Not able to build .ipa file in flutter - ios

I am facing an error when I am trying to build the .ipa file in #Flutter Project and the project is running perfectly when I am using a real iOS device. Please let me know if anyone can connect with me and help me to solve this error - this is my pastebin code mDRHdD1W


Build fails when archiving React Native App in Xcode

My build fails when attempting to archive my react native project in Xcode. The following appears when trying to archive:
Does anyone know what may be causing this error? I have tried editing the run script in 'Bundle React Native code and images' to the below as suggested by the link
. ~/.nvm/
However, I'm still getting the same error. Can someone please advise? I'm really stuck here.

Unable to build iOS after renaming Xcode project flutter

I have an issue guys. For some reason, I decided to rename my Xcode project runner folder before sending to the apple store. Now I wanted to rebuild for iOS with this command: flutter build ios. But I get this error each time:
Expected ios/Runner.xcodeproj but this file is missing.
Application not configured for iOS
I also tried building this with Xcode. I got this error each time:
/Users/apple/FlutterProjects/kashbase/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Kashbase/Pods-Kashbase.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "Kashbase" in project "Kashbase") (in target 'Kashbase')
What does this mean and how can resolve this? Any helpful effort will be greatly appreciated.

Xamarin IOS deployment fails. FileNotFoundException on info.plist

I have a Xamarin app which will not run. It builds fine but then fails with a FileNotFoundException:
Error: error MT1006: Could not install the application
on the device 'Counter's iPad': Could not find required file
. Please check the logs for more details.
I'm not sure what is up here - the info.plist file exists in the root of my iOS app and the app builds OK.
Can anyone help with this?
It is the normal issue with visual studio.
Delete bin and obj folder under the application, and run again.

Error while building archive via terminal

I am trying to build ipa via terminal. I am getting below error. I am able to build ipa via xcode successfully.
Any help would be appreciate.
Please refer below screenshot.

ADALiOS gives error while archiving from xcode

I have integrated ADALiOS into my app. Its woking fine in simulator as well as in device also but while creating a build from Xcode or archiving, it shows an error. Here is the error-
No such file or directory
Please give me some extension or suggestion regarding the same. Any help would be appreciated.
