"Open Policy agent" & "Knative" each provide a tutorial for integration with "Istio". There's a lighter alternative to "Istio" : "Kourier" that requiring fewer resources.
Is there's a way to integrate "Open Policy agent" with "Kourier" ?
"Istio" & "Kourier" use envoy (proxy).
I am a newbie on "Kubernet" any help is welcome ^_^
I'm not sure what you're going to use OPA for here; if you're trying to constrain the types of resources which can be created, OPA + gatekeeper should work fine, though kourier only implements an internal-to-Knative interface, so you might not get as much mileage out of the integration.
If you're trying to use OPA to govern or restrict actual HTTP requests to the workload, kourier doesn't have that capability out of the box (on purpose). You could fork it and add the functionality, but at that point it might be easier just to run Istio in non-mesh mode.
App engine requests have location-aware headers (X-AppEngine-Country, X-AppEngine-Region, X-AppEngine-City) automatically added. Does Cloud Run have something similar?
This is (will be) possible with Google Cloud HTTP(S) Load Balancer via user-defined headers.
However, putting your Cloud Run service behind the load balancer is currently in alpha, so you cannot try this out today. You can wait for a while, or if you’re willing try the alpha out and give feedback, please contact me. #ahmetbtodo
AFAIK, these Google custom header values doesn't exist today. However, in the current headers you can find the IP of the originated requester (here in IPv6)
forwarded: for="2a01:cb14:af0:b500:ccf6:1a91:1713:b48";proto=https
x-forwarded-for: 2a01:cb14:af0:b500:ccf6:1a91:1713:b48*emphasized text*
You can use external services to know the exact location.
I have been trying to implement DI for Azure Functions where the functions is triggered by ServiceBus (topics/subscriptions in this case):
public static async Task Alert([ServiceBusTrigger(Topic.Alert, Subscription.PowerBi, Connection = "servicebusconnectionstring")] Message message, [Inject]IPowerBiService powerBiService, [Inject]IQueueService queueService)
I have read about Azure Functions and DI on following sites:
All examples works fins using HTTP trigger, I assume the IIS host is up and running and is containing the services. But using ServiceBus trigger, I can't get it to work. I have implemented the solutions mention above, and a few more but all get same issues. The code works, bu the services are created for message/trigger.
Anyone out there that has manage to do this, or arn't it possible to do?
NOTE (update):
I got some more information that I haven’t got time to verify yet, but I have been using a consumption plan for my Azure Functions. It may be the case that you need an App Service Plan instead (using consumption since that price model is more convenient). If anyone know more about this?
I will look into this later this week.
I just want to confirm that it work’s fine now using an App Service Plan instead of an Consumption Plan. The difference is the "cold start" instead of a "warm" host.
I guess all different once of DI implementations should work fine.
I have been using following : https://github.com/MV10/Azure.FunctionsV2.Service.Locator
Hi i have googled all day long but i can't find an answer.
I have to write a web app which talks to asterisk.
It should be able to do ClicktoCall operations.
Can you guys recommend something ?
I came across a few projects but I'm still not sure.
I just want to connect to Asterisk and do calls from the web app.
If you're a Ruby programmer the best way for you to hook into Asterisk is adhearsion. It wraps up Asterisk's AGI and Manager (MAPI) APIs for you.
Also hAve a look at SIP, asterisk, adhearson and VoIP and in particular Adam Kalsey's answer. He works for Tropo which sponsor the adhearsion project.
First you need to know, that the protocol Asterisk uses is SIP, you can learn more at the Wikipedia.
Since you want to use an rails application, you may want to use ruby as well, so there's a ruby implementation named OverSip, you can check their API and see if it fits your requirements.
If you are aiming at web calls, you'll need an WebRTC, Flash or Java applet. For WebRTC you can check sipML5 for an opensource solution.
You can also opt for an interface, that will start a call from one number to another, using your phone. When the first call is picked up the server starts ringing in the destination.
Also you could make use of cloud communications providers like twilio, tropo, etc.
Try this Google search:
rails asterisk manager interface
I saw some interesting things right off. I am not trying to be one if those Use Google type people, just didn't want to paste all the links in that I found from this Google search.
Check it out, hope it helps.
There are several ways to do this but the three easiest ones are
1. Generate a call file on the Asterisk server
These files should be written to the dir
Asterisk will then pickup the file, process and delete it.
It's pretty aggressive when doing this so it's recommended to write the file into a temporary directory and then move it to the spool dir for processing.
An tutorial of the file format is here:
(I personally feel this is a bit "hacky", and prefer doing it with an API call)
2. Generate the call by the AMI API interface.
Use the Originate function of the AMI API to generate the call. It's pretty easy to set this up just configure the manager.conf file whitch sets up a HTTP server on port 5038 from witch you can call the API.
3. Set up the call using the ARI API
First you need to setup ari.conf, this is enough for now:
enabled = yes
type = user
read_only = no
password = my_password
password_format = plain
This is a little bit more complicated to set up, but it really isn't that hard if you just get past the technical geek-speak. Just set up two channels, setup a mixing bridge and add both channels to the bridge.
To set up a click2call you dont even need to do that...
This is the call we use (ruby):
#{sip_id} is your registered SIP username
#{number} is the extension that is sent to the dialplan
#{PASSWORD} is from ari.conf
(Note that you need to send the variabels for the variable parameter as a separate JSON for the originate command if you need to send them)
A really useful tool to understand how this works is the swagger at
http://ari.asterisk.org. We already allowed this origin in ari.conf so it should be ready to go. Remember to open your ports in firewalls etc.
Setup your Server IP and port and the API_KEY is in this format: my_username:my_password
I have been tasked with changing the password to all service accounts within the organization, and would appreciate a few pointers from sombody who has tackled this before..
I have identified each service account- as well as each machine and service using that account. What I would like is some guidance as to how this process is actually executed. This is a production environment, and I don't want to go breaking things during work hours.
Is the process as simple/tedious as changing the service account password, then logging onto each server, locating each service and changing relevant info under the "Log on" tab?
is there a better way of doing this? Thank you for the advice/guidance.
Thats pretty much it.
What I would suggest tho is duplicating the accounts with the same permissions (but affix '2013' on the end or something) and then while you go around changing the passwords, redirect the services to that account as well.
The reason for this is that, at least a few times, some random legacy application has gone down during service account resets purely because noone knew it was using it/had missed it in the refresh/didn't know about it. This way everything you touch should be OK, and you can then monitor the now 'legacy' accounts for any use.
Actually changing the username/password CAN be scripted, but that all depends on how cautious you want to be about the change and whether you want to be able to easily halt the execution! See http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/79644be9-b5e1-4d9e-9cb5-eab1ad866eaf for an example. (You will also need to think about what range of OSs you need to do this on - PowerShell will only work on some, VBS will for the others but then you have further considerations, and NT4...... ;) )
I'm writing an application, which becomes "useful" once user is browsing certain url.
I want to add feature to my application, that it will be automatically launched once user browses this url, I was thinking of writing some sort of watchdog to trigger it.
My question is, whether there is a generic way to get notified when user browses to urls, I want to support at least IE and FireFox, chrome and safari is nice to have.
I read about DDE and WWW_RegisterURLEcho, but from what I understand it's not supported by FireFox, and also little sample I wrote didn't work with IE as well.
Thank you in advance
some more questions **
Do Url Monikers and Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols help me here ? Is it supported by FireFox ?
If you have control over the website, you could have it write a cookie to the computer. Then have your application monitor for that cookie.
You can implement this in many ways and at many different layers.
At the highest level, you could implement a browser plugin. There is no cross-browser solution at this layer that will let you write the code once and work for every browser. On the easy end of the spectrum, Firefox, you could implement it entirely as a Javascript + XUL plugin and use built-in XPCom interfaces (nsIProcess) for launching your helper process. For IE you would need to write a COM, C++ and win32 BHO that handles DWebBrowserEvents2::BeforeNavigate2. This is the hardest thing to do. There are mechanisms for Safari, Chrome and other webbrowsers that you could use to achieve this same behavior, with varying degrees of difficulty.
At the next level you could implement an HTTP proxy, similar to Fiddler2, that redirects all HTTP traffic through your local proxy first. Each browser has a different way of configuring its proxy settings, but they're all basically registry settings or config files.
At the most basic level you could just snif all IP traffic going out of the machine, similar to the way Wireshark does it, and just look for http requests to your URL. This is probably more difficult to code, but would work for all browsers without any special per-browser configuration stuff going on. You may need to write a driver. I dunno, I've never done work at this level in the stack.