I am having an LTI integration issue with Blackboard. The common cartridge won't load and am troubleshooting the issue. Are there any workarounds that can improve the process?
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I created a website (a Ruby on Rails application) that I would like to make open-source so that the community can make improvements. The source code is already publicly available on GitHub. However, I'd like to set up my server so that when I accept a pull request, the code is automatically deployed to production.
I doubt that I'm the first person to think of such a thing, so maybe a tool already exists to handle this. Currently I use Capistrano to deploy my application. Maybe there is a plugin available to add this sort of behavior. I also want to avoid publicizing the production API keys which currently only exist on the server.
If a tool/plugin does not already exist, what do I need to do in order to implement this type of behavior.
After some research, I wasn't able to find an open-source tool or tutorial on how to do this yourself. However, I came across some services which provide this functionality.
Travis CI
Travis CI is a continuous integration service which runs your test suite on every commit. They offer a "Continuous Deployment" feature which allows you to deploy on a successful build. When a GitHub pull request is merged into master, this triggers a Travis build and will deploy if all your tests pass. However, they have a limited list of hosting providers that they support.
Ninefold is a hosting provider and on the list Travis CI supported services. However, Ninefold has their own built-in support for automatic deployments which do not require you to use Travis. https://help.ninefold.com/hc/en-us/articles/200847214-How-to-deploy-an-app
I ended up migrating to Ninefold and using Travis CI to deploy.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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We are in the evaluation phase of integrating Omniture SiteCatalyst with our website, but I cannot find any link to create Omniture SiteCatalyst trial account.
I have found the below link for site catalyst login:
But this link only for existing users. Sign up for new users is not there.
I know that Omniture site catalyst is a paid service. Do they provide trail accounts for evaluation purpose?
Any help would be highly appriciated..
Thank You,
The way Omniture works, is that everything will go through a sales engineer or client rep. The only way you'll get a free trial is if the sales engineer sets one up for you, so I'd suggest contacting their sales department.
Omniture is a suite of products aimed at the Enterprise/big end of town, they're not really aimed at the little guy. The benefits of it over other web analytics tools are directed at this market..things like integration with other data systems and test and target etc.
So they don't do free trials, they're not a "freemium" business model.
To be honest, a smaller-medium site wouldn't find it as as exciting or sexy as some of the other newer, more nimble solutions on the market.
I just Found out this URL:
Guess this should help. I am also in the process of creating one. Let's see how this goes.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any Jira Plugin for Subversive that let's you choose the Jira Issue in the Subversive commit Dialog?
For now we write the Issue Number manually in each commit.
accidentally committing to the wrong Issue because Number was mixed up
needs more time to switch from Jira to copy the number to Comit Dialog and paste it
atlassian connector for eclipse provides a way to import JIRA data into eclipse. Not sure if it lists the issues on commit screen. However, you won't have to switch windows at least.
Two other possibilities are:
a) the JIRA Commit Acceptance Plugin
It allows to check if the issue does exists in JIRA and optionally if the committer has been assigned the issue.
b) TortoiseSVN Plugin
Allows to list issues (using a JIRA filter) and indicate for which issue the commit is being done
Although I strongly believe that the commit-to-issue linking should be handled in the server-side (not by trusting the SVN client), the JIRA Commit Acceptance Plugin mentioned in Francis' answer is not maintained for several years.
Earlier this year we analyzed its shortcomings, and built a new JIRA add-on to tackle the same problem using all modern JIRA features, like:
JQL for super-flexible conditions
P2 framework for fast installations and upgrades without JIRA restarts
Standard REST API
(The full comparison is available here.)
The new add-on called Commit Policy is available from the Atlassian Marketplace!
(Diclr: I'm a developer working on both the old and the new add-ons.)
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Where can I dig up a Ruby or Ruby on Rails library for SAML 2.0 SSO. I have a set of enterprise applications that are to be built but need to have federated login from a central authentication system. I have used SAML 1.1 and SAML 2.0 in a Microsoft .Net environment but have yet to see a library that handles both SAML Providers and Consumers for Ruby on Rails. Can someone point me in the right direction or tell me if I need to build the library myself?
I played with this one once: https://github.com/onelogin/ruby-saml
It might be what you're looking for.
AssureBridge SSOExchange is a service that supports SAML 1.1 and 2.0. It is available with a simple Ruby connector that integrates simply into Ruby apps without the need for the developer to know any SAML. It typically requires only a few lines of code in you r application.
Check it out at: http://www.assurebridge.com/integrations/
The best places to look are Ruby Toolbox and Rubygems.org - if it's not there, you may try Github, but your chances are slim now.
My rule is: estimate how long it would take you to build it yourself. If you have spend a reasonable amount of time (say, 10%) on finding an existing solution, but none is out there (or working), then code it yourself.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Grails is great. Yet, sometimes, we just need a quick, lightweight web framework. Is there such a thing out there?
Ratpack is inspired by the excellent Sinatra framework for Ruby, and aims to make Groovy web development more classy.
If you are utilising the Google App Engine, there is Gaelyk
I haven't used them personally but Gaelyk is built on top of Groovlets I believe: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Groovlets
Portofino is written in Java and Groovy. The basic idea of Portofino is to automatically analyze the structure of an existing database, create a basic application structure, and then customize, handle permissions, etc.
If you have an existing relational database, this is a quick and easy way to bring it on-line with a nice user interface.
How about just using spring boot and write everything in groovy.
You can use the Spring Initializr to generate a brand new project with the required stack baked in
With Grails 3 you can to create an ultralight application with the next command
grails create-app appName --profile=web-micro
Update: With Grails 3.1.0 the option is
grails create-app appName --profile=web-api
The generated application is stripped with only the necessary dependencies to create a restful api.
Caelyf - Lightweight Groovy toolkit for Cloud Foundry. Caelyf
Gretty - Simple groovy++ web framework for both building web servers and clients. Built on top of netty and NIO. groovypp/gretty
Graffiti - lightweight web framework for Groovy inspired by Sinatra