Roboflow. After export images (after Preprocessing and Augmentation), didn't get all images in zip - roboflow

After export images (after Preprocessing and Augmentation), didn't get all images. Roboflow generate 721 images and after export (in zip) only got 30 images.

Hi can you please invite to your public project and share the name of your workspace as a response here, so we may investigate further.
Would also be helpful to know what export format was selected


ROS: Using images from bag as subscriber

I am working on a ROS project and struggling with this problem.
Currently, I am using aruco_ros.
I have a bag file that contains raw images, and I want to get published topics from aruco_ros based on the file. So, I modified single.launch like below.
And then, I did this.
$ roslaunch aruco_ros single.launch
However, I could receive nothing from all published topics. From rviz, I recognized that image from aruco_ros is located at image/debug, so I modified the path to "/camera/color/image_raw" after writing a command
$ rosbag play -l my_bag.bag
At rviz, the image is well displayed, but the published topics are still emtpy.
I tried multiple attempts but I have no idea how this will work. Could you help me out?

Export multiple image versions in GIMP (different resolution)

I want to export my image with multiple sizes (192x192, 144x144, 96x96, 72x72, 44x44).
Is there an easy and effective way to do that or do I have to scale it manually each time?
See the ofn-export-sizes script. The ZIP contains an HTML doc. Installation instructions at the bottom of the download page.

Get a list of images in the project in iOS?

I imported a lot of images into my app. I could use imageNamed: for each item but it is very hard to do manually (~50 images). Can I somehow get a list of them? It is just for testing purposes, so private api is acceptable too.
Or will it be easier for me to rename them to something like 1.jpg, 2.jpg and etc.
the best way for you is rename you file to ( 1,2,3 xxx )
but there is a tool that help you to see you picture from app bundle during your coding

How to create bag file?

I use ros and sample .bag files. I try to create my own .bag file from my images or video data. How can I do it?
This guide says has a topic named "Recording and replaying bag files
" But it doesn't use images.
As mikkola said in his comment you need to publish your images to a topic. Once your images are being published, the rosbag record -O mybackfile.bag image-topic-name will record the images too.
If you are not publishing the images then you need to write an image publisher. In order to do that you must load each images with OpenCV, convert it to sensor_msgs::ImagePtr and send it via image_transport::Publisher. Here is a full example of an image publisher.

Writing Image to ALAssetsLibrary Results in a Different File Hash

I have an application that is downloading images from a server and inserting them into the iPhone's ALAssetsLibrary so that the user can see those images in their saved album. I am trying to do a confirmation by comparing file hashes to ensure the image was downloaded successfully. I have the file hash as the file exists on the server. Once I finish writing the image to the ALAssetsLibrary, I generate a file hash on the client. I'm observing that the file hashes are different but the files appear to be the same. I'm curious as to whether or not the client is altering these images somehow that I may not know about (aspect ratio, scale, metadata, etc). Any guidance, opinions, or advice would be helpful.
The image-data itself is not altered during import into the Assets-Library. However, I observed that JPEG files get about 10KB bigger, after they have been imported into the Assets-Library. The Assets-Library seems to add a JFIF-Metadata-Dictionary to the file, if not already present.
