compose can not test Dialog - android-jetpack-compose

I have dialog in compose:
fun testgtt() {
val saveDialogState = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
Button(onClick = { saveDialogState.value = true }, modifier = Modifier.testTag(PLACE_TAG)) {
Text(text = "helllow")
Dialog(onDismissRequest = { saveDialogState.value = false }) {
Text(text = "helllow",modifier = Modifier.testTag(BUTTON_TAG))
and want to test it:
fun das(){
composeTestRule.setContent {
TerTheme {
composeTestRule.onRoot(useUnmergedTree = true).printToLog("currentLabelExists")
but I get this error:
java.lang.AssertionError: Failed: assertExists.
Reason: Expected exactly '1' node but found '2' nodes that satisfy: (isRoot)
Nodes found:
1) Node #1 at (l=0.0, t=0.0, r=206.0, b=126.0)px
Has 1 child
2) Node #78 at (l=0.0, t=0.0, r=116.0, b=49.0)px
Has 1 child
Inspite of the fact that I see the Dialog itself.

The reason for this error is the line: composeTestRule.onRoot(useUnmergedTree = true).printToLog("currentLabelExists")
onRoot expects a single node, but i suspect both the containing view and the dialog each return their own root (Speculation)
A possible workaround is to instead print both root trees using something like

use navigation component:
fun de(){
val navController = rememberNavController()
Scaffold { innerPadding ->
NavHost(navController, "home", Modifier.padding(innerPadding)) {
composable("home") {
// This content fills the area provided to the NavHost
val saveDialogState = remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
Button(onClick = {
}, modifier = Modifier.testTag(PLACE_TAG)) {
Text(text = "helllow")
dialog("detail_dialog") {
// This content will be automatically added to a Dialog() composable
// and appear above the HomeScreen or other composable destinations
Dialog(onDismissRequest = {navController.navigate("home")}) {
shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp),
modifier = Modifier
// .padding(horizontal = 16.dp)
.padding(vertical = 8.dp),
elevation = 8.dp
Text(text = "helllow", modifier = Modifier.testTag(BUTTON_TAG))

As #DanielO said you can use the isRoot() selector, see below. That however prints out the same message as before.
A possible workaround is to instead print both root trees using something like
You have to distinctivly select which root you are looking for. By using the selectors:
.get( index )
When added it should look like this:


How to add and delete items in a lazyVerticalGrid Column in jetpack compose

I'm new to jetpack compose and I am just looking for a way to add and delete items from a lazyVerticalGrid using jetpack compose from a pop-up menu. Nothing complicated, just simple code to make me easily understand what I have to do
This is pretty easy as other LazyLists. You need to have a list that you can trigger recomposition after delete, add or update and use unique keys to not recompose your entire list and limit recomposition to a range of items.
val list = remember { mutableStateListOf<Snack>() }
You can remove or add inside you menu by changing this list
Adding, removing items or replacing any items with new one, to update you need to pass a new instance of object, will trigger recomposition
private fun GridExample() {
val scrollState = rememberLazyListState()
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val list = remember { mutableStateListOf<Snack>() }
Column {
contentPadding = PaddingValues(12.dp),
modifier = Modifier
columns = GridCells.Fixed(3),
content = {
items(items = list,
key = { snack: Snack ->
}) { snack: Snack ->
GridSnackCard(snack = snack)
modifier = Modifier.padding( 8.dp),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly
) {
modifier = Modifier.weight(1f),
onClick = {
if (list.size < snacks.size) {
shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)
) {
Text(text = "Add")
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.width(10.dp))
modifier = Modifier.weight(1f),
onClick = {
if (list.size > 0) {
shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)
) {
Text(text = "Remove")

I have a composable not setting button text as expected; wondering why. Have a reproducible example

this started as a new compose project
with the following code the intent is to change the text to the picked time. The code is commented where the behavior occurs
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
MyApplicationTestTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
) {
TimeCardButton(id = 1, symbol ="In", enabled=true,modifier = Modifier) { entry ->
Log.d("click", "$entry result")
data class TimeCardEntry(val id: Int = -1, var entry: String = "")
fun TimeCardButton(
id: Int,
symbol: String,
enabled: Boolean = false,
modifier: Modifier,
onValueChange: (TimeCardEntry) -> Unit = {},
) {
// Value for storing time as a string
val timeState = remember {
mutableStateOf(TimeCardEntry(id, symbol))
val validState = remember {
val mTime = remember { mutableStateOf(symbol) }
if (enabled) {
// Fetching local context
val mContext = LocalContext.current
// Declaring and initializing a calendar
val mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance()
val mHour = mCalendar[Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY]
val mMinute = mCalendar[Calendar.MINUTE]
// Creating a TimePicker dialog
val mTimePickerDialog = TimePickerDialog(
{ _, mHour: Int, mMinute: Int ->
timeState.value.entry = "$mHour:$mMinute"
mTime.value = "$mHour:$mMinute"
}, mHour, mMinute, false
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
modifier = Modifier
) {
TextButton(onClick = { }.also {
Log.d("click", "id $id clicked!") }) {
Column() {
// if I use just this it works [in changes to the time picked]
//Text(text = mTime.value)
// if i use both of these BOTH are set when the date picker is invoked
// if I just use the second one alone, the text never changes
Text(text = timeState.value.entry)
} else {
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
modifier = Modifier
) {
Text(text = symbol, color =
#Preview(showBackground = true)
fun DefaultPreview() {
MyApplicationTestTheme {
First of all how to fix it:
Your problem basically is this. The easiest way to fix it would be to reassign the whole value of TimeState, not just entry by calling
timeState.value = timeState.value.copy(entry = "$mHour:$mMinute")
The reason it doesn't work with only the second one is that the change of a property doesn't trigger recomposition, even if the variable containing it is a mutableState. To fix (as outlined in the answers to the question linked above) this you either have to reassign the whole variable or make the parameter you want to observe observable (for example changing the String to State<String>)
PS: if you use by with mutableStateOf (i.e. val timeState = remember { mutableStateOf(TimeCardEntry(id, symbol)) }) you don't have to use .value every time. I find that a lot cleaner and more readable

LazyColumn list not showing in jetpack compose

I m new To Jetpack Compose , i'm trying to create a Proxy list app , used lazy column to list proxies but its now showing .. app runs successfully but result not getting , Give Me a Solution . Thx
Lib :
fun App(){
val hiper = Hiper.getInstance().async() // for asynchronous requests
val Proxies = remember {mutableStateListOf<String>() }
Surface(modifier = Modifier
.fillMaxWidth()) {
Column(modifier = Modifier
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
Button (
modifier = Modifier.padding(all = Dp(10F)),
onClick = {
hiper.get("") { response ->
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val lines = response.text.toString().split("\n")
for (line in lines) {
}) { Text(text = "Get Proxies") }
LazyColumn( modifier = Modifier.background( color = Color.Gray)){
items(Proxies){item ->
Text(text = item)

Android Jetpack Compose Row's height (IntrinsicSize.Min) is not stretched when children column generate more composables

The following is my code snippet. I pass in editClick that adds a data class object into chargingViewModel.contractSelfPay, which is observed as itemList state. When I click the icon, I can tell itemList state receives update by having more edit icons that are spaced evenly. However, BasicGrid Row's height is not stretched with Intrinsic.Min.
If I remove IntrinsicSize.Min, even though row's height is stretched, dividers no longer can fillMaxHeight as well as icon columns. without Intrinsic.Min
fun ContractSelfPay(chargingViewModel: ChargingViewModel, editClick: () -> Unit = {}) {
val itemList by chargingViewModel.contractSelfPay.observeAsState()
val composeList: List<#Composable () -> Unit> = itemList?.map {
#Composable {
Row {
TempFunc { StyledText(text = it.itemTitle) }
TempFunc { StyledText(text = it.originalPrice.toString()) }
TempFunc { StyledText(text = it.selfPay.toString(), color = self_pay_blue) }
TempFunc { StyledText(text = it.count.toString()) }
TempFunc { StyledText(text = (it.selfPay * it.count).toString()) }
} ?: listOf()
val total = itemList?.map { (it.selfPay.toInt() * it.count.toInt()) }?.sum() ?: 0
BasicGrid("全自費", composeList, total = total.toString(), editClick = editClick)
fun BasicGrid(
gridTitle: String,
itemList: List<#Composable () -> Unit>,
total: String = "0",
editClick: () -> Unit = {}
) {
Row(modifier = Modifier.height(IntrinsicSize.Min), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
StyledTextBold(text = gridTitle, modifier = Modifier.weight(15f).wrapContentWidth())
modifier = Modifier.weight(60f)
) {
itemList.forEachIndexed { index, compose ->
if (index != itemList.size - 1)
if (itemList.isEmpty())
StyledText(text = "尚未有任何紀錄", modifier = Modifier.weight(1f).wrapContentSize())
StyledTextBold(text = total, modifier = Modifier.weight(15f).wrapContentWidth())
modifier = Modifier
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly
) {
itemList.forEachIndexed { index, detail ->
painter = painterResource(R.drawable.icon_mode_edit),
contentDescription = "",
modifier = Modifier
.clickable { editClick() },
if (itemList.isNotEmpty() && index != itemList.size - 1)
I have created issue here Hopefully it gets solved.
One of the work-arounds I could think of is keeping track of height and removing IntrinsicSize.Min.
As in:
// _key_ is something that causes change of the height of the row
var height by remember(_key_) { mutableStateOf(0) }
Row(Modifier.onSizeChanged { height = it.height }) {
In your case I suppose key would be size of itemList.
Thank you Majkeee. It's been a while. The way I fixed it at the time was with custom layout modifier. Not sure if it still works today though.
fun Modifier.expandHeight() = this.then(layout { measurable, constraints ->
val placeable =
measurable.measure(constraints.copy(maxHeight = Constraints.Infinity))
layout(placeable.width, placeable.height) {
placeable.placeRelative(0, 0)
and to use it you can do
Column(modifier = Modifier.expandHeight())

Jetpack Compose - Scroll to focused composable in Column

I have UI like this:
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 16.dp)
) {
// multiple textfields
modifier = Modifier.focusOrder(countryFocus).onFocusChanged {
if(it == FocusState.Active) {
// scroll to this textfield
I have multiple TextFields in this column and when one of them is focused I want to scroll Column to it. There is a method in scrollState scrollState.smoothScrollTo(0f) but I have no idea how to get a focused TextField position.
It seems that I've found a working solution. I've used onGloballyPositioned and it works. But I'm not sure if it the best way of solving this.
var scrollToPosition = 0.0F
modifier = Modifier
.onGloballyPositioned { coordinates ->
scrollToPosition = scrollState.value + coordinates.positionInRoot().y
.onFocusChanged {
if (it == FocusState.Active) {
scope.launch {
There is a new thing in compose called RelocationRequester. That solved the problem for me. I have something like this inside of my custom TextField.
val focused = source.collectIsFocusedAsState()
val relocationRequester = remember { RelocationRequester() }
val ime = LocalWindowInsets.current.ime
if (ime.isVisible && focused.value) {
Also you can use BringIntoViewRequester
val bringIntoViewRequester = remember { BringIntoViewRequester() }
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
TextField( ..., modifier = Modifier.bringIntoViewRequester(bringIntoViewRequester)
.onFocusEvent {
if (it.isFocused) {
coroutineScope.launch {
It seems that using LazyColumn and LazyListState.animateScrollToItem() instead of Column could be a good option for your case.
By the way, thank you for the information about onGloballyPositioned() modifier. I was finding a solution for normal Column case. It saved me a lot of time!
Here's some code I used to make sure that the fields in my form were not cut off by the keyboard:
From: stack overflow - detect when keyboard is open
enum class Keyboard {
Opened, Closed
fun keyboardAsState(): State<Keyboard> {
val keyboardState = remember { mutableStateOf(Keyboard.Closed) }
val view = LocalView.current
DisposableEffect(view) {
val onGlobalListener = ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
val rect = Rect()
val screenHeight = view.rootView.height
val keypadHeight = screenHeight - rect.bottom
keyboardState.value = if (keypadHeight > screenHeight * 0.15) {
} else {
onDispose {
return keyboardState
and then in my composable:
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val isKeyboardOpen by keyboardAsState()
if (isKeyboardOpen == Keyboard.Opened) {
val view = LocalView.current
val screenHeight = view.rootView.height
scope.launch { scrollState.scrollTo((screenHeight * 2)) }
Surface(modifier = Modifier
) {
//Rest of your Composables, Columns, Rows, TextFields, Buttons
//add this so the screen can scroll up and keyboard cannot cover the form fields - Important!
if (isKeyboardOpen == Keyboard.Opened) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(140.dp))
Hope it helps someone. I was using:
val bringIntoViewRequester = remember { BringIntoViewRequester() }
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val view = LocalView.current
DisposableEffect(view) {
val listener = ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
scope.launch { bringIntoViewRequester.bringIntoView() }
onDispose { view.viewTreeObserver.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(listener) }
Surface(modifier.bringIntoViewRequester(bringIntoViewRequester)) {
///////////rest of my composables
But this did not work.
