How can i make Soap calls with OAuth2 in SalesForce? - oauth-2.0

I successfully authenticate using OAuth2 to Salesforce and i get back
access_token,signature,scope,id_token,instance_url,id,token_type,issued_at in json format.
Now in my c# code I make calls using Soap , the first is login, but this is no longer needed as I have authenticated already with OAuth.
I try to setup the service and then call
_service = new SalesForceEnterpriseService.SforceService() { Timeout = 60000, Url =
instance_url };
_service.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader() { sessionId = access_token };
_service.QueryOptionsValue = new QueryOptions { batchSize = 200, batchSizeSpecified =
true };
DescribeGlobalResult result = _service.describeGlobal(); <----but it fails here
I get an exception:
Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', but expected
The request failed with the error message:
What i found is that the Url returned with a Login from Soap is different to that returned after authenticating using OAuth2.
OAuth returns somethin like
whereas the Soap Login returns
Any help with this would be great.


Ballerina Oauth2 authenticated endpoint returning a 406

I am trying to call a 3rd party service that uses Oauth2 Password Credentials to get an authentication token. Ballerina is returning the following messages.
2020-04-23 15:07:35,414 ERROR [ballerina/oauth2] - Received an invalid response with status-code: 406; and payload: {"fault":{"faultstring":"Raising fault. Fault name : RF.Raise-406-Exception","detail":{"errorcode":"steps.raisefault.RaiseFault"}}}
2020-04-23 15:07:35,418 ERROR [ballerina/oauth2] - Failed to generate OAuth2 token. : error {ballerina/oauth2}Error message=Received an invalid response with status-code: 406; and payload: {"fault":{"faultstring":"Raising fault. Fault name : RF.Raise-406-Exception","detail":{"errorcode":"steps.raisefault.RaiseFault"}}}
error {ballerina/http}AuthenticationFailed message=Failed to prepare request at bearer auth handler. cause=error {ballerina/auth}Error message=Failed to generate OAuth2 token. cause=error {ballerina/oauth2}Error message=Received an invalid response with status-code: 406; and payload: {"fault":{"faultstring":"Raising fault. Fault name : RF.Raise-406-Exception","detail":{"errorcode":"steps.raisefault.RaiseFault"}}}
It's the 406 code that is confusing me as I have set both the content type & accept headers to "application/json" which is what the service requires.
However, the second message says "Failed to generate OAuth2 token" so could it be the call to get the oauth token that is returning the 406? If so how do I set the accept header on the token service call?
Using Ballerina I have called the token endpoint and successfully got a token but if I try to call a service using a PasswordGrantConfig those are the errors I get. I've tried everything I can think of and have successfully got other services using ClientCredentialsGrantConfig to work.
Any help gratefully received.
The relevant code is below. The three sections below are parts of the code in 3 different .bal files.
// configure the Oauth2 Config
import ballerina/config;
import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/oauth2;
public function getOauth2Handler() returns http:BearerAuthHandler {
oauth2:PasswordGrantConfig passwordGrantConfig = {
tokenUrl: config:getAsString("experian.authentication.tokenUrl"),
username: config:getAsString("experian.authentication.username"),
password: config:getAsString("experian.authentication.password"),
clientId: config:getAsString("experian.authentication.clientId"),
clientSecret: config:getAsString("experian.authentication.clientSecret"),
credentialBearer: http:AUTH_HEADER_BEARER
oauth2:OutboundOAuth2Provider oauth2Provider = new (passwordGrantConfig);
return new (oauth2Provider);
// Configure the API Client
http:ClientConfiguration delphiSelectClientConfig = {
auth: {
authHandler: experian:getOauth2Handler()
experian:DelphiSelectClientConfig delphiSelectConfig = {
serviceUrl: config:getAsString(""),
clientConfig: delphiSelectClientConfig
experian:DelphiSelectClient delphiSelectClient = new (delphiSelectConfig);
// Call the endpoint using the Oath2 configuration
import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/io;
public type DelphiSelectClientConfig record {
string serviceUrl;
http:ClientConfiguration clientConfig;
public type DelphiSelectClient client object {
public http:Client clientEp;
public http:ClientConfiguration config;
public function __init(DelphiSelectClientConfig config) {
http:Client httpEp = new (config.serviceUrl, {auth: config.clientConfig.auth});
self.clientEp = httpEp;
self.config = config.clientConfig;
public remote function newApplication() returns #untainted json|error {
io:println("In newApplication function");
http:Request request = new;
json requestBody = newApplicationBody; // get test data from json in another file
var response = check self.clientEp->post("/application", request);
var payload = check response.getJsonPayload();
return payload;
I have also modified my test code to call the token EP and deliberately set accept to an unacceptable value, for example, "text/csv". In this case I get the same error response. However setting accept to "*/*" does work. Final test; accept of "" (empty) also fails so I suspect that the BearerAuthHandler is not setting any value for accept.
So can I force the BearerAuthHandler to set an accept of "application/json"?
See picture below.
Also, the example in the Oath2 spec you referenced shows a content-type value being set. Even a value of “*/*” would work but I suspect Ballerina leaves it blank.
I have raised the GitHub issue Need to be able to set http header values for OutboundOAuth2Provider
The main objective of http:OutboundAuthHandler objects are to prepare the http:Request with authentication information that needs to be authenticated with external endpoint you are calling to.
The http:BearerAuthHandler is responsible for adding Authorization header with the value of Bearer <token>. "token" is prepared with the provided information. So, there is no option to force http:BearerAuthHandler to set any header for the request.
But in this case, if the API successfully respond if there is Accept header with the value of application/json, you can simply add that header to the http:Request before calling the POST request as follow:
request.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");

OAuth1 Authentication in RestSharp for Twitter API GET and POST methods

Using Postman I'm successfully able to query and create tailored audiences using the Twitter API, using Postman's OAuth 1.0 Authorization. However when trying to do the same with RestSharp I get an Unauthorized error.
"UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS" - "This request is not properly authenticated".
My GET request authenticates fine, but the POST request fails.
_twitterRestClient = new RestClient("")
Authenticator = OAuth1Authenticator.ForProtectedResource(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, AccessToken, AccessSecret)
var restRequest1 = new RestRequest(string.Format("/accounts/{0}/tailored_audiences", TwitterAccountId), Method.GET);
//this works and gives me a list of my tailored audiences
var response1 = _twitterRestClient.Execute(restRequest1);
var restRequest2 = new RestRequest(string.Format("/accounts/{0}/tailored_audiences?name=SampleAudience2&list_type=EMAIL", TwitterAccountId), Method.POST);
// this results in an "Unauthorized" status code , and the message {\"code\":\"UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS\",\"message\":\"This request is not properly authenticated\"}
var response2 = _twitterRestClient.Execute(restRequest2);
Turns out this is due to a quirk in RestSharp OAuth1 implementation. I think its related to this issue - . Part of creating an OAuth1 signature involves gathering all the parameters in the request and other details and then hashing it all. It looks like when the HTTP Method is a POST, then RestSharp is not expecting parameters in the querystring (which makes sense), its expecting them in the post body. Anyhow if you add parameters explicitly then they are picked up and the OAuth1 signing works. (Turns out the twitter API works if these params are in the post body, so I didn't need to explicitly add them to the query string). Updated code that now works:
_twitterRestClient = new RestClient("")
Authenticator = OAuth1Authenticator.ForProtectedResource(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, AccessToken, AccessSecret)
var restRequest1 = new RestRequest(string.Format("/accounts/{0}/tailored_audiences", TwitterAccountId), Method.GET);
var response1 = _twitterRestClient.Execute(restRequest1);
var restRequest2 = new RestRequest(string.Format("/accounts/{0}/tailored_audiences", TwitterAccountId), Method.POST);
restRequest2.AddParameter("name", "SampleAudience2");
restRequest2.AddParameter("list_type", "EMAIL");
var response2 = _twitterRestClient.Execute(restRequest2);

Get access_token using Windows Service's or Console App. for Instagram Api

My windows service is collect instagram datas from instagram api. I was using client_id but this uses format is removed.
Instagram api is want to access_token but Oauth 2.0 is web-based. or not?
I using .NET and my application type is windows service and web request don't work because this call url: "" is have one more contain redirect. so web response haven't contain my web application link also auto redirect is open..
what should I do?
Steps to get instagram access token
register ur application in instagram account.
get a client id and client secret.
Step 1: HIT the below url.
step 2: after hitting above url you will be taken to login page. enter the login credentials and take the code from address bar.
it will be live for only 20 seconds i guess.
step 3: The code which you got put it in CODE parameter in the below source code, then run the below code in console application n hit breakpoint at response. you will get access token and userid.
public void GetDataInstagramToken()
NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection();
parameters.Add("client_id", "CLIENT-ID");
parameters.Add("client_secret", "CLIENT-Secret");
parameters.Add("grant_type", "authorization_code");
parameters.Add("redirect_uri", "REDIRECT-URI");
parameters.Add("code", "CODE");
WebClient client = new WebClient();
var result = client.UploadValues("", "POST", parameters);
var response = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(result);
// deserializing nested JSON string to object
var jsResult = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response);
string accessToken = (string)jsResult["access_token"];
catch (Exception)
//exception catch

Passing Authentication from WebApp to WebAPI using BreezeJS

I am having two web applications, one a SPA using AngularJS + BreezeJS and the other a WebAPI. We are building authorization in the WebAPI and the results get filtered based on user access. We want the user to sign-in into organization Azure AD in the SPA and pass the same authentication to WebAPI.
I am using ADAL JS library for authentication in SPA and have successfully handled that. However, I am not able to pass the same authentication to WebAPI using BreezeJS. Our WebAPI is OData v3 and without authn, Breeze works fine. We have customized the defaultHttpClient to add customer headers for DataVersion and MaxDataVersion since DataJS needs it.
var oldClient = OData.defaultHttpClient;
var myClient = {
request: function (request, success, error) {
request.headers.DataServiceVersion = '3.0';
request.headers.MaxDataServiceVersion = '4.0';
return oldClient.request(request, success, error);
OData.defaultHttpClient = myClient;
However, I am not sure how to pass authentication token.
I have done following in entityManager
var ajaxAdapter = breeze.config.getAdapterInstance("ajax");
ajaxAdapter.defaultSettings = {
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
as per the comments by Ward Bell on one of the posts by John Papa. However, this does not seem to be working. Need help.
After some tinkering with the HTTP requests, I found out that the Bearer token that we were expecting to be passed on to server was actually not happening. Reason being we were not using ajaxAdapter in breeze. We had to add that header ourselves and send the request. We had setup an application in Azure AD. We had to pickup the key for the client application to get the token from storage. This prefixed with "Bearer " did the trick. Here is the sample code for custom adapter:
var oldClient = OData.defaultHttpClient;
var myClient = {
request: function (request, success, error) {
request.headers.DataServiceVersion = '3.0';
request.headers.MaxDataServiceVersion = '3.0';
request.headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + adalAuthenticationService.getCachedToken('<<your AD client app key here>>');
return oldClient.request(request, success, error);
OData.defaultHttpClient = myClient;

how to get user information from Withings api on grails

I'm trying to get user information from Withings Api, i've already success login into Withings with Oauth using Scribe library(Java). But there is a problem when i sent request to get user information follow Withings Api document it always return result with error code.
I've tried some way but it didn't work. Can someone help me to solve this problem.
Withings Api
First i call withings action in WithingsController.groovy to get authentication.
After authenticate success server return access token, in withingsCallback action i get user information.
Result return when get user information is result code of Withings Api
This is my code
def getAuthDetails(callbackUrl) {
if (!authService) {
authService = new ServiceBuilder()
.apiKey( grailsApplication.config.oauth.withings.key as String )
.apiSecret( grailsApplication.config.oauth.withings.secret as String )
.callback( callbackUrl as String )
Token requestToken = authService.getRequestToken();
[ authUrl : authService.getAuthorizationUrl(requestToken), requestToken : requestToken ]
def getWithingsUserInformation(Token accessToken,String userId){
String url = ''+userId;
OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest( Verb.POST, url )
authService.signRequest(accessToken, request)
Response response = request.send()
return response
def getAccessToken( params, requestToken ){
requestToken = requestToken as Token
Verifier verifier = new Verifier( params.oauth_verifier )
authService.getAccessToken(requestToken, verifier);
def withings() {
def authInfo = withingsService.getAuthDetails(createLink(action: 'withingsCallback', controller: 'withings', absolute: 'true'))
if (authInfo.requestToken)
session["withings_requestToken"] = authInfo.requestToken
def withingsCallback(){
def accessToken = withingsService.getAccessToken(params, session["withings_requestToken"])
session["withings_accessToken"] = accessToken
if(accessToken) {
def profile
String userId = params.userid
profile = withingsService.getWithingsUserInformation(accessToken,userId)
Unless I'm missing something, it looks like you are not redirecting your user to get the "access token". After you get a request token:
you then generate a authentication url
redirect the user to this authentication url
they will authenticate
if authentication is successful, provider will call your callback with access token
So your withings action should include:
def withings() {
def authInfo = withingsService.getAuthDetails(createLink(action: ....
if (authInfo.requestToken)
session["withings_requestToken"] = authInfo.requestToken
//are you missing this?
If you're using some type of http debugging/logging, check for the following request after your withings action.
Though this is unrelated to the question initially asked, I thought I would post here since this was a common stopping ground for me reaching a Withings 2554 error.
If updating to the newest version of Withings Api for access token authentication, the current version of the Withings Api will now also cause this 2554 status code if you do not attach action: requesttoken to the access token request body.
Additionally, when pulling apart the response, make sure to drill into the body of the payload, since the latest version of the Withings access token api delivers its payload contents differently. This may be a no brainer for those implementing from scratch, but if you are using an oauth library, most of this behavior is abstracted by the library, and it likely won't be anticipating the payload structure to contain the body field.
more info here:
