ngx-mat-datetimepicker view is distorted in angular 7 build version - angular7

I am using angular 7 and ngx-mat-datetimepicker. This picker is working well in local version but when i compile angular 7 project by
npm run build
It's view is distorted like the picture below.
I have also opened an Issue at github.i tried compiling and checking everything else.only this is the problem with build version.
Kindly suggest a solution.


Xamarin.iOS - Linker behavior: Link All - Assets images removed

Has anyone experienced the images loaded in the Assets Catalog of a Xamarin.iOS project being removed when using the Linker behavior: Link All?
I have the following solution structure (simplified):
MyApp.csproj (shared code)
MyApp.iOS.csproj (iOS project)
And I compile with the following mtouch arguments:
--linkskip=MyApp --linkskip=MyApp.iOS
Besides the fact of the images not showing up, the rest of the app works flawlessly.
I am using Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2.5; Xamarin version
Interestingly, if I replace the Xamarin.Forms.Image implementations for FFImageLoading.CachedImage, the images are not affected by the LinkAll configuration.
Well, trying to create a reproducible sample I came across the problem.
Basically, the following line CachedImageRenderer.InitImageSourceHandler(), introduced when using FFImageLoading, was messing up with Xamarin.Forms.Images when the linker was set to LinkAll.
The documentation of FFImageLoading is not super clear on what this line is for, but removing it fixed the problem.

Images not showing in react native application in release mode

React native application is working absolutely fine in debug mode but running in release mode image are not visible. I am using react-native#0.62.2.
I tried some solution from react-native iOS app not showing static assets (images) after deploying
but still not working.
I get this in xcode console
Found out that the error is because of a package "react-native-webview-quilljs". Installing it doesn't create problem but when importing it. After import app will run but editor will not render as well as all the images are not rendering.
This thread solved the issue for me:
You can find that file in your node_modules folder. It seems like there was an issue with the Image module and they didn't fix it until the most recent version of React Native at the time of posting. Hope it works for you. Maybe someone who understands it more can elaborate on why exactly it solves the issue.

Xamarin building_problem after update to IOS 11

I have updated my system to IOS 11. Visualstidio for Windows with all newest xamarin updates, Mac os Sierra is up to date and Xcode is the newest Version.
My Problem:
If I want to debugging on the simulator, the following error occurs:
Error error HE0046: Failed to install the app 'ch.ABC' on the device 'iOS 11.0 (15A372) - iPhone 6 Plus': lstat of /Users/administrator/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/ABC/a3481f272dab3f68e6e828203695f442/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/ failed: No such file or directory
The exist in this path on Mac.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The file '/Users/administrator/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/ABC/a3481f272dab3f68e6e828203695f442/obj/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/build-signature/signature' was not found on the Mac
File name: '/Users/administrator/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/ABC/a3481f272dab3f68e6e828203695f442/obj/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/build-signature/signature'
at Xamarin.Messaging.Ssh.MessagingFileManager.d__11.MoveNext() in C:\d\lanes\5126\bd7e3753\source\xamarinvs\src\Messaging\Xamarin.Messaging.Ssh\MessagingFileManager.cs:line 171
this signaturefile is also on the right path.
My attempts to fix the error:
-Clean & rebuild has no effect.
-Delete the bin and obj Folder has no effect.
-I made the provisioning completely new has no effect.
-New projects work.
-This project work wehn i build it in Visual studio for mac
Has anyone an idea what could be the problem here?
I think that it is a general Xamarin problem. Old projects (before IOS11) can not run after update to IOS 11 in the simulator.
So, I decided to do the whole exercise of step by step mutating a newly created project (which deploys fine to the iOS 11 simulator) into my project (which does not) by using Beyond Compare to change file by file until no difference remains.
That took a good four hours (big project). All of that was to no avail however. :)
Because it turns out that what made the difference in the end was removing the iOS project from the solution and then adding it back (using the "add existing project" command).
This changes three things in the solution file:
Updates it to the latest VS solution format version.
Moves the iOS project to the bottom in a few places.
Fixes up some weird build configuration and/or platform configuration inconsistencies.
Naturally, I thought the last one would be the trick, so I tried only applying that delta in isolation, but that actually didn't fix the issue! I don't fully understand why, but actually performing the action of removing and re-adding the project does.
Very curious to see whether this works for others.

Building ios corePlot with Xcode 5.0 using a Dependent project scenario

I am new to IOS and am writing an ios 7.0 app that uses coreplot (latest version 1.3). I had the "Build active architecture" set to YES - so during the development, I did not run into any linking problem (I used static linking method as described at
Then I built and deployed on my device (iphone 4, ios 7). It worked fine - I dont remember if it asked to change build settings or not. Today morning, when I tried to run the same code on simulator it started giving me linker error. After doing some research, I realized I need to set the build for active architecture to No and rebuild the core plot using "dependent project install" strategy.
I am stuck at the point where I need to set the header files search path. The compilation fails to detect the header file. The coreplot is in a directory CorePlot_1.3.
The main linking error reads as
"ignoring file /Users/rmenon/Documents/Developer/MoneyTrail/MoneyTrail/libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a, missing required architecture x86_64 in file /Users/rmenon/Documents/Developer/MoneyTrail/MoneyTrail/libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a (3 slices)"
As part of my attempt to solve this, I tried to load the coreplot project separately, change the architecure to Stndard (armv7 nd armv7s) and tried to build it. I get two deprecation errors below. Any help in getting me compile this library for ios 7 so I can use the same setting in debug and device would be really appreciated! Thank you!
You'll need to update to a newer version of Core Plot. It has been updated to work with Xcode 5 and iOS 7, but we haven't done a release with those changes yet. You can pull the latest code with Mercurial or wait for the next release, which should be soon (within the next week or so).

IOS - Phonegap - barcodescanner

I'm trying to make an app which uses the barcodescanner plugin for IOS which comes with the phonegap plugin library (latest build / phonegap 1.4). I have allready made the Android version with the same plugin for android, and it worked fine. I have followed the instructions step by step and it won't work for me.
I'm getting an com.phonegap.barcodeScanner not found, and i have checked that the plist is correct etc.
I have copied the new scanneroverlay.xib to the project so i don't have to play with the overlay.
I have copied all the mm c h files to the plugin folder. No error when building. Does i have to compile the plugin or??? is there someone who has a test app or a good idea please.
Getting a little frustrated.
Kind regards.
Check that you have a reference to the barcodescanner.js in the index.html file, and that it is finding it okay.
