GraphAPI not returning user chat reactions - microsoft-graph-api

I am using users/{id}/chats/getAllMessages to get all user chat messages.
But this does not give us the reactions to the chat. The reaction field count is always 0.

It looks like a bug for the following endpoints
GET /users/{id}/chats/getAllMessages
GET /teams/{team-id}/channels/getAllMessages
Endpoints which return reactions
GET /users/{id}/chats/{Id}/messages
GET /teams/{team-id}/channels/{channel-id}/messages
getAllMessages doesn't return reactions
Reactions not included


MS Graph API - how to retrieve declined events?

Let's say person B sends a calendar event invite to person A. When we then run the following query for person A, we can see the event in the response with responseStatus.response="notResponded", which is fine:
However, when person A declines the invitation, then the event disappears from the response.
Is there a way to modify the query or use a different endpoint to still have access to the declined events?
I tried to look for the solution in the MS Graph API docs, but couldn't find any hints.
responseStatus property doesn't support filtering but as an alternative you can use extended property PidLidResponseStatus and filter those events with PidLidResponseStatus equals to respDeclined int value 4.$filter=singleValueExtendedProperties/any(ep:ep/id eq 'Integer {00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Id 0x8218' and cast(ep/value, Edm.Int32) eq 4)
But if declined event is remove from the calendar then it cannot be listed.

Slack API - Detecting user in a call?

Is there an endpoint in Slack API to detect a user (AKA me) is in a call? getPresence just returns 'active' and 'away' which is not helpful - I can be active but not in a call. I tried getting user status, that is of no help either
There's no API that will return that information at this time. The method would return a list of users in a specific call but you'd need to know the call id for that. Something as simple as knowing if any given user is on a call would be a great feature request for the users.getPresence method. Happy to pass that along!

Studio MAKE HTTP REQUEST return sid

This is from a Studio Flow.
I'd like to return the conversation sid. The same "sid" that is used in the Twilio log system. This sid is returned when the conversation is created via a REST call. On the screen below, you can see that I've figured out how to return some values using this widget. When I look through the available sids (the list is long, but there were approximately six different variable.variable.sid type variables to choose from), none of them seem to return the value that I am looking for. I did add all of them into the JSON return packet and only two returned values. Both values were not what I was looking for.
I'm hopeful that it is something simple like {{message.sid}}, but just haven't discovered the correct variable name yet.
You want: {{flow.sid}} for the Studio Execution SID.

What does hydrate mean on Twitter?

In the Twitter API there is a status_lookup method that "hydrates" a tweet. The docs are unclear about what this means. So when do I need to hydrate a tweet?
If I have tweets from /statuses/user_timeline why would I need to hydrate them?
Please provide an example before and after of normal tweet and hydrated tweet and explain the difference.
From the docs:
"This method is especially useful to get the details (hydrate) a collection of Tweet IDs."
HYDRATE = get complete details (i.e. fields) of a tweet.
Many Twitter API calls that return tweets do not return all the fields. So, statuses/lookup may be used as a secondary call to get these fields.
For example, search/tweets may return tweets that have embedded video, but it will not return the URL of the embedded video. So, a second call to statuses/lookup is required to get the video.

Getting all twitter followers using twitterizer

I am using Twitterizer 2. in general it does the job very well, but I have one thing missing.
I need to get all the followers of my user. and the method brings Twitterizer.TwitterFriendship.Followers(Token) only brings 100 of them.
in the twitter API I saw that you can use a cursor for "paging" you request, but I couldn't find this functionality in twitterizer.
Any Idea anyone?
The TwitterUserCollection class (that is returned by the Followers method) have NextPage() and PreviousPage() methods that will perform the paging for you.
For example, to get all of your followers, you can perform this:
TwitterUserCollection myFollowers = TwitterFriendship.Followers(token);
while (myFollowers != null)
// Do something with the users here
// Get the next page
myFollowers = myFollowers.NextPage();
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