is the most recent changeset in the repository. It is the most recently changed head.

Polling from multiple repositories in Jenkins

I couldn't find an answer for my question on stack, sorry if it is a duplicate.
Let's say I have repo A on Github, where my Jenkinsfile is, and repo B on Github, where all my source code is.
For my job, I've set 'Pipeline script from SCM' from repo 'A', added 'Polling ignores commit in certain paths' with included region containing only this Jenkinsfile.
In Jenkinsfile, I'm using checkout plugin to pull repo 'B' with added PathRestriction extension.
Also I've added pollSCM to 'triggers' with value 'H/5 * * * *'.
But whenever I commit something to repo 'A' without any changes to this Jenkinsfile, build is triggered anyway.
My question is: How can I setup my build to trigger only, when Jenkinsfile in repo 'A' or my source code is changed?
There are two ways to trigger a build only when specific file changes.
 1. script hook: On git server side, create a hook that will check if the last commit changed the Jenkinsfile, if true, send a post to jenkins job configured with 'Trigger build remotely'.
 2. Commit: Create a repo only with the Jenkinsfile, so every commit on this repo will be a change on Jenkinsfile.
I strong advise you to change your approach and use Jenkins shared library, this is a much better way to share and manager pipeline across multiple projects / jobs

Run Jenkins build for whichever branch was checked into on Gitlab

I recently made the transition from Subversion to Git for all my repos at work. However, with svn we had commit hooks in place so that our Jenkins job would run for whichever branch was checked into. Now, I'm trying to set this up using Gitlab and there appears to only be one place to add a web hook. It looks like any time something is checked into ANY branch, the web hook will run. Meaning if I have a branch_A associated with jenkins_job_A, something could be checked into branch_B and the commit hook for jenkins_job_A will still run. Is there a branch by branch way to configure these web hooks? Or is there some kind of script I can check into each branch that will act as a commit hook? Or (my fear) is this feature not supported in Gitlab?
I guess you set up GitLab to do a post commit request to http://yourserver/jenkins/git/notifyCommit?url=<URL of the Git repository>? In theory this should trigger the polling on all jobs that are configured with that URL, and in the polling step the jobs should decide whether they should build or not. In practice this will unfortunately cause all jobs to fire.
We worked around this issue by moving the Job configuration into a Jenkinsfile and then use a Multibranch Pipeline.
As an alternative you could also install the GitLab plugin for Jenkins and use the Jenkins integration in GitLab. This will allow you to trigger the correct jobs when commits are pushed on a branch. The downside is that it requires a per-job configuration.
