Linked lists in MIPS - point of example? - linked-list

I am working with linked lists in MIPS, and have one example that I am not sure about. It says:
write function rotate(head, a, b) that rotates elements of linked lists from position a to position b, such that if element was on position i(that belongs segment a,b) its new position is b+a-i. Numbers a,b are choosen such that a<b. Now, I don't get point of this example, because after we change elements for every position i, list will stay the same because of the formula(also it is considered that position of elements in list starts with 1 and goes to length of list).
Also, for every node in list, I think it is enough to replace only value field for corresponding indexes right(next field is not neccessary). Last sentence I am considering only if I had example where elements of list would really change(if my assumption above is correct).


How do I create a list of non-repeating cells/numbers in Google Sheets?

I’m trying to emulate Minesweeper in Google Sheets, and for this I want to create a second map adjacent to the first with all of the correct values already in it. To randomize bomb position, I need a list of random numbers or cells(cells would be preferable). However, I cannot figure out how to do this without ending up repeating numbers. The result would ideally be a vertical array of cell coordinates. Thank you!
The following formula should produce the result you desire:
In =MAKEARRAY, change the first 10 to adjust how many rows to randomly choose from, or the second 10 to adjust how many columns to choose from. The value in =RANDARRAY must be equal to the product of the number of rows and the number of columns. (e.g. in the above example, 10*10=100).
Change the 20 to adjust how many randomly chosen values to return.
=MAKEARRAY is used to generate an array of every possible row and column combination. It accepts a =LAMBDA, which in this case is just the =ADDRESS function. The first two arguments of =MAKEARRAY determine how large the array should be, which is why changing them adjusts how many rows/columns to randomly pick from.
Then, the result of =MAKEARRAY is squashed into a single column using the =FLATTEN formula.
Finally, the entire thing is sorted randomly using =SORTN combined with =RANDARRAY. =SORTN also limits the number of results that are returned dependent on its second argument, which is why changing it adjusts how many results are returned.
If you want information on how to "freeze" the value of =RANDARRAY so it doesn't recalculate each time you change something, check out this question by player0.
Functions used:

change output cell based on different cell's value

I'm creating a spreadsheet about my paylog.
I want to have a sum where it tells me how much still needs to be payed out based on if the box next to it is y or n (y=payed out, n=payed out, which means go into the sum box)
After viewing that, this should be the result.
Based on that info then I would change up a few different things to avoid the circular dependency. For your total formula, I would use as SUMIF: =SUMIF(B:B,"n",C:C) That will only count the values in column c if column b is equal to "n". Next I would use conditional formatting to change the font color to white for all values in column c when column b is equal to "y". I've provided a demo sheet so you can view the results. This will allow you to have values in column c which will remove the circular dependency issue. Feel free to make a copy to be able to view the editable version.
Demo Sheet here
I'm sure there are many other ways to accomplish your goal but without more info...that is a direction I would go.

JK-Flip Flop: K-Map to find the Value of Next State (Qn+1)

Given the Truth Table, Characteristic Table and Excitation table for a JK Flip Flop. I am doing a K-Map to find Qn+1 (next state) given J, K and current State. The K-Map from a tutorial explaining this is shown below:
Why isn't JK' (not K) not included in the equation for Qn+1 ? Why is Qn+1 = QnK'+JQn when there is a grouping of two 1's in the right most corner which equals JK'
There should be atleast one non-overlapping cell in every group we are considering.
In your situation, JK' cannot be considered as both the cells is already present in 2 other groups and there is no non-overlapping cells.
Hence there is no point in considering JK'

How to generate a certain amount of numbers and spread them randomly across a grid?

I want to generate the number 2 5 times and the number 1 10 times. I'm trying to spread these across a String Grid in Delphi randomly. I also want to fill the rest of the grid that isn't 1 or 2, with 0's. I have no idea how to even start here.
It would look something like this (P stands for player and there would only be 5 2's and 10 1's):
Given a grid with dimensions m×n, create an array of length m * n. Put five 2's and 10 1's in the array, and fill the remainder with 0's. (We'll assume the product of m and n is at least 15.) Shuffle the array. Copy each element of the shuffled array into successive cells in the grid.
While the approach represented in Robs answer will do the job I personally think it is way to complicated for it's purpose.
So what would be more simpler approach?
Well your goal is to place these numbers at random positions in grid.
How do you determine position of some object in a grid? You do it by its X (Column) and Y (Row) coordinates.
So how do you get random position in a grid? Simple chose two random values for X and Y coordinates.
As for placing certain numbers of number 1 and number 2 use two simple loops.

Detect text columns from word positions

I have a tiff file and the text on it, which has been OCR'd at an earlier stage. The words have their exact positions as information (upper left, lower right). I now need to read the text within a user-drawn rectangle.
Normal paragraphs are no problem, but I don't know how I should handle text columns. If there are two paragraphs next to each other, simply taking the row as a single line would make the result unusable.
Are there algorithms to help me put the words in the right order? I'm guessing that I have to examine the spaces between words to detect patterns that identify columns. I would like to avoid processing the image directly, although it should be possible (but no OCR).
I am also unsure about the influence of lists/tables, e.g. in orders & bills. A line-orientated approach would probably be better here.
I am developing in Delphi, but adaptable algorithms in other languages would also be appreciated.
edit: I will try to post sample data tomorrow, but basically I have an Array of Words, with their respective coordinates on the image (I could easily draw a rectangle around them, for example).
Suppose your original text is in two columns like this:
Aaaa bb ccc ddddd mmmm nn oooo pp
eee fff ggggg hh qqq rrrrrrrrr
i jjjj kkk lll sss tttt uu.
From your description, it sounds like your OCR has given you the individual words and their bounding rectangles. If the original page is scanned orthogonally, then all of the words on a given line should have the same (or very close) y values. If they're not exactly the same, you can do an integer division on the vertical positions with some fraction of a typical box height. That should cluster the y values. You can do similar processing on the x coordinates to ensure that words at the edge of a column also have identical x values.
To detect the separate columns, I'd try making a histogram of all the "left" values of all the words (or right edges if your text runs right-to-left). You should see a peak at the beginning of each column.
You can probably rule out any false positives by ensuring that, on every line, there is a gap between the right coordinate of the last box before the candidate start of a column. The gap should probably be at least as large as the smallest width of any word.
You can then partition your words up into column groups by checking which horizontal range their left and right coordinates fall in to. In our example, the words from Aaaa through lll would end up in the first partition and the words from mmmm through uu. would end up in the second partition.
Within each partition, you can then partition on line by sorting on the y coordinates. Finally, for each line, you sort on the x coordinate. (Whether you sort on ascending or descending depends on your coordinate system and the direction your text flows.)
The same basic idea could be applied to tables as well as columns of text, but you might need some tweaks to deal with things like right-justified cells.
