Unable to use custom tooltip component in react ag-grid. Error: Could not find component props ,did you forget to configure this component? - tooltip

I have implemented custom tooltip same as example in the ag grid documentation. But still facing the error as shown in link when I hover on specified column.

Able to resolve this error by upgrading the version of ag grid to 27.1.0 and by adding tooltip values based on params.data keys


How to Add Extra Information in Hover/Tooltip

I want to add extra information in hover/tooltip in below shared highcharts links.
Please check and help.
Did similar thing by using tooltip point formatter. Added the data as a different property "tooltipData" in series object, and later used it in the formatter and modified tooltip accordingly.
Link: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/tooltip.formatter

Tooltips sometimes appear empty under splite-plot-bands highcharts

I'm testint information from a page with Selenium Webdriver. I have a graphic like this: https://www.highcharts.com/demo/spline-plot-bands
and I'm having a problem when I try to get the info inside of every dot.
You have to know that this type of highcharts, every dot has the same xpath so, it's impossible to reach to different dots. I can only get one info in one dot.
//Click on toolip
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(dot));
// action class to click
Actions action = new Actions((WebDriver) driver); action.click(element).build().perform();
String toolTipText = driver.findElement(By.xpath(tooltip)).getText(); if(!toolTipText.contains(example))
sb.append("===> Content error");
The problem is that ramdomly, I get empty info from that tooltips. Sometimes I correctly get the info but sometimes it appears empty. Why? Will it be problem because json call? I don't know what could I do...do you have any ideas?
Thanks so much in advance guys!!
I think you are looking wrong way at highcharts, please refer this highchart docs. Highchart is chart plugin that auto render HTML SVG based on highchart options.
To understand problem with tooltip information, you need to look into highchart series data, point objects. point object is contains information related to each dot in chart.

Primefaces3.4 DateTime Support in Line Chart

I am trying to display a datetime line chart, in a continuous style, using primefaces 3.4 which internally uses jqplot.
It should be possible, according to this:
however, my result is just a normal discrete chart.
Has anyone succeeded?
The primefaces author says:
Using new extender feature you can configure the chart the way you want before it is rendered on client side. Extender is simply a javascript function that is called before the plot is drawn so that you can override PrimeFaces provided attributes and add more to support any jqplot configuration option
What am I supposed to put in the extender for the timeline to work?
This was promising:
but xmlns:ti="http://tradeintel.co.nz/custom" no longer exists (?)
btw, continuous and discrete explained =
Any alternative (free) chart libs, that I can easily integrate with JSF2 ?
This kevindoran1.blogspot.co.nz/2012/02/using-google-charts-with-jsf.html was promising
but xmlns:ti="http://tradeintel.co.nz/custom" no longer exists (?)
I made it work with primefaces look at my detailed post here http://forum.primefaces.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=23891&p=78637#p78637
If you have any doubt don't hesitate asking me the details

Donut chart in highcharts appears messed up on export

We are using highcharts as our charting library. It's great and exporting works well in all scenarios except one. We have a donut chart with two levels. When it is rendered in the browser it shows up fine:
If you now export this chart using the default highcharts service it shows a bit like this:
Anyone know why this is happening and if there is any way we can fix this?
I would recommend creating a fiddle of your problem, and emailing HighCharts support about it (or link the fiddle here), they are very helpful and usually respond quickly.
Your problem does however seem to be related to your code as I also generate and export donut charts with no problems
My mistake in the configuration was when I was dynamically updating the colour:
chart.series[0].data[s].update({color: "#FFFFFF")}, false);
This didn't just mean I was updating the color but also the whole point. This meant that by running the above I was running y to nothing! Although the chart displayed ok the data sent to the exporting service was with unset values for the slices.. hence the empty slices in the chart. to fix it I had to do something like:
color: "#FFFFFF",
y: chart.series[0].data[s].y,
name: chart.series[0].data[s].name,
)}, false);

How can I setup TListView with CheckBoxes in only certain columns?

I'm using Delphi 2010, and I am trying to allow the user to select between 2 options per row in a TListView. With TListView, I can set the style to vsReport and enable Checkboxes, but that only gets me 1 checkbox per row. What I need is 2 checkboxes per row...specifically 1 for the 1st column and 1 for the 2nd column.
What I am trying to accomplish is very similar to the standard Windows file security dialog:
Does anyone have any suggestions for implementing something like this using TListView or even MustangPeak's TEasyListView?
Take a look at this
Put a TCheckBox inside a TStringGrid in Delphi
The link shows how to draw checkboxes. You can do the same using TListView.OnCustomDrawItem and/or OnCustomDrawSubItem events
I use my own modified version of ExGridView by Roman Mochalov, and full sources for my modified version, plus a demo here (open the Demo in the Demo2 folder) showing checkboxes.
